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Highest-Supported All Projects Issues
issueResolutionSupport Stance DistributionACSUsersASPU
An option for Clientside ammo in Survival/Co-op [hard to describe in the title, read on] open
strong support
63 34 1.85
Force players to spectate when they die reopened
strong support
49 25 1.96
"sv_externalbanfile" replaces master banlist open
strong support
39 20 1.95
Problem connecting to slaughtermaps open
strong support
33 17 1.94
Force skins of enemies and allies reopened
strong support
27 14 1.93
Zandronum versioning overhaul open
strong support
26 13 2.00
Mouse gets stuck when Alt-Tabbing out of FullScreen waiting for zdoom
strong support inclined in favor
24 13 1.85
Custom vote definitions, aka VOTEINFO open
strong support
22 11 2.00
Crash and spam of P_PlayerThink: No body for "# " reopened
strong support inclined in favor
22 12 1.83
Account system development/discussion open
strong support
22 15 1.47

Lowest-Supported All Projects Issues
issueResolutionSupport Stance DistributionACSUsersASPU
cl_showspawns still visible after a countdown open
strong rejection
-6 3 -2.00
Lowering the flood limit for server query protocol open
strong rejection
-6 3 -2.00
Deprecate and remove IRC client denied
strong rejection
-6 3 -2.00
Lua denied
strong support inclined against it strong rejection
-5 12 -0.42
Merge sv_nocrouch and sv_allowcrouch etc denied
strong support inclined against it strong rejection
-5 5 -1.00
Chaingun Auto-sniping alias denied
strong rejection
-4 2 -2.00
ClassifyActor - not work in online invalid
strong support strong rejection
-4 4 -1.00
Say_log command denied
inclined against it strong rejection
-3 2 -1.50
When spectators use the summon and summonfriend cheats, the actor is summoned where the player has spectated open
inclined against it strong rejection
-3 2 -1.50
Add a dmflag to forcefully enable the chasecam for all players suspended
inclined against it strong rejection
-3 2 -1.50

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