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Doomseeker - Roadmap

Doomseeker - 1.5.0 (Scheduled For Release 2031-01-02) View Issues ]
- 0004421: [Epic] Doomseeker 1.5.0 release - new.
- 0004107: [Suggestion] Add support for Zandronum's SQF2_GAMEMODE_NAME / SQF2_GAMEMODE_SHORTNAME - new.
- 0004057: [Suggestion] Add a way to set custom parameters per server - new.
- 0004094: [Suggestion] Make it possible to configure optional wads before joining a server - new.
- 0004083: [Cleanup] qrand() is deprecated - new.
- 0003753: [Documentation] UI design guidelines are missing - new.
- 0004065: [Suggestion] Add a way to notify people when there is a party on some server - acknowledged.
- 0004005: [UI] Unable to search and sort servers by country flag - acknowledged.
- 0004173: [Suggestion] Add failure check for when the test-release file is not found and show a popup - confirmed.
- 0003480: [UI] Optional simplification of Create Game box - confirmed.
- 0004191: [Bug] Doomseeker lists incorrect IP address when attempting to connect to a LAN server (Zalewa) - needs testing.
- 0004110: [Suggestion] When exporting demo files, export the .ini file together with .cld. Also add a way to import demos. (Zalewa) - needs testing.
- 0004142: [Suggestion] Support the Zandronum's segmented server query response (Zalewa) - needs testing.
 - 0004147: [Suggestion] Enable the Zandronum segmented server query by default (Zalewa) - needs testing.
- 0004131: [Wadseeker sites] ' [^]' changing to' [^]' (Zalewa) - needs testing.
- 0003732: [Security] No build-time configuration to disable IP2C auto updates (phoning home) (Zalewa) - needs testing.
- 0004117: [Suggestion] Add filtering by address (Zalewa) - needs testing.
- 0004130: [Bug] Doomseeker requests with flag SQF2_PWAD_HASHES even if flag 'check the integrity of local wads' is disabled (Zalewa) - needs testing.
- 0004127: [Bug] Loading a server config with some wads missing removes those wads from the list (Zalewa) - needs testing.
- 0004054: [Bug] Doomseeker's Git repository doesn't have annotated tags for releases (only lightweight tags) (Zalewa) - resolved.

1 of 20 issue(s) resolved. Progress (5%).

Zandronum - Roadmap

Zandronum - zdoom-sync (Scheduled For Release 2015-12-30) View Issues ]
- 0002544: [Bug] Sector brightness of 256 breaks 3D Floor and Transfer lighting. (Torr Samaho) - resolved.
- 0001133: [Suggestion] Make teleport fog target actor that teleported. (Torr Samaho) - resolved.

2 of 2 issue(s) resolved. Progress (100%).

Zandronum - 3.2 (Scheduled For Release 2022-02-20) View Issues ]
- 0003994: [Bug] GAMEMODE lump DefaultGameSettings and GameSettings override server variables. - new.
- 0003334: [Bug] Tickrate discrepancies between clients/servers (Kaminsky) - feedback.
- 0004383: [Suggestion] [3.2] Let client keep server settings when disconnecting for faster testing purposes (Kaminsky) - feedback.
- 0004355: [Bug] Missing check whether client already is logged in with "login" (Kaminsky) - feedback.
- 0004356: [Bug] Client crashes if connecting to local server with internal browser if already on same server (Kaminsky) - feedback.
- 0002706: [Bug] [2.1.2] MaxHealth/MaxArmor resets to 150 after Next Map Online - feedback.
- 0003980: [Bug] Desync with firing weapons with WEAPON.NOAUTOFIRE flag (Kaminsky) - feedback.
 - 0003491: [Bug] Berserk powerup causes weapons to desync and client to fire weapon too early (Kaminsky) - feedback.
- 0004294: [Bug] [3.2] Weapon not selected after "changemap" map change offline if telefragged during map change - confirmed.
- 0004043: [Bug] Map04 3d Floor glitch - confirmed.
- 0003976: [Bug] Possible Problems With Dehacked Lumps in Vanilla Wads - confirmed.
- 0004367: [Bug] Domination territory capture messages missing a period at ends (Kaminsky) - assigned.
- 0004335: [Suggestion] Menu option to not scale up earned medals on HUD, and group up earned medals earlier (Kaminsky) - assigned.
- 0004336: [Bug] Players don't earn medals locally if cl_medals is 0, but observing players see them earn them (Kaminsky) - assigned.
- 0004137: [Suggestion] Player is never invulnerable on respawn in non-Doom iwads, like Heretic (Kaminsky) - assigned.
- 0004136: [Bug] A_Raise can take away picked up invulnerability item instead of respawn invul (Kaminsky) - assigned.
- 0004135: [Bug] cl_respawninvuleffect 0 makes players always invulnerable on spawn when sv_norespawninvul is false (Kaminsky) - assigned.
- 0002552: [Bug] Crash and spam of P_PlayerThink: No body for "# " (Torr Samaho) - assigned.
- 0004387: [Suggestion] [3.2] Change up colors or split headers on scoreboard (Kaminsky) - needs review.
- 0004244: [Bug] Pitch for custom Decorate actors does not transfer when a map reset is initiated - needs review.
- 0004036: [Bug] UDMF maps if things have an score set, and the map is reset in survival, the score is lost - needs review.
- 0001420: [Suggestion] Custom vote definitions, aka VOTEINFO (Dusk) - needs review.
- 0004192: [Suggestion] Allow ACS to specify the next map, or `SetNextMap()` (Kaminsky) - needs testing.
- 0004340: [Bug] Client crashes when trying to spectate freely in demo (Kaminsky) - needs testing.
- 0004349: [Suggestion] ACS Function to "revive" true spectators mid game (Kaminsky) - needs testing.
- 0003848: [Bug] [Linux/SDL] OpenGL Stuttering (with fix) - needs testing.
- 0001829: [Suggestion] Customizable scoreboard (Kaminsky) - needs testing.
- 0003415: [Bug] "Address not mapped to object (signal 11)" is still present, randoms crash on my Invasion Server. (Kaminsky) - needs testing.
- 0001888: [Suggestion] Voice Chat (Kaminsky) - needs testing.
- 0004122: [Suggestion] SetPlayerSkin and skin related functions (Kaminsky) - needs testing.
- 0004134: [Suggestion] [Patch] Lump reading API for ACS - needs testing.
- 0004023: [Bug] SDL_Init must be called before gtk_init_check - needs testing.
- 0003989: [Bug] Compile fails on Fedora 35 - needs testing.
- 0004344: [Bug] Maplists don't work offline (Kaminsky) - resolved.
 - 0004430: [Bug] [3.2] Maplist regression: 1st entry is skipped online (Kaminsky) - needs review.
- 0004389: [Bug] [3.2] Intermission screen lasts 5 seconds too short if MAPINFO present (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004401: [Suggestion] Minor change to small text under large frag messages in (Team)LMS (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004402: [Bug] Missing "next round in" message during countdowns in (team)possession since 3.1 (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004390: [Bug] Spawn telefrags in Coop, (T)DM, (T)Possession, Terminator, Domination, Skulltag and (1-flag)CTF don't ignore sv_respawndelaytime (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004341: [Bug] Zandronum stable and alpha crashes when user has cl_bloodtype 2 and the class defined in bloodtype doesnt exists (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004361: [Suggestion] [3.2] Change the counters in PvP modes on the scoreboard that count "x frags left" etc. to a static "fraglimit x" (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004385: [Suggestion] [3.2] Change "1st 2nd 3rd" place colors on scoreboard from blue, red and green (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0000454: [Suggestion] "cl_showlargefragmessages" for coop spy (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004372: [Suggestion] [3.2] Add "x leads with x frags/wins/points" on scoreboard if you're a spectator in DM, Duel, Terminator, LMS and Possession (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004283: [Bug] [3.2] Players can cheat and refill lost lives by dying during win sequences in survival invasion (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0000915: [Suggestion] Add a "Wins" column to the duel scoreboard (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004280: [Bug] [3.2] Server crash with QC:DE upon turning into a spectator (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0000401: [Bug] Coop spying clients using the chasecam don't see any icons above the player sprite (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004378: [Bug] Ally icons appear when coop spying with chasecam if spied on player is in chasecam too when connecting (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004302: [Bug] Icons not shown above yourself in front of mirrors unless you're in chasecam mode (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004281: [Bug] Ally/Enemy icons flicker to respawn height a few tics too early during death state offline (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004379: [Bug] Clients think they're lagging at map starts if intermission screen lasts for 5+ seconds (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004111: [Bug] Class selection doesn't take effect on first spawn in multiplayer sessions (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004375: [Bug] Can't change class through menu in Hexen unless done twice offline (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004370: [Bug] cl_hidecountry is not updated unless client reconnects (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004374: [Bug] Spectator inherits HUD and flashes of formerly viewed player after map resets when view is reset back to self (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004358: [Suggestion] Multiplayer options menu re-arrangement (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004288: [Bug] Non-functioning point row in scoreboard and HUD in domination mode (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004352: [Suggestion] Auto-login for login_default_user (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004338: [Bug] Change default cl_ticsperupdate value from 3 to 1 (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004295: [Bug] [3.2] New scoreboard doesn't render mini-chat icon fully (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003875: [Bug] Co-op Spying + ACS ChangeCamera() Bug (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0002896: [Bug] Players lose lives during win sequences in survival invasion (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004284: [Bug] Player loses life in survival invasion if staying dead during countdown to wave (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004313: [Bug] [3.2] Lives counter not updated properly in survival invasion intermission screen. (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004312: [Suggestion] Turn "allies left" message green in TeamLMS, change "opponents" color/name and remove redundant comma (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004343: [Suggestion] sv_noallyicons and sv_noenemyicons to disable ally/enemy icons (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0000822: [Bug] Servers freeze after 24 days uptime (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0001137: [Bug] Fraglimit handled incorrectly in duels (unknownna) - resolved.
- 0004232: [Bug] Player can locally keep duplicate name after "map" map changes (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0000807: [Bug] MF_SPAWNSOUNDSOURCE not respected online - resolved.
- 0004233: [Bug] Having no weapons and trying to access PLAYERSKIN_WEAPON property crashes (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004052: [Bug] UDMF Exits Will Skip Over Maps In The Maplist (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0001116: [Bug] Client fires weapon too early after respawning (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004229: [Suggestion] Ally icon to not be affected by the BlurSphere RenderStyle effect (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004164: [Suggestion] Add enemy icon back from Skulltag + an option to toggle ally/enemy icons (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004287: [Suggestion] Fixed and improved chat icon that works in Hexen - resolved.
- 0004203: [Suggestion] New, improved Ally/Teammate and Enemy icons - resolved.
- 0003414: [Suggestion] backport 7a11be86150422174cd7d745ba5b8fe55d44c686 - resolved.
- 0004015: [Suggestion] [installer] Associate zan:// links with Doomseeker - resolved.
- 0004181: [Suggestion] [Patch] +NOMORPHLIMITATIONS feature from QZandronum - resolved.
- 0004183: [Bug] Share Key Fixes - resolved.
 - 0004189: [Bug] Reviving dead spectators won't give keys that have already been collected back - resolved.
 - 0003137: [Bug] sv_survival_nomapresetondeath 1 and sv_sharekeys 1 and sv_coop_losekeys 1 restore keys on lives restoration - resolved.
 - 0001911: [Suggestion] Make servers remember what Puzzle/Quest items have been collected and distribute them to all players upon join. - resolved.
 - 0002496: [Bug] sv_sharekeys does not work with hubs - resolved.
 - 0002441: [Bug] Keys modified by DEHACKED cannot be shared online. - resolved.
- 0004044: [Bug] Free chasecam sound panning bug (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004061: [Bug] Free chasecam gets "locked" while you're dead. (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004108: [Bug] Move bot pitch reset to StopAimingAtEnemy (patch) - resolved.
- 0004068: [Bug] Linux servers don't send out commands normally if there's at least one client connected but spectating (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004211: [Bug] GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_SPAWNED event does not trigger with ResetMap() (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004103: [Suggestion] GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_SPAWNED (3.2-alpha): arg1 true if spawned by the level for RandomSpawners (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0002207: [Bug] Killed morphed players spawn a dummy when dead spectating in gamemodes with dead spectators (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0002897: [Bug] Player_SetTeam causes client to initially select fist rather than pistol with different switchonpickup settings online - resolved.
- 0003475: [Bug] 'sv_killallmonsters' blocks Survival progress in e1m8 - resolved.
- 0000409: [Bug] Able to use the weapprev/weapnext command while carrying a hellstone - resolved.
- 0004200: [Bug] A_SpawnItemEx does not sync AAPTR_TARGET always - resolved.
- 0004205: [Suggestion] [3.2] Move new scoreboard 10-20% higher up on screen (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0000977: [Suggestion] Scoreboard overflows the screen (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0002073: [Bug] weapon.preferredskin + freeze death weirdness (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004204: [Bug] Non-standard player classes can cause "eaten" skins and crashes - resolved.
- 0002484: [Suggestion] Server setup menu - resolved.
- 0004190: [Suggestion] GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_ARMORDAMAGED doesn't fire if actor lacks an inventory - resolved.
- 0002447: [Bug] ThingCountNameSector with player (Dusk) - resolved.
- 0000802: [Bug] Bot-activated scripts aren't terminated when bots are removed from the game - resolved.
- 0003873: [Bug] Strife/DIALOGUE conversations cannot proceed online - resolved.
 - 0001078: [Bug] Strife conversations are completely broken online - resolved.
 - 0000128: [Bug] walking Stronghold NPCs desync when talking to them online - resolved.
- 0003963: [Bug] exploding barrels dont push voodoo dolls online - resolved.
- 0001112: [Bug] DM crashes when removing bots - resolved.
- 0001844: [Bug] DMflags2 shotgun crashes when shotgun actor is replaced - resolved.
- 0001059: [Bug] sv_shotgunstart inconsistency between offline and online play - resolved.
- 0004128: [Bug] Shaders for lights can't be enabled unless compiling with MSVC (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004187: [Bug] Hexen actors will send warnings to clients - resolved.
- 0004160: [Bug] Skin death sound does not play if the player respawns before death sound (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0002402: [Suggestion] (SBARINFO) Backport IfHealth - resolved.
- 0004153: [Suggestion] Provide a way to apply (mild) timed bans on players through ACS - resolved.
- 0004168: [Bug] Server CVars do not save to LocalServerInfo.mod when in multiplayer emulation (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004172: [Bug] +TOUCHY doesn't work in zandro, but theres code written for it - resolved.
- 0002977: [Bug] Enter scripts behave differently in hexen than other Iwads - resolved.
- 0003886: [Bug] A_LookEx does NOT honor +LOOKALLAROUND - resolved.
- 0001327: [Bug] TeamLMS fails to work on mapsets without normal DM starts - resolved.
- 0004013: [Bug] Friendly summons get damage when sv_shootthroughallies is enabled without sv_dontpushallies - resolved.
- 0000723: [Bug] Hexen Arc of Death does not lock into targets on clientside - resolved.
- 0004144: [Bug] strftime crash when negative time value entered - resolved.
- 0002361: [Bug] Floatbob items respawn incorrectly after Duel Countdown - resolved.
- 0004188: [Suggestion] Add DECORATE controls for weapon sway and view pitch offsets / style. - resolved.
- 0004126: [Suggestion] ACS function to open specific OptionMenus (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004186: [Bug] P_CheckMissileSpawn instructs clients to explode a missile before it's been spawned on the client - resolved.
- 0000796: [Bug] [Hexen] Flechettes lack netcode altogether (Dusk) - resolved.
 - 0002948: [Bug] SetThingFlags: couldn't find actor - resolved.
 - 0002949: [Bug] MoveThingExact: couldn't find actor - resolved.
- 0002949: [Bug] MoveThingExact: couldn't find actor - resolved.
- 0003007: [Bug] [Heretic/Hexen] SpawnBloodSplatter: couldn't find originator - resolved.
- 0000711: [Suggestion] Voting is canceled when level changes (Torr Samaho) - resolved.
- 0004123: [Suggestion] Functions for adding and removing bots (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0002946: [Bug] [Hexen] DestroyPillar: Couldn't find pillar with ID - resolved.
- 0002101: [Bug] [Hexen] CircleFlame actor doesn't behave properly online - resolved.
- 0002655: [Bug] client_MissileExplode: Couldn't find thing - resolved.
- 0004176: [Suggestion] GAMEEVENT_PLAYERLEAVESSERVER event (DrinkyBird) - resolved.
- 0001061: [Bug] Player not on scoreboard - resolved.
- 0003565: [Suggestion] cvar to disable spawnfog (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004090: [Suggestion] improve the dumptrafficmeasure ccmd's sorting (DrinkyBird) - resolved.
- 0003777: [Bug] Line of Sight error with Cleric's Fire Gloves in Hexen in Multiplayer. - resolved.
- 0002667: [Bug] Server informs the client about map changes, before the client fully loaded the map. (Torr Samaho) - resolved.
 - 0002953: [Bug] PlayerRespawnInvulnerability: Invalid player number - resolved.
 - 0002947: [Bug] SoundActorIfNotPlaying: couldn't find actor - resolved.
 - 0002952: [Bug] MoveThing: couldn't find actor - resolved.
 - 0002653: [Bug] client_GiveInventory: Failed to give inventory type - resolved.
 - 0003008: [Bug] DoSectorLightPhased: couldn't find sector - resolved.
 - 0002950: [Bug] client_DoRotatePoly: Invalid polyobj number - resolved.
 - 0002951: [Bug] SetThingState: couldn't find actor - resolved.
- 0002953: [Bug] PlayerRespawnInvulnerability: Invalid player number - resolved.
- 0002950: [Bug] client_DoRotatePoly: Invalid polyobj number - resolved.
- 0002715: [Suggestion] Scripting access to dmflags and co (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003990: [Bug] "sayto" while a player has a very long name can crash the game - resolved.
- 0003951: [Suggestion] ACS function to change a team's score (frags, points, and wins) (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0001313: [Bug] PlayerClass desync/incorrect weapon when changing maps in co-op (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004086: [Bug] sv_samespawnspot not sending you back to player start while over damage floor bug. (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004118: [Bug] Up/down-scaled player skins return to 1.0 scale upon leaving the corpse by respawning after freeze death (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004132: [Bug] Stealth monsters do not reveal themselves in multiplayer when in pain or death states. (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0002070: [Bug] in ctf, can score after timelimit is hit - resolved.
- 0004119: [Bug] Local CVars defined in CVARINFO are never saved into the user's config file (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0000036: [Suggestion] CHAT -> TEAMCHAT in server console (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004067: [Bug] Clients kicked by the server for wrong version/password can still trigger DISCONNECT scripts (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004047: [Bug] Zandronum 'Protected lump authentication failed' fails to properly print if Iwad is at fault (DrinkyBird) - resolved.
- 0004042: [Bug] server crash when a custom team wins via points (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004095: [Bug] Compat_InstantRespawn = true with sv_respawndelaytime = 1 shows respawn timer in 3.2 (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004064: [Bug] Trouble with big UDP packets in launcher query responses from game servers (DrinkyBird) - resolved.
- 0004058: [Bug] Some visual resources for Terminator & Possession modes are missing (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004007: [Suggestion] New actor pointer that can return a player's camera view (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004037: [Bug] Railattacks using the RGF_NOPIERCING flag won't pierce allies with SV_SHOOTTHROUGHALLIES 1 (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003120: [Bug] Bullet puffs with +PUFFONACTORS don't go to XDeath state online (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004034: [Bug] (Coop) Avoid losing keys & skulls when changing classes during gameplay (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0000521: [Suggestion] Allow server option to see player stats while spectating / spynext (doomjoshuaboy) - resolved.
- 0004039: [Suggestion] Maplist command support for colourless consoles (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004041: [Bug] windows server is affected by cl_medals (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003997: [Bug] zan 3.1 64 bit windows build does not produce a crash report (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003935: [Suggestion] Port over "wait 0" console command from ZCC (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003921: [Bug] HealthBonus inherited actors do not sync properly across netgames. (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003993: [Suggestion] Retain queue positions on map change for TLMS (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003972: [Suggestion] Have blood flash intensity vary in relation to "player.maxhealth" rather than hard-coded 100 (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0004009: [Bug] "FastProjectile" actors don't score medals when being used to attack other players (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003979: [Suggestion] "resetmap" CCMD and associated vote type (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003967: [Bug] Spectating when morphed can lead to a crash (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003956: [Bug] +compatflags, +compatflags2 cmdline arguments broken in Zandronum 3.1 (Kaminsky) - resolved.
- 0003840: [Bug] Firestorm Crashes the server in multiplayer (Edward-san) - resolved.
- 0004050: [Bug] The sounds of ZandroSpree_Halo3_r4.pk3 do not play in a 3.2 server, but do play in singleplayer. (Kaminsky) - closed.

152 of 186 issue(s) resolved. Progress (81%).

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