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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0004200Zandronum[All Projects] Bugpublic2024-03-06 03:342024-04-08 23:16
Assigned To 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version3.1 
Target Version3.2Fixed in Version3.2 
Summary0004200: A_SpawnItemEx does not sync AAPTR_TARGET always
DescriptionWhenever a +MISSILE actor is spawned using A_SpawnItemEx, the AAPTR_TARGET actor pointer is not always synced to clients, compared to offline behavior and online A_FireCustomMissile behavior.
Steps To ReproduceI've attached an example file which has a few test cases. First, you can use the file offline and run the following commands to see intended output:

summon OriginActor
give FireOriginActor
give SpawnOriginActor

You should see that every print statement correctly prints the player's actor class as the target.

Once you run those same commands online, you'll see that the "Client Target" logs with the "Spawned-" actors will be incorrect depending on which command you ran.
Additional InformationThis also occurs in the latest 3.2 betas.
Attached Files? file icon ClientTargetCarryoverFail.pk3 [^] (1,413 bytes) 2024-03-06 03:34
patch file icon 4200.patch [^] (2,126 bytes) 2024-03-07 02:42 [Show Content]
patch file icon 4200_2.patch [^] (2,092 bytes) 2024-03-30 19:47 [Show Content]

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-  Notes
User avatar (0023306)
Trillster (reporter)
2024-03-07 02:44

I've uploaded a patch which fixes this issue. I'm not certain if there's any bad ramifications with A_SpawnItemEx always syncing AAPTR_TARGET, but it does make the client behavior match offline.
User avatar (0023511)
Trillster (reporter)
2024-03-30 19:47

To mitigate any potential performance concerns, I've uploaded a modified patch which applies this change only for +MISSILE actors.

Although it's possible that the initial patch could be fine with testing, after further thought, I'm personally content with only missile actors, since that's mainly where I've seen this issue have impact.
User avatar (0023530)
Ru5tK1ng (updater)
2024-04-07 20:36

Patch was merged in:' [^]'
User avatar (0023562)
Ru5tK1ng (updater)
2024-04-08 23:16

Using the latest 3.2 beta, I didn't find any issue and the change was tested previously by Trillster.

Issue Community Support
This issue is already marked as resolved.
If you feel that is not the case, please reopen it and explain why.
Supporters: No one explicitly supports this issue yet.
Opponents: No one explicitly opposes this issue yet.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-03-06 03:34 Trillster New Issue
2024-03-06 03:34 Trillster File Added: ClientTargetCarryoverFail.pk3
2024-03-07 02:42 Trillster File Added: 4200.patch
2024-03-07 02:44 Trillster Note Added: 0023306
2024-03-07 03:50 Ru5tK1ng Status new => needs review
2024-03-30 19:47 Trillster File Added: 4200_2.patch
2024-03-30 19:47 Trillster Note Added: 0023511
2024-04-07 20:36 Ru5tK1ng Note Added: 0023530
2024-04-07 20:36 Ru5tK1ng Status needs review => needs testing
2024-04-07 20:36 Ru5tK1ng Target Version => 3.2
2024-04-08 23:16 Ru5tK1ng Note Added: 0023562
2024-04-08 23:16 Ru5tK1ng Status needs testing => resolved
2024-04-08 23:16 Ru5tK1ng Resolution open => fixed
2024-04-08 23:16 Ru5tK1ng Fixed in Version => 3.2

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