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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002660Zandronum[All Projects] Bugpublic2016-03-05 11:202024-01-29 20:53
Assigned To 
PlatformMicrosoftOSWindowsOS VersionXP/Vista/7
Product Version2.1 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002660: Visplane overflow ?
DescriptionThe title says it all, it doesn't occure in ZDoom v2.7.1 or any later versions, but it does for Zandronum v2.1.2 and v3.0, and i thought it was fixed in Sourceports :P
Steps To ReproduceExit the building and walk forward till the very last building in that street and look backward .
Additional InformationIWAD : action2.wad
happens in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer modes .
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-  Notes
User avatar (0014551)
Unknown (reporter)
2016-03-05 11:54
edited on: 2016-03-05 12:23

Actually, with more testing i noticed it doesn't occur in ZDoom 2.3.0 either (the default version that comes with Action Doom 2).

User avatar (0014552)
Edward-san (developer)
2016-03-05 12:23

Which version of action doom 2 do you have? It doesn't happen for me with version 1.1.
User avatar (0014553)
Unknown (reporter)
2016-03-05 14:10
edited on: 2016-03-05 14:11

Yep, i'm using just that version, but still crashes .
Looks like OpenGL mode is the reason for that crash, turning it off fixed it but that mode lags for me :( any solution ?

User avatar (0014587)
Torr Samaho (administrator)
2016-03-20 14:17

Could this be the same problem as 0002446?
User avatar (0014608)
Unknown (reporter)
2016-03-26 10:09

Yeah, it crashes on WINTER1 too for me, it may be the same problem .
User avatar (0023040)
Ru5tK1ng (updater)
2024-01-29 20:53

Seems this is fixed in 3.0 due to the ZDoom codebase updating to pre2.8.

Issue Community Support
This issue is already marked as resolved.
If you feel that is not the case, please reopen it and explain why.
Supporters: Unknown
Opponents: No one explicitly opposes this issue yet.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-03-05 11:20 Unknown New Issue
2016-03-05 11:54 Unknown Note Added: 0014551
2016-03-05 12:23 Unknown Note Edited: 0014551 View Revisions
2016-03-05 12:23 Edward-san Note Added: 0014552
2016-03-05 12:27 Edward-san Status new => feedback
2016-03-05 14:10 Unknown Note Added: 0014553
2016-03-05 14:10 Unknown Status feedback => new
2016-03-05 14:11 Unknown Note Edited: 0014553 View Revisions
2016-03-20 14:17 Torr Samaho Note Added: 0014587
2016-03-26 10:09 Unknown Note Added: 0014608
2016-11-27 08:16 Torr Samaho Product Version 3.0-beta => 2.1
2024-01-29 20:53 Ru5tK1ng Note Added: 0023040
2024-01-29 20:53 Ru5tK1ng Status new => resolved
2024-01-29 20:53 Ru5tK1ng Resolution open => fixed

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