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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0004457Zandronum[All Projects] Bugpublic2025-01-18 17:402025-02-01 11:00
Assigned ToKaminsky 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target Version3.2Fixed in Version3.2 
Summary0004457: [3.2] Spectators with classic spectator mode move at hyperspeed after map changes if server has cl_spectatormode 1 set
DescriptionAdmittedly, I haven't been playing much lately, but I noticed this issue while testing Trillster's domination mode fixes. This is probably caused by the recent spectator mode changes.
From testing it seems to be caused by the server having "cl_spectatormode 1" set while the client has it set to 0.
Steps To Reproduce1. zandronum -host +sv_updatemaster 0 +cl_spectatormode 1
2. Connect a client to the server and remain a spectator with cl_spectatormode 0
3. Use "nextmap" through RCON or server console.
4. At the next map you will move at hyperspeed levels and slide around indefinitely.
Additional InformationAre there any other client settings the server has that could possibly affect clients?
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-  Notes
User avatar (0024207)
Kaminsky (developer)
2025-01-23 15:12

This should now be fixed:' [^]'
User avatar (0024208)
Kaminsky (developer)
2025-01-26 17:48

This is pushed in now:' [^]'
User avatar (0024211)
unknownna (updater)
2025-02-01 11:00

Tested and confirmed to be working properly now. Thanks.

Issue Community Support
This issue is already marked as resolved.
If you feel that is not the case, please reopen it and explain why.
Supporters: No one explicitly supports this issue yet.
Opponents: No one explicitly opposes this issue yet.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-18 17:40 unknownna New Issue
2025-01-23 15:12 Kaminsky Note Added: 0024207
2025-01-23 15:12 Kaminsky Assigned To => Kaminsky
2025-01-23 15:12 Kaminsky Status new => needs review
2025-01-23 15:12 Kaminsky Target Version => 3.2
2025-01-26 17:48 Kaminsky Note Added: 0024208
2025-01-26 17:48 Kaminsky Status needs review => needs testing
2025-02-01 11:00 unknownna Note Added: 0024211
2025-02-01 11:00 unknownna Status needs testing => resolved
2025-02-01 11:00 unknownna Fixed in Version => 3.2
2025-02-01 11:00 unknownna Resolution open => fixed

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