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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0004188Zandronum[All Projects] Suggestionpublic2024-01-22 20:222024-02-29 19:51
Assigned To 
PlatformMicrosoftOSWindowsOS VersionXP/Vista/7
Product Version3.1 
Target Version3.2Fixed in Version3.2 
Summary0004188: Add DECORATE controls for weapon sway and view pitch offsets / style.
DescriptionI'd like to see some DECORATE controls for the weapon sway speed/style, and pitch offset/style.

Weapon.SwaySpeed (cl_swayspeed)
Weapon.SwayStyle (cl_swaystyle)
Weapon.ViewPitchOffset (cl_viewpitchoffset)
Weapon.ViewPitchStyle (cl_viewpitchstyle)

Asking, because I want to set some defaults/overrides for my mods so they look correct. (Also because I can use the view pitch offset/style to mimic Dark Forces for a DF themed class)
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User avatar (0023029)
StrikerMan780 (reporter)
2024-01-29 05:37
edited on: 2024-01-30 04:41

' [^]'
Video example of why I want this.

And so I can avoid this in the process:
' [^]'

User avatar (0023061)
WaTaKiD (updater)
2024-02-09 15:00

are any of these already in gzdoom? if so, you could try finding the relevant commit(s) to help the devs decide
User avatar (0023063)
StrikerMan780 (reporter)
2024-02-09 15:32
edited on: 2024-02-09 15:33

They are not in GZDoom, no. Zandronum officially added the sway/pitch offset CVars from the Zandronum community build, but there's no way for mods to override them in weapon code.

User avatar (0023075)
StrikerMan780 (reporter)
2024-02-12 05:59

Just did this. Using the same syntax as in the description.

' [^]'

Also, added a new pitch offset style, "Centered", which works like Dark Forces, where neutral pitch doesn't apply any offset.
User avatar (0023087)
Kaminsky (developer)
2024-02-25 23:10

' [^]'
User avatar (0023095)
StrikerMan780 (reporter)
2024-02-28 02:06

Everything seems to be working as intended.
User avatar (0023121)
Ru5tK1ng (updater)
2024-02-29 19:51

Closing ticket then ^

Issue Community Support
This issue is already marked as resolved.
If you feel that is not the case, please reopen it and explain why.
Supporters: No one explicitly supports this issue yet.
Opponents: No one explicitly opposes this issue yet.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-22 20:22 StrikerMan780 New Issue
2024-01-29 05:37 StrikerMan780 Note Added: 0023029
2024-01-30 04:41 StrikerMan780 Note Edited: 0023029 View Revisions
2024-02-09 15:00 WaTaKiD Note Added: 0023061
2024-02-09 15:32 StrikerMan780 Note Added: 0023063
2024-02-09 15:33 StrikerMan780 Note Edited: 0023063 View Revisions
2024-02-12 05:59 StrikerMan780 Note Added: 0023075
2024-02-12 06:23 WaTaKiD Status new => needs review
2024-02-25 23:10 Kaminsky Note Added: 0023087
2024-02-25 23:10 Kaminsky Status needs review => needs testing
2024-02-25 23:10 Kaminsky Target Version => 3.2
2024-02-28 02:06 StrikerMan780 Note Added: 0023095
2024-02-29 19:51 Ru5tK1ng Note Added: 0023121
2024-02-29 19:51 Ru5tK1ng Status needs testing => resolved
2024-02-29 19:51 Ru5tK1ng Resolution open => fixed
2024-02-29 19:51 Ru5tK1ng Fixed in Version => 3.2

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