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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003439Zandronum[All Projects] Bugpublic2018-07-11 08:392024-03-28 18:23
Assigned To 
StatusacknowledgedResolutionbackport later 
PlatformMicrosoftOSWindowsOS VersionXP/Vista/7
Product Version3.0 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003439: CustomSprite doesn't work in GL
Description' [^]'

This special actor can be used to display any texture as a simple sprite, with some modifiers, however it only works in software mode.

This works in gzdoom's gl.

Steps To ReproducePlay example wad in software and gl.
Additional InformationBoth alpha flags in gzdoom's gl are the same,
The 'Flip vertically' flag doesnt work at all in any engine or renderer.
Attached Files? file icon customsprite.wad [^] (14,270 bytes) 2018-07-11 08:39

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-  Notes
User avatar (0023503)
Ru5tK1ng (updater)
2024-03-28 18:23

Example wad doesn't work in gzdoom until version 2.4. This won't be fixed for a while it seems.

Issue Community Support
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Supporters: No one explicitly supports this issue yet.
Opponents: No one explicitly opposes this issue yet.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-07-11 08:39 Tribeam3rd New Issue
2018-07-11 08:39 Tribeam3rd File Added: customsprite.wad
2024-03-28 18:23 Ru5tK1ng Note Added: 0023503
2024-03-28 18:23 Ru5tK1ng Status new => acknowledged
2024-03-28 18:23 Ru5tK1ng Resolution open => backport later

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