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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002994Zandronum[All Projects] Bugpublic2017-01-24 19:272024-01-29 20:57
Assigned ToTorr Samaho 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version10.04 x86-64
Product Version2.1 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002994: Crashes when a new player connects to server (only when all players disconnected previously).
DescriptionServer constantly crashing with fatal error:
*** Fatal Error ***
Address not mapped to object (signal 11)
Address: 0x370
Steps To Reproduce1. Join #tspg-painkiller.
2. Create an account and identify yourself.
3. Login to tspg website, your account, slots, and save this into slot 1:
.host iwad="doom2.wad" hostname="$$$ MY TEST SERVER $$$" wad="hpbar-v15b.pk3,chillax-v9.7.3.wad,ro_pb_2.2_zan_01.pk3,ro-ark-1g.pk3,arkcore-1g4.pk3,arkcore-ro-1g.pk3" config=arkcorechillaxro.cfg gamemode=survival skill=1
4. In irc #tspg-painkiller window, type .load 1
5. Join server. Enter game.
6. Use rcon to changemap to any other map. (this step might be optional).
7. Now leave the server.
8. Ensure that everyone has left the server.
9. Now have someone else join the server. Crash.
Additional InformationI tried to re-produce this locally, but I cannot. I think I cannot re-produce because the game remembered me some how.
Attached Filestxt file icon 9d85faeedf715ab54233ab934e966782.txt [^] (12,102 bytes) 2017-01-24 19:27 [Show Content]
txt file icon 5e7ffbbdb12a1d41dd7d2b3311bc1543.txt [^] (22,723 bytes) 2017-01-24 19:27 [Show Content]
log file icon zandronum-crash-01_22_2017-22_50_04.29911.log [^] (16,006 bytes) 2017-01-24 21:08
log file icon zandronum-crash-01_23_2017-02_12_47.9466.log [^] (16,079 bytes) 2017-01-24 21:08

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-  Notes
User avatar (0016682)
Edward-san (developer)
2017-01-24 20:45

Did you check with the zandronum server tspg version?
User avatar (0016687)
Edward-san (developer)
2017-01-25 20:55

The crash logs show that there's an ACS script which calls 'strlen' with an invalid argument.

If' [^]' is backported, the problem should be gone.
User avatar (0016716)
Torr Samaho (administrator)
2017-01-29 18:10

I backported the fix.
User avatar (0016720)
arkore (reporter)
2017-01-29 21:00

Thanks, I'll get around to testing this.

I managed to fix it on my end too. There were several problems causing crashes or maybe it was only one problem. E.g. Significant SetActivator() usage from an OPEN script(which wiki recommends against doing), while having other scripts running and also using SetActivator(), while having Delay() usage.

It all came down to the fact that I wasn't clearing the player's TID after they died (because I was trying something new this time, and I thought it would work).

This resulted in multiple players(your corpses) having the same TID, and so when you try to use UseActorInventory() it crashes.

Or if a player died, and remained dead, and a new player connects to the server and server immediately crashes.


I've taken what I learned (about TID assignment and re-assignment on DEATH(or RESPAWN)) and finally updated the zdoom wiki(, adding an example snippet of code of using RESPAWN(instead of DEATH) to clear the player's TID, and adding a note about how it's very important that the player's TID be cleared on DEATH(or RESPAWN).

User avatar (0023041)
Ru5tK1ng (updater)
2024-01-29 20:57

Fix was backported into 3.0.

Issue Community Support
This issue is already marked as resolved.
If you feel that is not the case, please reopen it and explain why.
Supporters: No one explicitly supports this issue yet.
Opponents: No one explicitly opposes this issue yet.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-01-24 19:27 arkore New Issue
2017-01-24 19:27 arkore File Added: 9d85faeedf715ab54233ab934e966782.txt
2017-01-24 19:27 arkore File Added: 5e7ffbbdb12a1d41dd7d2b3311bc1543.txt
2017-01-24 20:45 Edward-san Note Added: 0016682
2017-01-24 20:45 Edward-san Status new => feedback
2017-01-24 21:08 arkore File Added: zandronum-crash-01_22_2017-22_50_04.29911.log
2017-01-24 21:08 arkore File Added: zandronum-crash-01_23_2017-02_12_47.9466.log
2017-01-25 20:55 Edward-san Note Added: 0016687
2017-01-25 20:55 Edward-san Assigned To => Torr Samaho
2017-01-25 20:55 Edward-san Status feedback => assigned
2017-01-29 18:10 Torr Samaho Note Added: 0016716
2017-01-29 18:21 Torr Samaho Status assigned => needs testing
2017-01-29 21:00 arkore Note Added: 0016720
2024-01-29 20:57 Ru5tK1ng Note Added: 0023041
2024-01-29 20:57 Ru5tK1ng Status needs testing => resolved
2024-01-29 20:57 Ru5tK1ng Resolution open => fixed

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