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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002355Zandronum[All Projects] Bugpublic2015-07-21 09:202024-01-29 16:06
Assigned To 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version2.1 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002355: Accidental disconnect when new episodes have "noskillmenu" defined in MAPINFO
Description' [^]'

When trying to start a new game from the menu while connected to a server and more than one player class is available, the player is now told to disconnect first instead of being automatically disconnected immediately.

This also happens when new episodes have "noskillmenu" defined. I noticed this issue while testing MM8BDM: Obstacle Course.
Steps To Reproduce1. zandronum -iwad doom2.wad -file episode_disconnect.wad -host
2. zandronum -iwad doom2.wad -file episode_disconnect.wad -connect localhost
3. Open the menu and select "New Game".
Additional Information

episode MAP01
Attached Files? file icon episode_disconnect.wad [^] (103 bytes) 2015-07-21 09:20

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-  Notes
User avatar (0012978)
Edward-san (developer)
2015-07-21 10:08

What about 3.0?
User avatar (0012979)
unknownna (updater)
2015-07-21 10:38

It doesn't seem to happen in ZandroDev3.0-150718-1852windows.7z. It says: "You can't start a new game while in a network game."
User avatar (0012980)
Edward-san (developer)
2015-07-21 11:16
edited on: 2015-07-21 11:17

Okay, can you check if this is consistent with games without the mentioned mapinfo or with other features which could affect the menu?

User avatar (0012981)
unknownna (updater)
2015-07-21 11:26
edited on: 2015-07-21 11:31

I suppose it is. All cases show the same message. The new message is specific to 3.0 though.

User avatar (0023035)
Ru5tK1ng (updater)
2024-01-29 16:06

Fixed in 3.0.

Issue Community Support
This issue is already marked as resolved.
If you feel that is not the case, please reopen it and explain why.
Supporters: No one explicitly supports this issue yet.
Opponents: No one explicitly opposes this issue yet.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-07-21 09:20 unknownna New Issue
2015-07-21 09:20 unknownna File Added: episode_disconnect.wad
2015-07-21 09:20 unknownna Status new => confirmed
2015-07-21 10:08 Edward-san Note Added: 0012978
2015-07-21 10:38 unknownna Note Added: 0012979
2015-07-21 11:16 Edward-san Note Added: 0012980
2015-07-21 11:17 Edward-san Note Edited: 0012980 View Revisions
2015-07-21 11:26 unknownna Note Added: 0012981
2015-07-21 11:31 unknownna Note Edited: 0012981 View Revisions
2024-01-29 16:06 Ru5tK1ng Note Added: 0023035
2024-01-29 16:06 Ru5tK1ng Status confirmed => resolved
2024-01-29 16:06 Ru5tK1ng Resolution open => fixed

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