MantisBT - Doomseeker
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0003591Doomseeker[All Projects] Documentationpublic2019-01-01 20:292019-07-30 10:13
Pol M 
Pol M 
0003591: Programming style (for formatting tools like clang-format or astyle) is undocumented
With to objective to ensure that a new user (and me) uses the official format for doomseeker, we could consider using one of these tools. Also, this will allow us to define some more precise rules in formatting without implying a lot of time wasted in following formatting rules (they can easily be integrated into most IDEs). This ticket, unfortunately, would require a commit updating files.
Look at a pull request from a new user (me). Notice that there are formatting errors. Also, I've noticed some minor style differences in different files.
No tags attached.
child of 0003595closed Zalewa Contributor documentation is not yet available 
patch unintended-uncrustify.patch (5,882) 2019-04-22 08:30
Issue History
2019-01-01 20:29Pol MNew Issue
2019-01-01 20:29Pol MStatusnew => assigned
2019-01-01 20:29Pol MAssigned To => Pol M
2019-01-01 20:29Pol MStatusassigned => feedback
2019-01-03 16:47Pol MNote Added: 0020301
2019-01-03 16:47Pol MStatusfeedback => assigned
2019-01-03 16:47Pol MAssigned ToPol M =>
2019-01-03 16:47Pol MStatusassigned => feedback
2019-01-06 06:25WubTheCaptainNote Added: 0020302
2019-01-06 06:25WubTheCaptainAssigned To => WubTheCaptain
2019-01-06 06:25WubTheCaptainStatusfeedback => confirmed
2019-01-06 06:25WubTheCaptainRelationship addedrelated to 0003526
2019-01-06 06:28WubTheCaptainStatusconfirmed => acknowledged
2019-01-06 06:31WubTheCaptainCategoryCleanup => Documentation
2019-01-06 06:40WubTheCaptainSummaryDefine an official format using a formatting tool like clang-format or astyle => Programming style (for formatting tools like clang-format or astyle) is undocumented
2019-01-06 06:43WubTheCaptainAdditional Information Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=12346#r12346
2019-01-06 06:44WubTheCaptainAdditional Information Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=12347#r12347
2019-01-06 06:45WubTheCaptainAdditional Information Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=12348#r12348
2019-01-06 06:55WubTheCaptainNote Added: 0020303
2019-01-06 06:59WubTheCaptainRelationship deletedrelated to 0003526
2019-01-06 07:04WubTheCaptainRelationship addedchild of 0003594
2019-01-06 07:26WubTheCaptainRelationship addedparent of 0003595
2019-01-06 07:27WubTheCaptainRelationship deletedchild of 0003594
2019-01-06 07:27WubTheCaptainRelationship replacedchild of 0003595
2019-01-06 07:31WubTheCaptainProduct Version => 1.2
2019-01-06 10:57Pol MNote Added: 0020306
2019-01-06 10:58Pol MNote Edited: 0020306bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=20306#r12352
2019-01-06 19:09Pol MNote Edited: 0020301bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=20301#r12354
2019-01-08 14:27WubTheCaptainNote Added: 0020307
2019-02-05 18:17Pol MNote Added: 0020337
2019-02-05 18:21Pol MNote Edited: 0020337bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=20337#r12389
2019-02-07 14:48Pol MNote Edited: 0020337bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=20337#r12397
2019-02-10 20:00Pol MNote Added: 0020360
2019-02-11 16:09WubTheCaptainAssigned ToWubTheCaptain => Zalewa
2019-02-11 16:09WubTheCaptainStatusacknowledged => needs review
2019-04-21 13:39ZalewaNote Added: 0020521
2019-04-21 16:24Pol MNote Added: 0020525
2019-04-22 08:30ZalewaFile Added: unintended-uncrustify.patch
2019-04-22 09:36ZalewaNote Added: 0020529
2019-04-22 12:14Pol MNote Added: 0020530
2019-04-22 18:05ZalewaAssigned ToZalewa => Pol M
2019-04-22 18:05ZalewaStatusneeds review => assigned
2019-04-22 18:37WubTheCaptainNote Added: 0020531
2019-04-22 18:37WubTheCaptainPrioritynone => normal
2019-04-22 18:37WubTheCaptainStatusassigned => needs testing
2019-04-22 18:37WubTheCaptainTarget Version => 1.3
2019-04-23 08:16ZalewaNote Added: 0020532
2019-04-23 08:16ZalewaStatusneeds testing => assigned
2019-04-24 20:43Pol MNote Added: 0020546
2019-04-24 21:32Pol MNote Edited: 0020546bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=20546#r12496
2019-04-24 21:55ZalewaNote Added: 0020547
2019-05-13 10:55Pol MNote Added: 0020643
2019-05-13 10:56Pol MNote Edited: 0020643bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=20643#r12571
2019-05-13 11:05Pol MNote Edited: 0020643bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=20643#r12572
2019-05-13 11:15Pol MStatusassigned => needs review
2019-05-13 15:32ZalewaNote Added: 0020644
2019-05-13 16:00ZalewaNote Edited: 0020644bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=20644#r12574
2019-05-13 17:37Pol MNote Added: 0020646
2019-05-13 17:42ZalewaNote Added: 0020647
2019-05-13 17:42ZalewaStatusneeds review => resolved
2019-05-13 17:42ZalewaFixed in Version => 1.3
2019-05-13 17:42ZalewaResolutionopen => fixed
2019-07-30 10:13WubTheCaptainStatusresolved => closed

Pol M   
2019-01-03 16:47   
(edited on: 2019-01-06 19:09)
For instance, this astyle config:





meets quite closely the common style of doomseeker.

2019-01-06 06:25   
Related to 0003526. We need a CONTRIBUTING file or a better mention in README.
2019-01-06 06:55   
Now, I'm not so sure how useful documenting these rules would be without continuous integration (CI) checks. Our CI is kind of "meh" currently?

Maybe an experienced programmer can look around the source code and try to mimic the existing programming style. Or maybe the maintainer decides to accept a patch, but further contribute to fit the programming style wanted right after.

If there are "some minor style differences in different files", it's an issue we should fix; please create a new issue ticket for this for me to work on. 😊
Pol M   
2019-01-06 10:57   
(edited on: 2019-01-06 10:58)
Quote from Wub

Now, I'm not so sure how useful documenting these rules would be without continuous integration (CI) checks.

Since these tools automatically enforce a formatting style, there is no need to change the current CI config. A developer simply has to integrate the desired tool in their editor of choice and then make a pull request. If the said developer does not use the formatting rules, Zalewa (for instance) can run the formatting rules and see that they are not followed (no need to check for whitespace, brackets, proper indentation...). (then he would inform the developer)
Quote from Wub

Our CI is kind of "meh" currently?

There was the idea of making a clone of the repo in git and pushing it to Github to use Travis, a really good CI tool (possible ticket). For the moment it does the minimum: ensuring that broken commits in the default branch (marked with a "@") don't go unnoticed. This is good enough, but of course, it can be a lot better
Quote from Wub

Maybe an experienced programmer can look around the source code and try to mimic the existing programming style. Or maybe the maintainer decides to accept a patch, but further contribute to fit the programming style wanted right after.

This is why a formatting tool is useful: no need to worry about style any more. for instance, let's say we agree that in if/else/for cases we want a space after those words and that brackets should be in separate lines. Then if I write this:


Astyle changes the file once you save to:

if (!>demoExtensionAutomatic)

Quote from Wub

If there are "some minor style differences in different files", it's an issue we should fix; please create a new issue ticket for this for me to work on.

Since we don't have any rules defined yet if I were you I'd wait until we achieve some kind of resolution in this ticket before creating another one. If at the end of this ticket we achieve a file with formatting rules for one of those tools, it would be as easy as running it in all the files (except the ones that are not ours, like the "dependencies folder" and other files inside the source tree) with a simple enough command.

2019-01-08 14:27   
For the note, I have no preference for C++ formatting either way. (For C, it'd be OpenBSD KNR or K&R/ANSI-C.)
Pol M   
2019-02-05 18:17   
(edited on: 2019-02-07 14:48)
I propose the following .clang-format style. I've tried to adapt what I've been told and what I feel to be good style.

DisableFormat: false
Language: Cpp
Standard: Cpp03
TabWidth: 4
IndentWidth: 4
UseTab: ForContinuationAndIndentation

AccessModifierOffset: -4
AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false
AlignEscapedNewlines: Left
AlignOperands: false
AlignTrailingComments: true
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: true
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: No
BinPackArguments: true
BinPackParameters: true
BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
  AfterClass: true
  AfterControlStatement: true
  AfterEnum: true
  AfterFunction: true
  AfterNamespace: true
  AfterStruct: true
  AfterUnion: true
  AfterExternBlock: true
  BeforeCatch: true
  BeforeElse: true
  SplitEmptyFunction: false
  SplitEmptyRecord: false
  SplitEmptyNamespace: false
BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
BreakConstructorInitializers: AfterColon
BreakInheritanceList: AfterColon
BreakStringLiterals: false
ColumnLimit: 80
CompactNamespaces: false
ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
DerivePointerAlignment: true
FixNamespaceComments: false
ForEachMacros: ['foreach']
IncludeBlocks: Preserve
IndentCaseLabels: true
IndentPPDirectives: None
IndentWrappedFunctionNames: true
KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
NamespaceIndentation: All
PointerAlignment: Left
ReflowComments: true
SortIncludes: true
SortUsingDeclarations: true
SpaceAfterCStyleCast: true
SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: false
SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true
SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true
SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
SpacesInAngles: false
SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
SpacesInParentheses: false
SpacesInSquareBrackets: false

PenaltyBreakAssignment: 30
PenaltyBreakComment: 5
PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 30
PenaltyBreakString: 25
PenaltyBreakTemplateDeclaration: 100
PenaltyExcessCharacter: 15
PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 100

There are a few minor things that I do not like. For instance, clang will move to the left preprocessor directives, and I'd like that class declarations had an extra indent, but unfortunately, it is not possible without messing up other things.
EDIT: Also, it tries to align chained function calls (Ex: object.function1().function2();) when they are in different lines instead of indenting, and more of the same with multiline strings. I'll try to solve this because this annoys me more.

Pol M   
2019-02-10 20:00   
I've decided to give a chance to uncrustify. I originally did not want to use it because of the number of parameters it used (655) and because it's less well known, but after (lots) of tweaking, I believe to have a good config. Most of it is set to "ignore", so it is quite permissive. So far, I could not find something I did not like. pr
2019-04-21 13:39   
I've added some personal tweaks to the cfg file and I think it works quite well for header files now. I pushed the uncrustified headers here. I also have many of the .cpp files ready but at the same time I still have many more to process. In their case the cfg file still doesn't work exactly as I'd like it to. I'll process the remaining .cpp files first (and possibly push them) and then see what can be done about the stuff that remains.

I'll merge the PR after that.
Pol M   
2019-04-21 16:24   
Looking pretty good. What issues do you have with .cpp files? The last days of exams are coming soon here, but I'd love to help in my free seconds :)
2019-04-22 09:36   
Quote from "Pol M"
What issues do you have with .cpp files?

See "unintended-uncrustify.patch". The '-' lines show the correct formatting, the '+' lines are the result of uncrustify. To sum it up:

- Bad indentation when the stream operator is involved.
- Bad indentation of 'intentional fall-through' comment in 'switch-case'.
- "do-while" - the "while" keyword should be on the same line as the closing brace.
- The binary AND (&) operator seems to be considered a reference operator and is not surrounded by spaces correctly in the 'if' statements.

Also the pointer '*' in Qt's foreach macros is possibly recognized as a multiplication operator as it is being surrounded by spaces from both sides. I actually had to search & replace those when reviewing the files to avoid committing them. However, this can be solved by converting the 'foreach' macros into C++11's for-each loops. Also, the foreach macro is deprecated since Qt 5.7.

The work that we have so far is:

- Uncrustify .h files
- Uncrustify .cpp files
- Merge the PR with uncrustify.cfg
- My own tweaks to uncrustify.cfg

In the middle of going through the files I decided that having extraneous {} for a single-line conditionals is okay and switched the relevant uncrustify setting to ignore, but there are .cpp files committed where the {} are removed. As far as I'm concerned this is fine.

Aside from the minor formatting issues mentioned above, there are also organisational issues to resolve:

1. What would be the proposed approach to ensure that this is applied to all commits? For me, at least, it appears that Emacs can integrate with uncrustify. I haven't checked that yet but if it works as expected then it should be enough. What about everyone else?

2. As with all automatic tools, sometimes (rarely, but still) the tool is wrong and it should be told to back off. We already have several examples of this in our repo when it comes to "external" code:

- json, huffman and lzma code should not be touched. It should be easy enough to deal with this by filtering out whole files.
- dmflags in Zandronum plugin are ripped straight out from Zandronum source. These should not be touched for easier diffing with the original code in Zandronum, however all of the code that surrounds them is free to be uncrustified.
- Turok 2 EX CRC code refuses to compile after uncrustification due to reliance on order of #includes, however this can be considered as bug and fixed.
Pol M   
2019-04-22 12:14   
Mmm... the devil is in the details...
Quote from Zalewa

This can be solved by converting the 'foreach' macros into C++11's for-each loops.

Welp, I guess that there's more reformatting in the way. I'm gessing you mean range-based for loops?
Quote from Zalewa

1. What would be the proposed approach to ensure that this is applied to all commits? For me, at least, it appears that Emacs can integrate with uncrustify. I haven't checked that yet but if it works as expected then it should be enough. What about everyone else?

There are extensions/ways to integrate it into VSCode, VS, Sublime Text, atom, and there seems to be a way to use it in Vim (though, if you are capable of exiting it, I'm sure you'll figure out a way). I don't think that integration will be an issue, so I'd expect commits to use it. That said, if the author forgot to use uncrustify in a file, a comment explaining what Uncrustify is should be enough (the same way I was told to use tabs instead of spaces).

Quote from Zalewa

- dmflags in Zandronum plugin are ripped straight out from Zandronum source. These should not be touched for easier diffing with the original code in Zandronum, however all of the code that surrounds them is free to be uncrustified.

Excluding some files should not be a problem.
Quote from Zalewa

- Turok 2 EX CRC code refuses to compile after uncrustification due to reliance on order of #includes, however this can be considered as bug and fixed.

I had seen it, and I once patched it to make it compile. Should not be a problem, I'll pr a fix asap.
2019-04-22 18:37   
I think this ticket is done, the config files are in. I wouldn't want to keep this ticket open much longer, the core issue seems to be resolved. Anyone agree to close this as "fixed in 1.3" and "resolved"?

Quote from Zalewa
Turok 2 EX CRC code refuses to compile after uncrustification due to reliance on order of #includes, however this can be considered as bug and fixed.

That code is not from Turok 2 EX team, upstream rather. Anyway, it's a seperate issue.
2019-04-23 08:16   
It is not resolved yet as the attached "unintended-uncrustify.patch" shows that there still are undesirables that should not happen. The configuration should be tweaked so that these stop happening or the code needs to be mangled in order to make it fit with the configuration.
Pol M   
2019-04-24 20:43   
(edited on: 2019-04-24 21:32)
Got some tweaks:
sp_after_byref seems to be causing the AND operator problems. Leaving it to ignore will prevent the undesired changes. Never mind
indent_shift will indent after stream processors, but please take note that some lines will end up with a double indentation caused by multiline strings in functions:

gLog << tr("text"
\t\t"following text");

nl_brace_while set to "remove" will take care of do-while.

About "intentional fall-through", there seems to not be a way to solve this. Maybe the best idea is to move it to previous line? Maybe I'll try to open a ticket, but for the moment this is what we got.

2019-04-24 21:55   
The "intentional fall-through" problem can probably be fixed by wrapping the `case` in a curly braces block, but it doesn't look good to me when a curly braces block has an "intentional fall-through". Maybe converting this comment to a block comment will make the uncrustify tool treat it differently? Or, as you said, we could swap the lines.
Pol M   
2019-05-13 10:55   
(edited on: 2019-05-13 11:05)
So, after even more research, the issue with the AND operators seems to not have a solution yet. My best suggestion is to stop formatting "&" and "*", and agree to put them in the right when dealing with pointers and references. This is far from ideal, but I don't see any other solution. There is a ticket with the exact same issue as ours, once it gets resolved we could reconsider enforcing the formatting. I'd like to know if you're okay with this.

About the indenting with <<, the issue can be worked around with pp_define_at_level set to false.

And finally, the fallthrough should be solved by moving the comment wherever it is appropriate. I'd add the comment at the end of the last line of the case:

\tsomething(); // intentional fall-through

Making it a block comment doesn't change the behaviour, but wrapping it with curly braces does so. Regardless, the solution that looks the best to me is the line swap.

2019-05-13 15:32   
(edited on: 2019-05-13 16:00)
"indent_shift = true" screws up enum braces in "src/plugins/zandronum/zandronumgameinfo.h".

Oh well, I suppose it's a lesser evil than the incorrect stream indentation that happens when the setting is false.

I have merged the outstanding changes in the PR:

1.' [^]'
2.' [^]'
3.' [^]'

And uncrustified:

4.' [^]'

If you wish you may run the following script and notice that some of the files will still be changed:

uncrustify -c uncrustify.cfg --replace --no-backup \
    $(find src -type f -name '*.cpp' -or -name '*.h' -or -name '*.c' \
        | grep -v src/wadseeker/lzma \
        | grep -v /huffman/ \
        | grep -v json \
        | grep -vE 'zandronum(2|3)dmflags\.h' )

There's the known & problem, but I'd rather keep it as is. It's much more beneficial to have the & moved to the right in all the cases where it needs to be moved rather than to save ourselves from these 4 cases where it is moved incorrectly. It appears that the combination of & and :: being in the same line actually screws this up as lines that don't have them and have the binary AND are formatted correctly. The ticket you linked to also shows an example with ::

There's also a pointer * that is possibly interpreted as a multiply operator in engineplugin.h in a #define.

And there are the incorrectly indented } in enums as mentioned before.

If any of these problems can be fixed then it'd be good to fix them, but anyway I think the main goal of this ticket has been achieved

Pol M   
2019-05-13 17:37   
Quote from Zalewa

"indent_shift = true" screws up enum braces in "src/plugins/zandronum/zandronumgameinfo.h".

a "," at the end of the enum fixes the issue :) PR
Quote from Zalewa

If any of these problems can be fixed then it'd be good to fix them, but anyway I think the main goal of this ticket has been achieved

I'd also like to close this tiket for the moment. There are small errors, but I don't mind them so much.
2019-05-13 17:42   
With the final patch merged I am closing this as resolved. As always, thanks for preparing the cfg file and all the other help.