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Post by Hypnotoad » Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:02 pm

By AlexMax and Hypnotoad
Git: ... e-features (Pull requests welcome!)

ZanRun has now ditched luk for Zandronum's new internal database system and account support. This has enabled us to save much more in depth stats. Everyone's personal best time for each map is now saved in the database, which will be displayed in game and optionally in a web page (notice you can click on a map name to see all the player's personal bests on that map, and you can click on a player's name to see all of his personal bests for each map) if the server chooses to host one. Players can now be fully ranked in each map (rather than just competing for the record), and players are now also ranked globally so that you can battle it out to be the fastest doomer of all time! Rankings will be displayed at the end of the session, as well as again on the web page. To compete in the rankings, you need to set up an account at the authserver used (the address will be in the MOTD hopefully) and then login using the syntax logn <name> <password> in console.

Furthermore, the personal teleport is much more enhanced, especially for you flagrunners. It's now easy to set up the personal teleport just by going to customize controls in options. The teleport now saves all of your health, armour and rocket count, so you don't have to go through the tedious task of recollecting these items for each run!


On the left you will now see this:


Notice two new additions on the bottom left, the first displays your all time personal best for that map, which is stored in the database. The rank for this time, as well as the points awarded (100 for world record, 97 for 2nd, 96 for 3rd etc...) is also shown. Below this, the total amount of points you have on that server is also shown, plus your global ranking. Finally, the all time top 5 for each map will be displayed after the timer has run out, and after showing the top 5 in that session.

(Credit to Wirtualnoc for the php code to display the database online).

You can compete RIGHT NOW!

For you CTF flag runners out there, this will be a great way to showcase your skill.

You will need the Zandronum 1.3 beta, but don't worry as Doomseeker (and ide presumably) should download this automatically for you when you join the server.

First, make an account here: http://[bad site]:8080/

American flag runners, join the server "Zan 1.3 Testing - ZanRun", hosted by The Sentinel's Playground, and start getting good times to get your name on the rankings!

Europeans, join the server "[FR] -->Grandvoid--> ZanRun Test Server - CTF Flagrunning (warning maybe broken as FLOCK)", stats page here.

American Jumpmazers, join the server "Zan 1.3 Testing - ZanRun With Jumpmaze", stats page here.

European Jumpmazers, join the server "[FR] -->Grandvoid--> [1.3] Zanrun Jumpmaze TESTING", stats page here.

Get running!

What is this?
Remember strun? It was a custom gametype for Skulltag in the spirit of Jumpmaze and Q3 Defrag. ZanRun is an enhanced version of this, adding new features such as a leaderboard to show player's best times, and database support that stores your personal best times, and ranks players on each map and globally.

What's the difference between this and Jumpmaze?

ZanRun is not a mapset. It is an engine that you run with other maps that support ZanRun.


-Resettable race times. Your time starts as soon as you cross the START line, not at the beginning of the map. If you want to give the map another shot, you can either kill yourself or teleport back to the start and try again.

-Advanced split times. Want to have a checkpoint-by-checkpoint view of how much faster your current run is than your last best run? The split times will let you know.

-Database support: stores your personal best on that map, along with a player ranking system with which to rank players and a web page to display these stats neatly.

-An easy way to make your own ZanRun maps. We have gone out of our way to making sure that making your own ZanRun is seriously simple. All you need to know is five script numbers specific to ZanRun, and you don't have to write a single line of ACS.

-A CTF mode where you can practice flag-running on almost any CTF map with the ZanRun engine.

-A speedometer showing your speed.

Upcoming features

-Hud cleanup

Sounds cool. How do I make a map for ZanRun?

A map consists of five types of lines. A start line, a checkpoint line, an end line, an "ENTER" line and an exit line.

-Start line: Line Action 226, arg1 of 219, arg3 is equal to the number of checkpoints you have in your map (not counting the start and finish line)

-Checkpoint: Line Action 226, arg1 of 220, arg3 is a unique identifier for that checkpoint that is between 0 and the number of total checkpoints minus one and goes up for every subsequent checkpoint. So if you have three checkpoints in your map, the first one would have an arg3 of 0, the second one would have an arg3 of 1 and the third would have an arg3 of 2. and so on...

-Finishing Line: Line Action 226, arg1 of 221, arg3 is equal to the number of checkpoints you have in your map (not counting the start and finish line).

-"ENTER" Line: Line Action 226, arg1 of 100. This line is not quite self explanatory, it's a line that resets the player back to a pristine state that he was when he entered the level. I would suggest putting this at the end of the level, before the player gets teleported back...

-Exit line: Line action 80, arg1 of 401, when player presses use (recommended). This will initiate the end of the race, and display a high score table, showing the top 5 player's best times in order from 1st to 5th.

The exit line is optional for your map, what is recommended is having no exit: you can set a timelimit whereby after such time the round ends and the best times are displayed using the cvar z_tlimit.

For more information, load up the ZanRun in Doom Builder and take a gander at the SAMPLE map. Everything you can do with ZanRun is laid out there, nice and easy for you.

See the screenshots below for a better demonstration:
(note, the following screenshots use a jumpmaze map that I converted for use with ZanRun, and is not included in the ZanRun pk3)

Here is what you might typically see in a server (with luk enabled):


Notice that on your left is displayed the serverside record for that map, and its author, your "personal best" time which is the best time which is the best time you have recorded on that course so far, as well a the time of your current or latest run (which in that case happened to be the personal best). Below is a closeup if you are unable to zoom into the picture to see properly:


You may also notice on the right of the first picture are another set of numbers, these are your checkpoint times. As you progress through the course for a second time, it will instead display your checkpoint "splits" from your best run:


When the time limit is up, you will be frozen, and the leader-board, consisting of each individual's best time will be displayed:


Finally, CTF MODE! All you have to do is load up ZanRun with your favourite CTF wad and the flags will automatically be replaced with blue (start) and white (finish) flags, this is an excellent way to practice flag running technique:


Update: zanrunb18.pk3 now brings "survival mode", whereby you speedrun singleplayer/coop mapsets in a server where only one player can join and everyone else spectates, and your time (from start to exit) will be stored and recorded in luk's records database and shown on re-entering the level. This works on any mapset of any format, but a very specific config is required, in addition a new version of luk.exe is required for this which is still in beta, so let me know if you intend to host this yourself and I will send the necessary files. Join "[Union Servers] Zanrun test server" to try it out for yourself.

The following is absolutely necessary in your config for this to work:

Code: Select all

survival true
set z_smode 1
sv_maxplayers 1
sv_nochangemapvote 1
sv_disallowsuicide 0
Don't even try to host without these flags or it will break, it is also strongly recommended that all vanilla compat flags are turned on for vanilla/oldschool mapsets to ensure the record is legitimate.

Hypnotoad wrote: Update2: Now with personal teleport!
You can now set a personal teleport easily, just bind one key to "puke 460", this will set your teleport destination.
Bind another key to "puke 461", this will immediately teleport you to your desired destination.
Trying to cheat with this will be futile as teleporting will stop the timer, not allowing you to set a time until you restart the timer again.

Download: find the latest version of zanrun and zanrun_actors on best-ever.

Last edited by Hypnotoad on Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: ZanRun


Post by Ænima » Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:11 pm

Coolio. I'm definitely gonna do some flagrunner practice now.
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RE: ZanRun


Post by Ivan » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:04 pm

Great stuff. We can do great flag run races and people can finally prove their epic flag run stories!
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RE: ZanRun


Post by Galactus » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:41 pm

Lovely stuff, now I can compete with others for the fastest run on ctf maps.
btw does this work with survival/coop?
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RE: ZanRun


Post by Xsnake » Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:04 pm

Quite entertaining! Well done guys :smile:

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RE: ZanRun


Post by Hypnotoad » Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:14 pm

Update: zanrunb18.pk3 now brings "survival mode", whereby you speedrun singleplayer/coop mapsets in a server where only one player can join and everyone else spectates, and your time (from start to exit) will be stored and recorded in luk's records database and shown on re-entering the level. This works on any mapset of any format, but a very specific config is required, in addition a new version of luk.exe is required for this which is still in beta, so let me know if you intend to host this yourself and I will send the necessary files. Join "[Union Servers] Zanrun test server" to try it out for yourself.

The following is absolutely necessary in your config for this to work:

Code: Select all

survival true
set z_smode 1
sv_maxplayers 1
sv_nochangemapvote 1
sv_disallowsuicide 0
Don't even try to host without these flags or it will break, it is also strongly recommended that all vanilla compat flags are turned on for vanilla/oldschool mapsets to ensure the record is legitimate.

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RE: ZanRun - now with survival mode


Post by Hypnotoad » Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:46 pm

Update2: Now with personal teleport!
You can now set a personal teleport easily, just bind one key to "puke 460", this will set your teleport destination.
Bind another key to "puke 461", this will immediately teleport you to your desired destination.
Trying to cheat with this will be futile as teleporting will stop the timer, not allowing you to set a time until you restart the timer again.

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RE: ZanRun - now with survival mode || Upate2: now with personal teleport!!


Post by jwaffe » Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:19 pm

This is a nice little addon, it seems particularly useful for CTF practice

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RE: ZanRun - now with survival mode || Upate2: now with personal teleport!!


Post by Klofkac » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:08 pm

The personal teleporter can be abused to lag weaker PC users using OpenGL with dynamic lights on. Same with sound spam.
also, "Upate"

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RE: ZanRun - now with survival mode || Update2: now with personal teleport!!


Post by Hypnotoad » Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:22 pm

Klofkac wrote: The personal teleporter can be abused to lag weaker PC users using OpenGL with dynamic lights on. Same with sound spam.
also, "Upate"
I'm hesitant to remove the teleport fog, I think that will look a bit strange.

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RE: ZanRun - HUGE update + CTF challenge


Post by Hypnotoad » Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:40 am

ZanRun has now ditched luk for Zandronum's new internal database system and account support. This has enabled us to save much more in depth stats. Everyone's personal best time for each map is now saved in the database, which will be displayed in game and optionally in a web page (notice you can click on a map name to see all the player's personal bests on that map, and you can click on a player's name to see all of his personal bests for each map) if the server chooses to host one. Players can now be fully ranked in each map (rather than just competing for the record), and with the addition of a points system where you are awarded points based on your ranking in each map, players are now also ranked globally so that you can battle it out to be the fastest doomer of all time! Rankings will be displayed at the end of the session, as well as again on the web page. To compete in the rankings, you need to set up an account at the authserver used (the address will be in the MOTD hopefully) and then login using the syntax logn <name> <password> in console.

Furthermore, the personal teleport is much more enhanced, especially for you flagrunners. It's now easy to set up the personal teleport just by going to customize controls in options. The teleport now saves all of your health, armour and rocket count, so you don't have to go through the tedious task of recollecting these items for each run!

On the left you will now see this:


Notice two new additions on the bottom left, the first displays your all time personal best for that map, which is stored in the database. The rank for this time, as well as the points awarded (100 for world record, 97 for 2nd, 96 for 3rd etc...) is also shown. Below this, the total amount of points you have on that server is also shown, plus your global ranking. Finally, the all time top 5 for each map will be displayed after the timer has run out, and after showing the top 5 in that session.

(Credit to Wirtualnoc for the php code to display the database online).

You can compete RIGHT NOW!

For you CTF flag runners out there, this will be a great way to showcase your skill.

You will need the Zandronum 1.3 beta, but don't worry as Doomseeker (and ide presumably) should download this automatically for you when you join the server.

First, make an account here: http://[bad site]:8080/

American flag runners, join the server "Zan 1.3 Testing - ZanRun", hosted by The Sentinel's Playground, and start getting good times to get your name on the rankings!

Europeans, join the server "[FR] -->Grandvoid--> ZanRun Test Server - CTF Flagrunning (warning maybe broken as FLOCK)", stats page here.

American Jumpmazers, join the server "Zan 1.3 Testing - ZanRun With Jumpmaze", stats page here.

European Jumpmazers, join the server "[FR] -->Grandvoid--> [1.3] Zanrun Jumpmaze TESTING", stats page here.

Get running!
Last edited by Hypnotoad on Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: ZanRun - HUGE update + CTF challenge


Post by Lollipop » Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:11 am

I like where this is going and I am utterly impressed!
I would like to see if this also in a way covered competetive gamemodes somehow, other than just flag running. I know this isn't the initial aim, but when it is finished, please concider it, as it might be useful for clan leaders to look up a players statistics to see if they got what they need to join.

In any case, this is your work so you can do as you want, I just wanted to throw a thought around for those to care :)

Good luck on further development on this amazing thing!
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Combinebobnt wrote:i can see the forum league is taking off much better than the ctf ones
GalactusToday at 1:07 PM
are you getting uncomfortable jap
feeling something happen down there

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RE: ZanRun - HUGE update + CTF challenge


Post by Hypnotoad » Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:08 am

Thanks Lollipop.

ZanRun is a race/time attack mod, so anything that can be raced ZanRun is theoretically compatible with. However so far this has only meant Jumpmaze, CTF Flagrunning, and 1 player (everyone else spectates) Survival mode, with an experimental team survival race mode as well which probably doesn't work at the moment. As for non racing/time attack statistics, I'm sure plenty of people will develop mods that collect all kinds of stats soon including CTF and Duel stats. If nobody does however, I'll be happy to do it myself, should be easy now that we have the event scripts.

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RE: ZanRun - HUGE update + CTF challenge


Post by Frits » Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:00 am

finish survival mode pls

Code: Select all

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RE: ZanRun - HUGE update + CTF challenge


Post by Kara Kurt » Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:39 pm

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RE: ZanRun - HUGE update + CTF challenge


Post by Hypnotoad » Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:59 am

Okay, finally everything is up


American ZanRun CTF Flag running stats page:
American ZanRun Jumpmaze stats page:

European ZanRun CTF Flag running stats page:
European ZanRun Jumpmaze stats page:


American ZanRun CTF Flagrunning: "Zan 1.3 Testing - ZanRun w/ IDL2014"
European CTF Flagrunning: "[FR] -->Grandvoid--> [1.3] ZanRun Test Server - CTF Flagrunning (warning maybe broken as FLOCK)"

American ZanRun Jumpmaze: "Zan 1.3 Testing - ZanRun With Jumpmaze"
European ZanRun Jumpmaze: "[FR] -->Grandvoid--> [1.3] Zanrun Jumpmaze TESTING"

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RE: ZanRun - HUGE update + CTF challenge


Post by Catastrophe » Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:42 pm

My suggestions,

1. Add a cvar to hide other players so they don't distract you.
2. Add a no-rocket jumping mode since half these routes aren't even possible in legit games.

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RE: ZanRun - HUGE update + CTF challenge


Post by ibm5155 » Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:40 pm

Just make a generic marine skin and replace all of it with a Null image xD

and, that feature would be cool to be add on flappy lost soul, IF, I have some time free and boring time, I may port it :D
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RE: ZanRun - HUGE update + CTF challenge


Post by Catastrophe » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:41 pm

ibm5155 wrote: Just make a generic marine skin and replace all of it with a Null image xD
That's a retarded idea. "xD"
Last edited by Catastrophe on Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: ZanRun - HUGE update + CTF challenge


Post by Hypnotoad » Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:13 am

What a sweep by Combinebobnt! Now the highest ranking CTF flag runner in America with almost all the records, surely someone else will step up to restore balance!
Catastrophe wrote: My suggestions,

1. Add a cvar to hide other players so they don't distract you.
Someone else mentioned this, but I am not sure exactly how to implement this as a cvar as the decorate is not clientside. Suggestions welcome.
2. Add a no-rocket jumping mode since half these routes aren't even possible in legit games.
This would be a good idea for the CTF Flag running mode, but I believe someone could easily just host with a patch that removes the rocketlauncher.

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