JailBreak 2014 (ver. 06)

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JailBreak 2014 (ver. 06)


Post by arkore » Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:48 am

JailBreak (for Doom) is HERE!


Old thread: here

JailBreak is a team game; one team must survive and have all enemies in jail, to win.
The idea of JailBreak originated as a mod for Quake 2. Then, Unreal.
Read more about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jailbreak:_Source

Note: Currently split into 3 files: Optional downloads: How it works:
  • Kill all enemies to put them in jail.
  • Don't let the enemy free their teammates.

  • New music (and combat music).
  • New art.
  • Large (16-player) map.
  • MAP01 = "Collision Prison" (IDL2013CTF MAP01 CONVERSION)
  • MAP02 = "Horizon Prison" (BLKRSECTF MAP19 CONVERSION)
  • MAP03 = "Delta Prison" (8-PLAYER MAP)
  • ... need mappers
  • MAP10 = "Arch Prison" (LARGE 16-PLAYER MAP)
  • NOTE: If server is down, then search servers for "JailBreak"
If you'd like to run your own server, here is the config you would use:

Server Config

Code: Select all

// Host
sv_motd "(kr) JailBreak"
sv_hostname "JailBreak 2014"

// Broadcast
sv_updatemaster true

/ Force use dmflags we want; don't set any defaults.
sv_defaultdmflags 0
alwaysapplydmflags 1

// Reset the compat flags.
compatflags 0

sv_maxplayers 16 // Max players to join.
sv_maxclients 24 // Max players to connect.
sv_nojump false // Allow jumping.
sv_smartaim 2 // Auto-aim will never aim at friends.
sv_nocallvote false // Allow voting.
sv_nokill true // Disallow player to kill himself.
sv_disallowsuicide true // Disallow suicides.
sv_disallowbots true // Disallow bots.

skill 2 // Skill 2
teamgame 1 // Team Game
winlimit 2 // Win Limit of Games per map
timelimit 0 // Sudden death doesn't work well for this mod.
sv_useteamstartsindm true // Spawn player on RED/BLUE spawnpoints.
sv_noteamswitch false // Players can change teams after already being on a team.
sv_noteamselect false // Players can choose which team to join.
sv_keepteams true // Teams remain the same for next map.

sv_itemrespawn true // Items will respawn.
sv_norespawninvul true // Removes temporary god-mode after respawning.
sv_respawnsuper true // Respawning powerups.
sv_doubleammo false // No double ammo.
sv_unblockplayers false // Allow player collision.
sv_nofreelook false // Allow players to mouse aim vertically.
sv_norespawn false // Allow player respawning.
sv_forcerespawn true // Enable auto-respawning.
sv_weaponstay true // Weapons stay
sv_nodrop false // Allow weapon/item dropping. (For teammates to give to prisoners when escaping.)
sv_nopointlimitvote true // No voting the point limit.
sv_notimelimitvote true // No voting the time limit.
sv_maprotation true
addmap map01
addmap map02
addmap map03
addmap map10
Host command:

Code: Select all

C:\Doom\Zandronum\zandronum.exe  -host +exec "C:\Doom\krjb\server.txt" -file "C:\Doom\krjb\krjb06.pk3" "C:\Doom\krjb\krjb06-maps.pk3" "C:\Doom\krjb\krjb06-msx.pk3"
Mapping Tutorial:

Click here for mapping tutorial.

The easiest way to make your own map for JailBreak, is to copy the krjb05-sample-map.wad (below) for yourself and use/edit it.

NOTE: If you decide to do a CTF (from idl2013l.wad) map/conversion, then please pick one of the following maps to use: map04, map06, map13, map14, map24, map26, map27, map31, mb1, or mb3.

Change Log:

Code: Select all

0.5b - 0.6
[x] bug: sometimes player respawning would respawn player to the start room, rather the jail.
    Note: this bug can only be re-produced by dying during a time in between the warmup ends (countdown timer ends), and when the match starts (doors finish closing).

    Note: when warmup timer ends and the doors haven't finished closing yet though, is when we have a small gap of time in which you no longer have god-mode.  if you die, you respawn to the start room, because the match hasn't really started yet.

    Reference: In verison 0.2 (of JailBreak), a (requested) feature was implemented into the mod;  to change when god-mode is removed for when warmup ends and match begins;  to change it so that god-mode is removed at exactly the same point that the announcer says "Fight!"

    [x] fixed logic to check for when warmup countdown finished, rather checking for when match actually starts.
[x] fix bug when player kills himself while inside spawn room but also having his corpse fly outside of of spawn room.  this can happen when warmup timer ends and match hasn't quite started yet; and happen with two players on same team.
    Problem: switch to other team, and do same bug, and make both teams bugged and force a fake match to begin with no players actually ingame even though it says they are ingame.  everyone ends up trapped in base, and match never ends.

    Problem: have everyone spectate, and match still doesn't end because of team player counts still being above 0.

    Problem: can occur for a prisoner that rockets himself out of jail and dies before corpse crosses the line.
[x] fixed bug where player could exploit the spawn door linedefs for re-entering spawn room to gain god-mode after warmup announcer already said "Fight!" (removed god-mode from players) and thus sit inside the doorway to keep it open, thus preventing the match from starting or ending.
[x] issue players used blocking to get past Thrust linedef.
    [x] this isn't really a bug that needs fixing.
[x] fix issue where players (that past Thrust linedef into their base enemy prison) were treated as exiting the game and respawn them back to start room.
[x] fixed rare issue where god-mode is not removed from players that are in spawn room when match begins.  this is fix now, because players no longer receive god-mode while in base, unless a warmup is currently in progress.
[x] make outside trim sectors (for buildings) to be impassible, on map02.
[x] fixed mid texture bleeding in software mode.  window grates, jail bars, etc.
[x] fixed floor textures on spawn room windows in map10
[x] fixed several texture error messages in console, map10
[x] added missing red lights under ledge for 2nd spawn door, map10
[x] added more weapons outside of base, for map02
[x] changed texture on floor of high-risers(ammo pickup spots) in map01
[x] new map: MAP03
[x] added "addmap map03" to config.

0.4c - 0.5b

[x] removed requirement for skulltag*.pk3 resource files.
[x] major changes: the wad files have been removed, and this mod is now in pk3 format; and some re-structuring of files inside.  renamed files: it's now 1) krjb05.pk3, 2) krjb05-maps.pk3, and 3) krjb06-msx.pk3
    - Note: you can run this mod with your own maps or msx pk3 files.
[x] major change: teleport destination TIDs ranges/patterns have changed. See krjb-sample-map.wad for details.
[x] minor bug fix: added more teleport destinations (/w TIDs) because this mod uses teams and therefore needs double the amount of destinations with TIDs to match playernumbers(on whichever team).  e.g. 16vs16 game, player #32(for example) could be on red or blue, therefore red and blue areas must each have 32 destinations rather only have 16 destinations each.
[x] added support for 64 players by adding more teleport destinations (/w TIDs) to support a playernumber of 0-63 for either red team or blue team (yes, that means there would be a total of 128 destinations).
    - Note: a custom playernumber system may be designed in this mod (at some point in the future) so that we won't need to have 128 destinations.
[x] reduced chance of telefragging by moving teleport destinations up (mid-air) by at least 64 units.
[x] updated mapping tutorial, and maps(incl. sample maps)
[x] fixed points system for tracking how many players a player fees from jail.
[x] added hud message for show top #1 player's points: "{player_name} freed # players!" at Game Over screen (before nextmap change).
[x] changed music queuing so that the IDLE music now plays on map OPEN (or when everyone is spectating (no one is joined)) rather having intermission music start immediately upon map OPEN.  the intermission music will now only start once first player joins.
[x] new map: MAP02
[x] added "addmap map02" to config.
[x] fixed issue where a death (while not during a match) was still executing jail (injail_count) functionality.

0.4b - 0.4c
- set all door scripts to be ExecuteAlways()
- change text "goto" to "go to"
- fix ceiling brightness for spawn room shield wall.
- changed messages (because confusing).  perhaps "blue jail opened"
    - more informative messages? "blue team is escaping red prison"
    - now it is "blue is escaping" in blue/white/red colors.
- shortened/changed warmup time from 15 to 10 seconds.
- removed extra "," in "how to play" instructions
- fixed hom above door of building next to base entrance
- moved invis (in map10) to harder place, because it's op for red/blue gameplay

0.4 - 0.4b
- fixed blocking players in thin hallways
    - added alternate routes.
- improved/forcing "one-way only" behavior for doors.
    - re-looked into thrustthing.  now using thrustthing, rather wind.  thrust is set on the linedef (for script 140), using 3rd argument of Execute().
        1 = North, 2 = East, 3 = South, 4 = West
        5 = Northeast, 6 = Southeast, 7 = Southwest, 8 = Northwest
- fixed hom effect on sky walls (software mode), in map01

0.3 - 0.4
- fixed a bug where at some point in the game, the scoreboard continues to report that 1 person is always in jail
    - possible cause could be that two players exit on same tic; linedef script only being executed once, rather twice. -- now changed enter/exit arena scripts to be ExecuteAlways.
- added functionality for player to receive points for every prisoner he frees, using "APROP_Score" -- but only shows on hud when hud_showscore is true.
- fixed overlapping messages when teams are escaping.
    - added message for "Both teams are escaping!" in gold.
- fixed it so "teammate in jail!" doesn't print again when jailmate dies in jail.
- fixed it so sudden death ends game if no match in progress.
    - setup custom winlimit system with fixed rule of 3 matches per game, and now map ends at gamelimit of 2 or what winlimit is set to.
    - new announcement message "{team} Wins" (colored GOLD), and winning sound effect; along with sub-message (small font) saying "Game Over", and will exit map after 6 seconds.
- make winlimit system work, Exit map (exits after 2 game wins by same team)
- re-looked into allowing "team" console command.
- fixed the color of the "need two players to enter arena." message to orange.
- fixed it so player_wasinjail[*] is reset when match(and game) resets.
- changed sky (of map10) to be city
- added jail bar texure to windows of builder near base.
- fixed it so players are not teleported to jail (when changing team using console command "team") if players were not ingame(either ingame or injail) to begin with.
- removed 5-second godmode, because it makes it too easy for enemies to escape.
- added message for when approaching spawn gate when it's closed (and during a match), "Waiting for Match to Finish"
- newly joining players should start in jail if match in progress - OR - seal off entrance to base
    - extend spawn room to wrap around level with multiple doors and windows.
- changed escape route (in map10) to require multiple players to work together to free 1 person.
- fixed telefragging spawnpoints.
- set keepteams to true
- 1 new map

0.2 -> 0.3
- setup return scripts for checking if player was in jail or not
- fix spectating-doesnt-reset-injail-count issue.
- fix it so player remains in jail if he tries to spectate/rejoin his own team.
- fix it so player remains in jail if he spectates/rejoins while still dead at his corpse (before respawn/jail status).
    - quick-fixed by enabling sv_forceresawpn
    - full-fixed now.
- fix it when player spectates(then rejoins/re-enters arena) after opening his team's prison door.
- fix death/respawn(after entering your base prison) (during warmup) not retaining god-mode afterwards.

- fix 5-second god-mode hud countdown to be positioned at bottom of screen
- lighten force-field to 0.35
- fixed it so player receives god-mode when joining between warmupfinish and matchstarted, OR fix it so players (in spawn room) dont lose god-mode when warmup finishes.
- fixed it so "entered the arena!" message is more accurate.  it occurs before reaching the door.
- fixed brightness on outside ring of the ceiling circle/ring of lights.
- fixed it so escape route exit holes dont use the inner linedef "gate is locked!"
- fixed it so running out of jail doesn't take away invuln
- raise ceiling on spawn exit hallway tips, so players can glide out at max height.
- fixed blue brick texture being used on sub-jail rooms in red prison

    - fix random unclear issue where player got god-mode while being crushed in his own prison?
    - fix it so prisoners don't block the gate from closing with their invuln privaledge
    - players cannot be teleported (after match finishes) if doors are being kept open by invuln troll player
    - solution: make gatesclosed check for z height of 8 or less?  - no, because this would cause inadvertant effects (bugs).
    - solution: dont give prisoners god-mode anymore.  only give prisoners 5-second god-mode when escaping.

- align textures for stairs
- change grid texture on floor to something else

0.1 -> 0.2
- change jail rooms system
- setup friendly flag for door scripts
- move escape route entrance from ammo room to the window room
- change ammo (in escape room) from two single rockets, to a rocket box; because misleading to player that 2 rockets were required for rocket jump/escape.

- allow prisoners god-mode, but remove god-mode when exiting jailroom during match

- make it prominent to player that his teammates died, and he needs to free them

- embed impassible on jail room sub-rooms
- add few weapons/ammo into prisons (enabled drop weapon)
- remove 5-sec delay from gate warning messages.
- enlarge gate warning messages.

- align textures of bricks for embedded staircases
- fix hom on last stair of 2nd prison gate.
- match not starting, because warmupgatesisclosed fails for when trying 4 possible teams.  use 2 teams.
- some warning messages are being broadcasted globally

- fix for during warmup, to display door warning messages
- joining game while inmatch, take away invuln when enter arena when a matchisstarted
- not allowed to jail yourself.  entering, will kill you.

- fix it so you dont keep god-mode when leaving your prison during pre-warmup state?
- fix it so match ends when both teams jail themselves
- fix jail sub-jail secret to chaingun
- fix it so teams are teleported back to their base at match restart?
- fix for red team jail saying empty when match ends after both teams jail themselves.  blue team jail showed correctly (showing a #), though.

- fix for when both teams jail themselves (Draw) doesn't teleport them back to base
- fix it so RESPAWN checks if match is over, then to teleport them to start/spawn room instead.

- fix brightness of secret escape route door.
- fix raised ceiling on 2nd rjump latform in escape route.
- fix blue brick texture beign used on red prison mini gate.
- fix blue brick texture being aligned, on blue prison mini gate.
- fix missing texture (bars) for inside linedef of jail sub-jail room
- add medkits to bases
- elevate base so that you cannot re-enter it.  or create forcefield. or just allow it altogether.
- use thrustthing or thingthrust, instead of wind.
    - no, because easier to allow mapper to control wind direction; also, we have forcefield.
- fix it from saying "Draw" when player enters their prison after a match already just won.
- fix warmup doors not closing when player opened them then went spectate

0.1 -> 0.1g
- made players invincible during warmup
- removed bfg
- added wind on gate to prevent re-entry
- entering jail will now force gameover
- make escape route tougher to perform
- added a scoreboard
- set items/weapons around map, and healthpacks are angled roof buildings
- added more red/blue signatures around map (and lighting)
- added winlimit system (and hud ui status info)
- added gamelimit system
- set players to collide
- fix bug: open-jail script is not executing always
- team_ingame_count[#] is not updated when player leaves server
- fixed bug: sometimes a player wont die when entering enemy's prison during match
- fixed bug: sometimes game wont end when all players of team are in prison
- fixed bug: sometimes players wont receive invuln during warmup time
- fix texture alignment in escape room
- added missing floor lamp in red team escape room
- added changetid fix for respawning players
- fixed brightness under health building roof rip
- fixed killplayer to override invuln
- fixed: force open gates during warmup
- fixed it so match doesn't end (when 1 team left) until the oppositeteam's gate is closed
- made door opening/closing to use ceilings and crush
- fixed so godmode is removed after warmup countdowntimer but before warmup finishes
- fixed it so team switching (while already "in game") will not break player and player counts. (quick fix: enable sv_noteamswitch)
- fix it so players that died (during warmup) will receive invuln again on respawn (if still during warmup)
- fix it so player (when non-ingame) to receive invuln as well
- changed it so invuln is removed exactly same time when announcer says "fight"
- too many to list.

1. Can this mod run without the skulltag*.pk3 files?

2. Are you going to be adding custom weapons?
Unfortunately, this mod will not have custom weapons. This mod is simply a gameplay mod. Perhaps you could merge this mod (and a weapons-pack mod) together on your own server.

3. Why the "sv_unblockplayers false" command?
Some maps have escape routes that require players to stack up on each other to boost a player to freedom. Regardless, having player collision is overall a good thing; recommended.
Last edited by arkore on Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:43 am, edited 2 times in total.

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RE: JailBreak


Post by WhoDaMan » Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:29 am

I remember a project like this back in 2008 or 2009. I think it was Volt's anyways it was a lot of fun. For some reason the project fell apart unfortunately so I'm excited to see someone making another attempt at it. Best of luck.

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RE: JailBreak


Post by Ænima » Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:37 am

Had a blast playing this the other day.
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RE: JailBreak


Post by Unholypimpin » Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:00 am

Are you going to be adding custom weapons?

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RE: JailBreak


Post by Konar6 » Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:05 am

I like the idea, this mod has some potential. Remember, ZH started with only 2 maps as well. And I like that there is a help on how to play included. It would be shame not to host it, all the more when the author included detailed server settings.

[FR] -->Grandvoid--> JailBreak 2014
Ijon Tichy wrote:I like how your first responses to concerns being raised was to start insulting people, accusing random people on the Internet of being Shadowfox, and digging up irrelevant shit from the past. It really inspires confidence in me that you guys are level-headed and rational folks.

<BlueCool> you guys IQ is the same as my IP, Dynamic

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RE: JailBreak


Post by Dark-Assassin » Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:11 am

I saw the prefix [ST] on this.
Does it rely on skulltag stuff? If so, does it need it? If so, any chance you could make it so it's not required?

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RE: JailBreak


Post by Cruduxy » Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:14 am

Treetag doom? Can't resist
Nothing to see here

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RE: JailBreak


Post by Ivan » Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:36 pm

No autoaim on the configs? Well, you lost me.
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RE: JailBreak


Post by Ijon Tichy » Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:30 pm

one line in a config invalidates the entire mod

unless it forces autoaim off in which case yeah that's kind of bullshit, but I doubt that's the case

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RE: JailBreak


Post by Konar6 » Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:05 pm

sv_smartaim 2 // Auto-aim will never aim at friends.
sv_noautoaim true // Disable auto-aiming.
Last edited by Konar6 on Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ijon Tichy wrote:I like how your first responses to concerns being raised was to start insulting people, accusing random people on the Internet of being Shadowfox, and digging up irrelevant shit from the past. It really inspires confidence in me that you guys are level-headed and rational folks.

<BlueCool> you guys IQ is the same as my IP, Dynamic

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RE: JailBreak


Post by arkore » Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:22 am

Hi everyone, I've responded to all your feedback. Please see the end of my original post; I've added a "Questions" section.

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RE: JailBreak 2014 (ver. 06)


Post by arkore » Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:36 am

New version released
ver. 0.6

Note: Currently split into 3 files: Optional downloads:
Change Log:

Code: Select all

0.5b - 0.6

[x] bug: sometimes player respawning would respawn player to the start room, rather the jail.
    Note: this bug can only be re-produced by dying during a time in between the warmup ends (countdown timer ends), and when the match starts (doors finish closing).

    Note: when warmup timer ends and the doors haven't finished closing yet though, is when we have a small gap of time in which you no longer have god-mode.  if you die, you respawn to the start room, because the match hasn't really started yet.

    Reference: In verison 0.2 (of JailBreak), a (requested) feature was implemented into the mod;  to change when god-mode is removed for when warmup ends and match begins;  to change it so that god-mode is removed at exactly the same point that the announcer says "Fight!"

    [x] fixed logic to check for when warmup countdown finished, rather checking for when match actually starts.
[x] fix bug when player kills himself while inside spawn room but also having his corpse fly outside of of spawn room.  this can happen when warmup timer ends and match hasn't quite started yet; and happen with two players on same team.
    Problem: switch to other team, and do same bug, and make both teams bugged and force a fake match to begin with no players actually ingame even though it says they are ingame.  everyone ends up trapped in base, and match never ends.

    Problem: have everyone spectate, and match still doesn't end because of team player counts still being above 0.

    Problem: can occur for a prisoner that rockets himself out of jail and dies before corpse crosses the line.
[x] fixed bug where player could exploit the spawn door linedefs for re-entering spawn room to gain god-mode after warmup announcer already said "Fight!" (removed god-mode from players) and thus sit inside the doorway to keep it open, thus preventing the match from starting or ending.
[x] issue players used blocking to get past Thrust linedef.
    [x] this isn't really a bug that needs fixing.
[x] fix issue where players (that past Thrust linedef into their base enemy prison) were treated as exiting the game and respawn them back to start room.
[x] fixed rare issue where god-mode is not removed from players that are in spawn room when match begins.  this is fix now, because players no longer receive god-mode while in base, unless a warmup is currently in progress.
[x] make outside trim sectors (for buildings) to be impassible, on map02.
[x] fixed mid texture bleeding in software mode.  window grates, jail bars, etc.
[x] fixed floor textures on spawn room windows in map10
[x] fixed several texture error messages in console, map10
[x] added missing red lights under ledge for 2nd spawn door, map10
[x] added more weapons outside of base, for map02
[x] changed texture on floor of high-risers(ammo pickup spots) in map01
[x] new map: MAP03
[x] added "addmap map03" to config.
Change Log:

Code: Select all

0.4c - 0.5b

[x] removed requirement for skulltag*.pk3 resource files.
[x] major changes: the wad files have been removed, and this mod is now in pk3 format; and some re-structuring of files inside.  renamed files: it's now 1) krjb05.pk3, 2) krjb05-maps.pk3, and 3) krjb05-msx.pk3
    - Note: you can run this mod with your own maps or msx pk3 files.
[x] major change: teleport destination TIDs ranges/patterns have changed. See krjb-sample-map.wad for details.
[x] minor bug fix: added more teleport destinations (/w TIDs) because this mod uses teams and therefore needs double the amount of destinations with TIDs to match playernumbers(on whichever team).  e.g. 16vs16 game, player #32(for example) could be on red or blue, therefore red and blue areas must each have 32 destinations rather only have 16 destinations each.
[x] added support for 64 players by adding more teleport destinations (/w TIDs) to support a playernumber of 0-63 for either red team or blue team (yes, that means there would be a total of 128 destinations).
    - Note: a custom playernumber system may be designed in this mod (at some point in the future) so that we won't need to have 128 destinations.
[x] reduced chance of telefragging by moving teleport destinations up (mid-air) by at least 64 units.
[x] updated mapping tutorial, and maps(incl. sample maps)
[x] fixed points system for tracking how many players a player fees from jail.
[x] added hud message for show top #1 player's points: "{player_name} freed # players!" at Game Over screen (before nextmap change).
[x] changed music queuing so that the IDLE music now plays on map OPEN (or when everyone is spectating (no one is joined)) rather having intermission music start immediately upon map OPEN.  the intermission music will now only start once first player joins.
[x] new map: MAP02
[x] added "addmap map02" to config.
[x] fixed issue where a death (while not during a match) was still executing jail (injail_count) functionality.
Last edited by arkore on Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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