Death and Decay: More RPG! Scaling Monsters! New Hardcore mode!

Maps, modifications, add-ons, projects, and other releases for Zandronum. Also includes announcers.
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Death and Decay: More RPG! Scaling Monsters! New Hardcore mode!


Post by Ivan » Sun Aug 24, 2014 8:23 pm

DOWNLOAD: Click Click

IMPORTANT: Use this special binary (if you use windows) to help me fix a nasty crash (the Zlib stream): Debug build You only need this to be used on your end, so server hosts don't need this. Thank you for your cooperation.


- Welcome to Death and Decay, a monster/weapon replacer mod. If you liked Hard Doom and mods of that type, then you might like this mod. If not, it's still alright, this mod is a bit different compared to the others.

- The very first difference is that your character will constantly be evolving and improving in terms of both the stats and weapon efficiency. You'll be earning credits through monsters kills or completing a few special tasks. (These will be mentioned below) You can later use the hard earned cash to buy some very valuable items.

- This mod incorporates the popular survival features used in servers nowadays such as the revenant tracer fix, shared keys etc.

- Make sure you bind a key to the menu of DnD. It has lots of information regarding your weapons, stats, loadout, the shop etc. A must have!


Source can be found here: DnD Source


BIG WARNING: Remove death exit only maps from rotations in hardcore mode! Your characters can die and will be lost!

Flags for servers:

DMFlags = 3227652
DMFlags2 = 256
DMFlags3 = 1104
CompatFlags2 = 2

Known bugs:

- DM only weapons/items/whatever will still spawn in Coop/Survival. Zandronum bug, don't bother me about this.

Some screenshots:
Spoiler: Screenshots (Open)
Extra info:


1. Make an account here: Click
2. When you are in game for a hardcore server, do "login username password". (The same name and password you entered for 1)
3. When the game prompts you to load your character, you can do "loadme x" where x is your character id.

Remember, your character is NOT saved until the map is officially over. This means, if you spectate at any point before the map ends, your progress is gone. You die, your character is entirely wiped out.

--- New patch notes for 2.5 ---
Spoiler: Changelog (Open)
==== DND 2022 EDITION v2.5 PATCH NOTES ====

* Added new perk "Brutality".
- 5% increased melee damage and 8% increased melee range per rank.
- "Sharpshooting" no longer affects melee weaponry.
* You gain a mastery when you allocate maximum points (10) to a perk!
- Sharpshooting: Dexterity gives 4% damage per point instead of 3%.
- Brutality: Melee damage and range increase also applies to projectiles fired from melee weapons.
- Endurance: Damage going to armor has 10% chance to be completely negated.
- Wisdom: Gain experience from kills regardless of the killer or the range limit.
- Greed: Gain credit from kills regardless of the killer or the range limit.
- Medic: Convert 10% of healing pickups to extra armor.
- Munitionist: Enemies have 2% chance to drop ammo tokens, giving 10% ammo to a random weapon you own.
- Deadliness: Every 7th hit you land within four seconds is a guaranteed critical strike.
- Savagery: 100% to crit multiplier if you haven't dealt a critical strike in 5 seconds.
- Luck: When an item drops there's a 25% chance to get an additional item drop of its type.
* You can now invest into a research to increase its odds of dropping.
- All research icons, cost etc. are visible from the start, but you still can't research them without the blueprints.
- Until you get the blueprint, you can invest to add 1% chance to drop for a research per investment.
- Investment uses credits.
- You invest a base amount of 1000, and an additional 5% + 15% of the budget cost of that research per investment on top of your previous investment cost.
+ Formula basically becomes:
+ Example: Research cost is 50k. You invest once, its 1000. The second time its 1125. Third time its 1406. ((1125 + (100 + (5 + 15*50/100) * 2)) / 100)
+ Please note that precision errors apply due to integer math, so expected values may vary to be lower than shown in this example.
- Maximum is (obviously) 100% drop chance.
- If you pick the blueprint, you can no longer invest as it's pointless.
- The drop chance is calculated on YOUR investment, other players' investments do not matter. This includes the hit that kills a monster or chests opened by players.
- You can't invest in research that is obtained from specific monsters, through their unique drops or otherwise.
* Chests can now drop from the following items with the following chance:
- Stimpacks: 0.25%
- Medkit: 0.5%
- Armors: 1%
- SoulSphere, Megasphere: 10%
* Chests have a maximum amount that can spawn in map now scaling with difficulty:
- Very Easy: 10
- Easy: 13
- Medium: 18
- Hard: 24
- Very Hard: 35
* You can pick up to 25 backpacks now down from 55 to increase your ammo capacities.
* "Demon Heart" nerfed.
- Ammo cap of 2 instead of 5.
- Damage reduced by 20%.
- Distance halved.
- Angle of scan reduced to 54 degrees from 90.
- Drop chance halved to 5% from 10%.
* "Book of the Dead" range doubled.
* Charms now have level requirements. You can't equip the charm unless your level matches the level shown on the top left corner of the box.
* You can no longer use multiples of the same unique charms. Due to this, some charms a changed.
* "Well of Power" charm now grants:
- Amplifies modifier values of small charms by 1.25 - 2.
- Increases damage taken by 15-30%.
- Can use maximum of 1-3 small charms.
* "Ancient Gemstone" buffed:
- 5 - 20 all stats up from 5 - 8.
- Chance to heal 3 - 8 from 3 - 5.
* "Deathspark" buffed:
- Increased lightning damage to 5 - 60 from 5 - 45.
* "Oakheart" buffed:
- Damage per 65-40 health instead of 75-50 health.
* "Pelletstorm" buffed:
- 50-125% more pellets from 50-100%.
- 180-300% slot3 damage from 180-250%.
* "Lifeleech" buffed:
- 6-17.5% movespeed from 6-12%.
- 3-12 flat damage from 3-10.
* "Shellshock" buffed:
- Now gives a new mod 1-3 damage to shotguns per shotgun owned.
* "Rebounder" base damage increased to 30 from 25.
* "Rebounder" primary fire gives 3 overheat instead of 4.
* "Rebounder" altfire now uses 18 overheat down from 24.
* "Rebounder" primary fire overheat thresholds lowered to 15 - 30 - 45 - 60 from 24 - 48 - 72 - 96.
* "Rebounder" overheated shots have angle spread of 10 degrees starting from the 2nd threshold.
* "Jade Wand" primary attack damage per pellet reduced to 15 from 20.
* "Jade Wand" altfire cost increased to 8 from 5, and cooldown increased to 8 seconds from 5 seconds.
* "Jade Wand" corpse explosion damage reduced to 50 from 100.
* "Acid Rifle" magsize increased to 32 from 28.
* "Acid Rifle" poison alt spreads more and inflicts poison.
* "Acid Rifle" poison bolt speed increased to 56 from 40.
* "Blade Vortex" no longer grants damage reduction.
* Grenade Launcher and Mercury Launcher have swapped places. Now you need a research to obtain Mercury Launcher.
* Price of Grenade Launcher is now 2500 credits. Mercury Launcher is at 6800. Research cost is 65k.
* Charm modifier ranges can be toggled to be shown now from Menu "Help" section. You can also bind a key to do this without having to go to the menu, under "DnD Keys" section.
* "Luck" perk now affects rolls on regular charms, with 5% chance per point.
* "Strength" no longer gives health and armor cap bonuses.
* Culling effects buffed to 15% from 10%.
* Added a custom scoreboard that acts as a replacement for the end of level screen.
* Removed "X players alive" and "Last Player Alive" text.
* Hobo mugshot graphics updated.
* "Bloodfiend Spine" altfire can heal you now for each pellet hit for 1% of your health cap.
* Improved wording on Punisher level 5 perk. Buffed level 50 perk.
- Level 5 perk now says "Being on a killing spree" instead of "Being on at least cruel killing spree".
- Level 50 perk now gives 4% damage increase on that map per 10 kills instead of 50. (Caps at 400% still, so max 1000 kills required for max damage instead of 5000)
* Killing sprees start triggering for every 10 monster killed instead of 15.
* Your budget is now shown in the stat page.
* Inventory items clicked on the menu will be dragged by the cursor now.
* Doomguy's perks reworked.
+ Damage taken from demons is reduced by 10%.
+ Demons have 5% chance to drop their essence. Anyone can pick these to heal for 1% of enemy max health on pickup and gain 18% more damage for 5 seconds.
+ Attacks ignore resists of demons.
* Buffed Marine perks numerically.
+ Marine Level 25 Perk also gives: Explosives ignore monsters' radius damage immunity.
+ Marine Level 50 perk also gives Poison Immunity and projectiles can't be reflected.
+ Marine Explosion Resist and Charm Explosion Resists stack additively now.
* Buffed / Reworked Wanderer perks across the board.
* Poison Mastery ability only reduces poison damage by 33% now down from 50%.
* Monster scan is no longer needed to be bought, you start off with it.
* Redone Elite special fx. There are now 4 particles orbiting around an elite monster instead of repeatedly spawning fx.
* Buffed unique drop rate a tiny bit.
* "Deadliness" perk critical strike chance nerfed to 1% per point from 2%.
* Maximum damage reduction attainable is now 90%, from bulkiness or any other source added.
* Repairing equipped armor now requires a "Repair Token". They are stackable items that can be traded, and drop from elites or chests.
* Repairing armor now has error messages tied to it.
* Removed damage type icons for bullet and shell, grouped them under "physical" instead with a new icon.
* Added "No Reflect" icon for certain projectile weapons that can't be reflected back at you by reflective monsters.
* Buffed Shell Shock and Pellet Storm uniques significantly.
* The effect of "dnd_monsterlevel_high" in the first 10 levels is halved.
* Only Fist is a silent melee weapon now. This means Sickle, Excalibat, Dusk Blade and Inferno Sword are no longer silent.
* Viper Staff now inflicts poison.
* Improved Viper Staff snake trail a little bit.
* Viper Staff seeking snake AI improved.
* Reduced Viper Staff ammo capacity to 50 from 80.
* Rocket Launcher weapons that didn't have smoke trails have one now.
* Sickle now heals on a percentage basis instead of flat.
* Katana shockwave on combo attacks now uses the "one time ripper" method. They are no longer explosions. Instead they deal flat 80 damage when passing through enemies.
* Katana combos no longer sheathe it back automatically, except the unsheating combo. You can force sheathe the weapon with Reload key now.
* Katana no longer blocks projectiles.
* Laser Pistol rail range increased by 64 per 25 charge up from 32.
* Purifier shotgun can now early cancel into reload after pumping animation, if holding the reload button. It also early cancels when the clip is empty if fire button is held.
* Emerald Wand rain projectiles do 1 more damage. (A forced change so the damage system works, seems like a Zandronum problem)
* Emerald Wand now inflicts poison.
* Erasus reload animation improved a bit, firing animation tiny offset change on burst fire.
* Hell's Maw direct hit from big missiles increased to 60 from 45.
* Hell's Maw small rocket hit damage increased to 25 from 15.
* Reduced Hell's Maw split spread by 33%.
* Updated Deadlock sprites.
* Demon Sealer now deals 18 damage per card up from 15.
* Demon Sealer has a new altfire: Can place Kanji Demon Traps. When enemies approach, will detonate for 150 damage in a 144 unit radius. Will cull.
* Lead Spitter now benefits from pellet count increases. This also means it can benefit from Pellet Storm unique charm fully.
* Lead Spitter no longer ignores shields.
* Fusion Blaster main projectile base damage is now 30 from 28.
* Fusion Blaster main projectile damage increase per tic is 3 from 2.
* Fusion Blaster grenade projectile damage increased from 150 to 200.
* Fusion Blaster grenade damage increase per tic increased to 8 from 5.
* Fusion Blaster ripper damage increased to 6 from 5.
* Desolator now inflicts poison.
* Shocker explosion damage buffed to 192 - 240 from 105-180, radius increased to 108 from 96.
* Fusion Blaster main projectile damage increased to 28 from 25.
* Meteor Launcher readjusted to half damage and radius on each split from primary instead. Overall more impact damage but less radius on splits by a small amount.
* Torpedo Launcher now has an altfire that explodes the rocket midflight instead.
* Torpedo Launcher impact damage nerfed to 300-400 from 300-500.
* Torpedo Launcher takes 4 tics longer to fire now.
* Updated Meteor Launcher tooltip to reflect the smaller pieces are half as effective as the projectile that spawned them.
* Fixed a bug where Meteor Launcher's first split dealt the same impact damage as the main projectile. It is now half, as it should be.
* Railgun no longer deals explosion damage in a really wide radius. Instead it's fired in a little "wider" hitbox. Damage re-adjusted to be more than before overall against all targets, and penetrates everything now.
* Gauss Rifle direct shots now do 200 from 150.
* Death Ray altfire laser damage bumped up to 400 from 200.
* Death Ray laser impact damage increased to 450 from 300, explosion to 150 from 75.
* Death Ray uses 6 ammo per shot up from 3.
* Razorfang skulls now seek new targets after successfully tearing their current one apart.
* Razorfang skulls deal 64 explosion damage on expiring, up from 8.
* Razorfang skulls deal 16 - 20 damage up from 8 - 16.
* Soul Reaver ghost damage reduced to 24 - 36 from 32 - 48.
* Soul Render puff effect on hitting a monster is now a blood splat instead of smoke.
* Venom now inflicts poison.
* Dark Servant Gloves altfire damage increased to 192 on hit from 120-180.
* Dark Servant Gloves altfire explosion damage increased to 144 over 9 tics from 96.
* Dark Servant Gloves altfire now uses 4 ammo up from 3.
* Shock Shells now deal "Lightning" damage instead of "Energy" damage.
* Special shotgun shells should no longer get interrupted by shotgun pumping sounds.
* Most ammo prices have been doubled.
* When you try to pick an inventory but you have no space, an error message is displayed and a sound is played.
* Improved the "Current Gains" page in stats menu. It only shows things if they are non-zero now, so they won't clutter the menu.
* Added base critical chance and multiplier to stat menu display.
* Killing spree bar on hud only shows if you are on a spree now.
* Deathspark unique charm no longer grants guaranteed crit to lightning attacks. It instead increases the crit chance of lightning attacks by 50% - 125%.
* Most charm attributes have been re-adjusted completely. Overall it's a nerf to later stages of the game but a buff to earlier. The scale of attributes going up with tiers has been made linear.
* Increased the chance to have an orb drop as a charm crafting one slightly. (Each got added 1.5%)
* Improved wording on flat damage modifiers.
* Updated the monster modifier help menu, grouped them into sub-categories.
* Added a background image to announcements at the right side of the screen.
* Damage type icons in DnD Menu are updated with better graphics!
* Reflect Resist modifier in items are buffed by x10. The minimum range is 1% to 9% on weakest charms, scaling additively with charm level.
* "Elemental Bulwark" can cast a random elemental spell once every 5 seconds now up from 1.5 seconds.
* All sorts of "increased X damage" modifiers are now ADDITIVE instead of MULTIPLICATIVE. The only multiplicative instances of such damage left are:
- Weapon specific stacking properties (such as Lightning Gun's stacking damage over time)
- Sharpshooting and Brutality perks.
- Quest or Accessory bonuses. (Demon Bane etc.)
- Example: If you were to do 100 damage with two instances of 75% increased damage, now you'll do 250 damage instead of 306 (306.25 rounded down) damage.
- Damage over time multipliers. (It's in their name, duh)
- Critical strikes.
* Improved weapon mod and stat descriptions in crafting menu.
* Added "sp_softcore" and "sp_hardcore" commands. These set the game to you so that the rules are from softcore or hardcore but there are no database functions and no account loading stuff.
- This is best used in SP or Local Server where you are the only player.

* Reworked how damage dealing works. This uses a completely new overhauled system that is untraditional, but allows for new features, such as:
- Determining who deals how much damage at any point in the game.
- Damage numbers without taxing the server.
- Lifesteal with custom % or conditions.
- Resistance penetration, ignoring, conditional penetration etc. on a much higher customization.
- The creation of the poison system!
- Hit beeps when hitting a resistant, immune or an invulnerable monster. Also beeps for hitting monsters that have a particular weakness. (Controlled by dnd_hitbeeps client cvar)
- Custom vector based push system on damage.
- Damage numbers! Can be turned off from clients' side with "dnd_dmgnum" CVar.

* The above system fixed some issues, such as:
- Shotgun damage range is now outputting the intermediate values, not just each extreme. (Example: Shotgun used to only deal 100 or 150 damage. It can do intermediate values now)
- Damage scaling accuracy has increased significantly.
- Forced delay on exploding puff damage method. That is now gone completely.
- Taltos Ring not healing above a certain threshold of health.
- Blood Rune artifact not healing above a certain threshold of health.

* As a consequence of the above system, some limitations arose. These are:
- Sun Staff no longer has a projectile and rail counterpart for FULL damage buffs. It always fires the rail counterpart, but with a little less damage to compensate. 64 damage per hit.
- Reflected projectiles do not deal any initial damage to reflecting monsters anymore. This requires a rework of how reflects occur and it's not a priority at the moment.
- Now that Taltos Ring heals you for your real health, it's percentage is reduced to 25% from 50%.
- Same with Taltos Ring, Blood Rune lifesteal percentage dropped to 30%. However the Arcanery ability now improves this percentage to 45%.

* Reworked BFG attacks. The tracers now deal a known damage, and the formula is as follows:
- Damage scales from 100% of a tracer to 0% through the distance proportional to the square of the distance.
- Max distance of most BFG Scan style attacks is 1024. You deal the most damage the closer you are, and least the farther you are.
- No randomness anymore.
- As a result, certain BFG attacks have been re-adjusted. Overall reliability of the BFG type attacks have increased significantly.
- Damage scaling effectiveness of tracers is 66%.
- BFG weapons attack rate nerfed, and ammo use increased to 50 and 75 respectively for 6000 and 32768 versions of BFG. They also can hit at most 30 monsters at a time.

* Rewrote how Bulkiness works:
- Now armor efficiency no longer grants damage reduction behind the scenes.
- Instead it properly reduces the hit your armor specifically takes from damages.
+ Example: Taking a hit for 100 damage with an armor doing 50% reduction will take 50 armor off of you. If you have 20% armor efficiency, you only lose 40 armor instead.

* Lifesteal now works as follows:
- It is not instant (unless special conditions apply).
- It has a buffer that is 20% of your maximum health capacity.
- Any damage that'd be stolen as life is instead filling this buffer.
- This buffer is periodically reduced by 1% of your maximum health cap to heal you.
- You can increase all these effects through item mods.
* Monsters now take 50% less damage when they have "Physical Resist" mod instead of 25%. Melee is not changed.
* All resist modifiers on monsters now imply 50% damage reduction, up from 25%.
* Shotgun style weapons that rely on "pellet count" calculations have crit chance calculated as a whole, not just per pellet now.
- The above includes weapons like "Plasma Cannon" as well. Shots fired from this weapon, should a crit roll, all projectiles will be affected.

* Added a new player inflicted poison system. Poison from players deal 2% of the overall poison damage dealt in the given hit to the monster every poison tic as additional damage.
- Base duration is 3 seconds.
- Poison damage tics every 0.5 seconds.
- Can stack up to 5 times on a given monster, regardless of player.
- If a monster has max stacks, no further stacks apply. Once a stack is done dealing its damage, then new stacks can be applied further.

* All ice attacks can now apply "Chill" and "Freeze".
- Chill is inflicted per 10% missing health a monster has when hurt by ice attacks.
- Chill has a max stack of 5, each applying a 10% slow.
- Chill stacks last for a second. Monsters lose a stack every second.
- At any chill stack, a monster can be frozen if hit with ice attacks. Freeze chance is 2% per stack.
- Frozen monsters can't retaliate for 3 seconds. Bosses are only affected for one third of this effect.

* All fire attacks can now "Ignite".
- Ignite sets a monster on fire, dealing flat fire damage.
- Base chance to ignite is 15%.
- Base damage for all ignite tics is 10.
- Ignite tics over 4 seconds with 5 tics every second.
- New ignites refresh duration.

* All lightning attacks can now "Overload".
- Base chance to overload is 5%.
- Overloaded enemies take 20% more damage from any non-lightning based damage.
- If an overloaded enemy is killed, nearby enemies are overloaded within 512 units (up to 128 enemies).
- Overload effect lasts for 3 seconds.
- Bosses are affected for half the duration only.

* New item mods:
- Cybernetic.
- Melee range increase.
- Resist penetration for all damage categories.
- Lifesteal.
- Blocking enemies take % extra damage from attacks.
- Flat damage bonuses to fire, ice, poison and lightning.
- Increased effect of chill, increased chance to freeze enemies and reduced enemy chill threshold.
- Increased poison ticrate, damage per tic, duration.
- Increased chance to ignite, increased ignite damage, increased ignite duration.
- Increased chance to overload, increased overload reflection damage, additional overload reflections.
- Increased damage over time.
- Damage over time multiplier.
- Reduced hitscan damage taken.
- Reduced energy damage taken.
- Reduced explosion damage taken.
- Reduced magic damage taken.
- Reduced fire damage taken.
- Reduced ice damage taken.
- Reduced lightning damage taken.
- Reduced poison damage taken.
- Maximum damage resist cap.
- Increased regeneration rate.
- Increased lifesteal rate.
- Increased life recovery from lifesteal.
- Increased lifesteal cap.
- More damage while lifestealing.
- Added duration to overload.

* New elite properties:
- Bloodless: Can't leech life from it.
- Violent Retalation: When hurt, 50% chance to throw exploding magical projectiles.
- Thief: Monster attacks have 33% chance to steal 15% of current weapon's ammo on hit.
- Hexfusion: Monster attacks have 33% chance to inflict a random curse.
- Rebirth: Spawns 5 Wraiths on death that can resurrect enemies.
- Venomancer: Immune to poison.
- Frigid: Immune to chill.
- Scorched: Immune to ignite.
- Insulated: Immune to overload.
- Rejuvenating: Recovers 5% of its maximum health every second. Ignite temporarily stops this.
- Shocker: Monster attacks will briefly stop your movement.
- Fortified: Monster has a third of its maximum health as a shield. The shield absorbs all damage until it depletes. Shield ignore effects bypass this.
- Vampirism: Monster heals for 10% of the damage it deals to you.
- Hatred: Never infights with any other monster, and monsters do not target it for infights.
- Subordinate: Upon death, a monster of the same class with the highest rarity will spawn.
- Repel: Monster pushes players away from it when they come close, once every 3 seconds.
- Phantasm: Monster summons an invulnerable phantasm on death that slowly chases you for 20 seconds.
- Cripple Aura: Monster has an aura that slows nearby players by 50%.
- Ruination: Monster hits build up ruination stacks. At max stacks, lose all armor and 12.5% of max health. If wearing no armor, lose 33% of max health. Stacks each last 3 seconds.

* 2 new uniques:
- Pain Master
+ 6 - 15 flat damage to damage over time effects
+ 50 - 100% increased damage over time duration
+ 10 - 25% damage over time multiplier
- Void Emblem:
+ Crit chance is lucky. (If you didn't roll a crit, it rerolls)
+ Critical hits have 20 - 50% chance to ignore all resists

* Corruption Orb can grant 3 new mods to weapons:
- Deal a percentage of a monster's health on hits.
- Deal a percentage of the damage dealt as poison on hits.
- Have a chance to force pain on a monster on hits. (Even on ones that have 'No Pain' modifier)
- For the above, on hit implies directly hitting things. As such, explosions are excluded, but their projectile impacts are included.

* New Armors:

- Synth-metal Armor (Drop only - Research Enabled on Drop)
65% protection, 400 armor. 50% reduced damage taken from hitscan attacks, but 50% more damage taken from lightning attacks.

- Lightning Coil Armor (Drop only - Research Enabled on Drop)
40% protection, 300 armor. All lightning damage taken reduced by 85%. When hurt, 25% chance to release a lightning bolt towards an enemy.

* New Orbs:

- Hollow Orb
Adds a new attribute to a charm with the power to go beyond the attribute limits by at most one.
Drops only from a specific monster or through other rewards.

- Phantasmal Orb
Allows the infused weapon to hit ghosts with all attacks, but reduces overall damage by 33%.
Drops only from a specific monster or through other rewards.

- Assimilation Orb
Assimilates a selected non-unique item into another non-unique item, randomly taking attributes from both. It can have an additional attribute beyond its limit.
Drops only from a specific monster or through other rewards.

* New player class: Berserker.


L5: Can carry unlimited melee weapons. Can't buy any super weapon.
L25: Gain 2% damage reduction when hurt up to 30% for 3 seconds. Cooldown of 0.3 seconds. Heal for 15% of max health at the end at max stacks.
L50: Melee hits or kills give 8% damage. Max 30 stacks. At max stacks, +30% movement speed and +50% crit damage. Lose a stack every 2 seconds off combat.

* New weapons: Charon Blaster (3), Flayer Crossbow (3), Incinerator Shotgun (4), Multi-Phase Photon Blaster (4L), Gravdis 5000 (5), Void Cannon (5), Sedrin Staff (5L), Dark Lance (6).

==== BUG FIXES / TWEAKS ====

* Fixed the extra gold coin dropping code, it wasn't working at all. This subsequently fixed some of the "ACS: I don't know what is" issues as well.
* "Talisman of Wisdom" and "Talisman of Greed" now properly increase your gains from kills made by other players.
* The back and forward arrows in stat, weapon and accessory pages are now clickable.
* You can't click random boxes when they aren't draw in accessory page anymore.
* Reloading mastery now lets "Basilisk" load faster.
* "Assault Rifle" reload sound no longer cuts off the firing sound.
* Fixed an issue with ammo gain chance and temporary weapons.
* Fixed item images occupying same indexes disappearing in trade view once clicked.
* Killing spree quest is no longer broken.
* Poison Nova no longer aims up or down, it will always travel horizontally.
* Punisher level 25 perk wasn't working as intended.
- Healing was way more than stated, it is now a proper 30% of your health and armor caps.
- Healing would trigger at any killing spree, rather than simply being at least on Merciless.
- However to compensate, you gain an additional 5% per killing spree above Merciless. Example, getting a Sadistic killing spree would give you 40%, as it is two tiers above Merciless spree with 20 kills.
* Fixed a bug where Punisher level 50 perk would disappear when on menu until you took another kill.
* Fixed an issue where "Heavy Machine Gun" wouldn't properly reload when magsize cap was higher than base.
* Invulnerability Sphere now makes your screen darker gray instead of eye-gouging white.
* Fixed "Ancient Gemstone" not updating the chance properly, and causing unknown actor issues.
* Fixed an issue that could cause Orbs of Corruption to randomly disappear when walked up to.
* Lightning Spear spell now lasts 3 seconds in addition to its 6 bounce count.
* Fixed hud drawing methods, they are now correctly within screen bounds regardless of resolution.
* Fixed regeneration ability using incorrect values.
* Reflected damage no longer scales by monster's level.
* "Lich Arm" accessory now states it works on soul weapons and not just ultimate weapons.
* Megasphere and Ubersphere notify the players its percentage based now instead of flat.
* Poisonous hits from monsters are registered depending on the actor that dealt the damage and the actor that owned the projectile now, as opposed to just the owner.
* Field Kits can now cleanse ailments, such as poison but not curses.
* Sawedoff now works on a proper clip basis like other shotguns.
* Your own explosion damage can thrust you now.
* Changed how damage blends work.
- The intensity of screen damage flash scales with how hard a hit you took compared to your maximum health.
- It's duration also scales in a similar fashion.
- There are new minimum values in place to ensure at least some feedback gets through on damage.
- You also get proper blend when you die instead of nothing.
* Explosion resistance and self explosion resistance properly apply to your own explosives now.
* Railgun now uses 8 cells up from 4 by default, and each charge also requires 8 more cells up from 3.
* Berserk no longer force switches to Fists.
* Removed autoaim from all weapons.
* "Turel Cannon" renamed to "Particle Cannon".
* "Jade Wand" acid rain can no longer go behind closed walls.
* "Nuclear Plasma Rifle" overheat issue fixed.
* Chainsaw wall hit sound volume lowered.
* "Double Chainsaw" idle sound volume lowered.
* Moving back on charm select page when the inventory is on simply closes the inventory view now instead of going back a page. You can go back a page if the view isn't there.
* Fixed special ammo purchases giving wrong ammo types.
* Crafting panel prev/next arrows can now be utilized with movement keys.
* Fixed a bug where crafting panel prev/next arrows would sometimes be unclickable.
* Normalized weapon icons across the board to use the same style of image.
* Credit shows properly in subpages of the shop.
* Budget is now drawn in subpages of the research menu.
* Status bar color flashing on ammo now properly indicates halfway and critical points properly. (50% and 25%)
* Removed constant loops for weapon tip boxes. You only get automatic tip box for classic weapons if you have it enabled. Or if you use the weapon tip bind yourself.
* Mugshot grins when picking temporary weapons now.
* Fixed button issues on the menu with previous, next and home buttons at the bottom.
* "Chainsaw" and "Double Chainsaw" can now hit ghosts if "Nether Mask" is equipped.
* "Katana" hit sound added.
* Fixed "Katana" and "Excalibat" tooltips being reversed.
* "Demon Sealer" now properly culls and plays the special animation if the card hit actually did the killing blow.
* Fixed incorrect text on Ruby Wand M1 damage. It's changed to 15-30, was originally 10-20. Also increased explosion radius on alt to 32 from 24.
* Fixed Dash toggle in abilities menu.
* Fixed occasional unclickable bugs of crafting menu boxes after using a calamity orb, or using repent on them.
* Fixed oddities in loadout menu.
* Fixed a bug where you'd not level up from the experience gained off of a killing spree.
* Fixed an issue where charms and other items would not be wiped off in local server modes when all lives were lost.
* Fixed a bug where Melee attacks also scaled off of Dexterity despite stating otherwise.
* Fixed a bug where with odd number of pellet counts for Heavy SSG, it'd fire one more than it should.
* Fixed a bug with "Katana" where using primary fire repeatedly with Melee Upgrade would only play one animation.
* Fixed a bug where "Hell's Maw" was really doing Explosive damage instead of Occult damage.
* "Hell's Maw" has dynamic lights now.
* "Hell's Maw" now properly does self damage. This also fixes reflections from this weapon not dealing any damage to players.
* "Rhino AR" can change mode when over 75 clip and reload properly.
* "Rhino AR" casings don't mess up on elevators now.
* Fixed a typo in "Deadlock" help message.
* Fixed "Plasma Cannon" incorrect in-game and menu tooltip texts.
* Issues regarding weapon definitions of shotgun tier weapons is now sorted out.
* "Cyborg" class now properly benefits from the "CYBERNETIC" tagged abilities, and will receive bonuses immediately on reaching level 25 if already purchased.
* Fixed "Lead Spitter" full ammo reload frame issue.
* Fixed a bug where "Ebony Cannon" pellets wouldn't benefit properly from "Full Damage" bonuses.
* Fixed a bug where "Riotgun" fired "Hades Shotgun" puffs when used in conjunction with "Pellet Storm".
* Fixed a bug where "Vindicator" wouldn't benefit from Hobo's level 50 perk properly when zoomed.
* "Vindicator" no longer lets you pick and use regular rocket launcher alongside it.
* Fixed flickering frame issue with "Vindicator" while firing under zoom with no ammo.
* Fixed "Rotary Grenade Launcher" help text having reversed impact and explosion damages.
* Fixed "Gauss Rifle" incorrect damage values.
* Fixed a bug where "Ion Cannon" and "Thunderstaff" weren't counted as super weapons.
* "Ion Cannon" has dynamic lights now.
* Fixed "Death Staff" sound issues, and also made flame animation a little bit varied.
* Fixed "Bloodfiend Spine" not scaling properly from "Dreaming God" quest if used with Pelletstorm.
* "Soul Render" slash effect made CLIENTSIDEONLY.
* "Demon Heart" no longer counts as a Slot 7 Super Weapon.
* "Thunder Staff" no longer targets unshootable, teleporting enemies.
* "Loading Monsters" message now prints in "Softcore" gamemode, and properly in subsequent maps in other modes.
* Fixed charms getting more mods than they should after a while.
* Readjusted accessory click box rectangles.
* Hopefully fixed the shop stock numbers overflowing for ammo.
* Experience bar should no longer desync.
* Removed "Natural Talent" quest as it had no purpose anymore with removal of talents.
* Aligned Punisher's level 50 perk to the right of the screen.
* Orb of Corruption now properly picks a random owned weapon when rolling a weapon related modifier, instead of your currently selected weapon.
* Fixed accessory equipping reducing soul ammo capacity incorrectly even if it's not involving Lich Arm.
* Items with 6 and more mods will display correctly now.
* Nether Mask accessory will properly allow explosion weapons to deal damage to enemies with "NORADIUSDMG" flag.
* The "No Boomstick" quest now pays proper attention to all shotguns, not just slot 3 ones.
* Fixed some bugs with trading that didn't break properly if people spectated, died or clicked weird keys.
* Legendary monster spawn condition now checks for average player level rather than the maximum level player being above or equal to 25.


* Summoned enemies can no longer be elites. These include but not limited to: Lost souls, Sludge Giant minions etc.
* "Hades Sphere" and "Undead Spirit" can no longer roll as elites.
* "Blood Satyr" now has "Vampirism" mod instead of "Can Heal".
* "Brute" explosion damage increased to 36 and 72 in its death state up from 32 and 64.
* Boss tier monsters (Spider Mastermind / Cyberdemon) are no longer frightened by Evil Sphere.
* Removed decorative morphing stone imps.
* Regular chaingunner rarity was swapped with double one. This is corrrected.
* Fixed issues with "Blood Demon" and "Stone Demon" resurrections.
* Fixed "Incarnate" resurrection causing monster count issues. It now uses a collision check to determine when to get up as well. Also no longer gives double exp / credit or rolls item drop if killed more than once.
* Fixed "Yeti" frames having flickers.
* Fixed "Yeti" not being able to fire downwards with its ice winds.
* Fixed "Yeti" stuttering at max melee range sometimes.
* Fixed "Bormereth" and "Warlord of Hell" having wrong species.
* Fixed a grammar error in "Rail Revenant" obituary.
* Fixed "Lavademon" melee lagging players.
* Fixed a bug that prevented a "Warmaster" from spawning in Baron of Hell slot.
* Fixed a bug that made "Ice Mancubus" and "Abomination" have reversed rarities.
* "Ice Mancubus" blood color is red now (AS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN!!!).
* "Lavademon" melee range increased to 144 from 108.
* "Paladin" is considered a robotic enemy now. (Previously demon + robotic)
* "Cybruiser" is considered a robotic enemy now. (Previously demon + robotic)
* "Bloodseeker" rage method and effect improved. Now it requires sight, low hp (tied to actual health cap) and distance. When enraged, it grows larger in size. (Only visual, no hitbox change)
* "Diabloist" can no longer be resurrected by other monsters.
* "Diabloist" fire attack should no longer cause crashes.
* "Guru" attack rate slowed down a bit.
* Fixed "Lavademon" frames having flickers.
* "Pain Elemental" and "Hades Elemental" minions can't get stuck in walls anymore.
* None of the ArchVile class monsters can be resurrected now.
* "Paladin" armor stealing projectile effect now counts as a curse.
* "Hades Elemental" attacks are now considered lightning.
* "Dark Servant" attacks are now considered lightning.
* "Dark Zealot" attacks are now considered lightning.
* "Flesh Wizard" death snare now counts as a curse.
* "Avatar of Chaos" should no longer be able to harm other Cyberdemon class monsters.
* "Terminator" blaster impact min damage increased to 60 from 15.
* "Terminator" blaster explosion damage increased to 50 from 40.
* "Terminator" red star min damage increased to 60 from 10.
* "Terminator" bullet damage increased to fixed 20 from (4, 12), and fires 3 at a time instead of 2.
* "Thamuz" now applies poison on hit, 3-6 damage for 5 seconds.
* "Spider Mastermind" minigun loop sound properly stops if hurt while using it.
* "Mordecqai" lightning ball bounces around 5 times now.
* New unique enemies added. These can appear after average player level is 25 or above with a low chance to spawn. They will replace a single monster with a vastly different monster with great rewards special to them only.

* Added new monsters:

- Cyborg Soldier (Revenant) -- Sprites by neoworm.
- Judicator (Baron) -- Sprites by Megaherz.
- Reaver (Imp) - Strife
- Redeemer (Mancubus) - Strife, edited by IvanDobrovski.
- Putrefier (Hell Knight) - Strife, edited by IvanDobrovski.
Last edited by Ivan on Fri Apr 01, 2022 1:31 pm, edited 24 times in total.
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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Hypnotoad » Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:17 pm

Like what I see so far, nice work!

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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Ænima » Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:09 pm

Need to do some work on distinguishing this visually from all of the other "R667 Casserole" mods like Complex Doom. But if this is moving in more than just a "replace everything with something harder and shinier" direction then i'd be glad to help. :0
Last edited by Ænima on Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Doomkid » Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:00 am

I like the idea / look of this, I'm especially a fan of the stacking backpacks, I've never seen that done before. Downloading!

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RE: Death and Decay


Post by fr blood » Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:50 am

Nice project here, I tested it on Hellbound, and the gameplay was fun, there is no problems with the monsters of R667 as they are used properly like in here where you used the ASG sprites as a Machinegun, it's original.

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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Ivan » Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:26 pm

Here's an update. Some major changes include:

- Added CLIENTSIDEONLY to most things, should be easier to play now.
- You now start with 100 + Statbonus health everytime you respawn instead of just 100.
- Fixed a major bug where if you had the Tenacity or the Movement upgrades and died, they'd actually be gone rather than being kept.
- Added a new mechanic to the Temporal upgrade: You now get a Temporal Sphere every map or when picking up the crate. This will give you a random temporary weapon with full ammo on it ONLY if you have none on you. You can only carry one of these and you get one per map, so do not hesitate to use.
- Fixed a few unintentional monster behaviors.
- Nerfed a few monsters.

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RE: Death and Decay


Post by The Toxic Avenger » Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:04 pm

Obligatory screenshots (image limit):
I was asked to post these separate from the main post due to technical issues.

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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Ivan » Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:38 pm

Here's an update that fixes almost all of the old and annoying bugs: DnDv1.4. This wil probably be the last until new Zandronum comes out, after which this mod will take a different and a unique direction.
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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Konda » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:36 am

The effects in this mod may not be among the better ones I've seen but the gameplay is pretty good. I also like the unique stuff like the rewards and the soul system. After a while of playing it becomes harder to navigate through weapons because I end up having quite a bunch of them.

I am not sure if the soul render steals souls from monsters (I doubt it does) but I think that would be a pretty neat feature. Knowing that the soul weapons are pretty damn powerful and their ammo is rightfully rare, the sword shouldn't be able to collect a significant amount of souls during its entire durability (rather, it should be a small amount of souls). The soul stealing ability would be available only in green mode, just like life steal. I don't know, maybe soemthing like 1 soul ammo after 6 - 8 successful hits in green mode. I am not experienced enough with the sword to know its durability well.

And yeah I know there's a soul stealer upgrade but the probability of having both a soul weapon and the soul stealer upgrade is pretty low. The soul render would just be a means of collecting a small amount of soul ammo in case you can't find any for a while. The probability of getting the blade itself is not too high either so I doubt it would make a huge difference in the general availability of soul ammo.
Last edited by Konda on Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Ivan » Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:40 pm

Konda wrote: The effects in this mod may not be among the better ones I've seen but the gameplay is pretty good. I also like the unique stuff like the rewards and the soul system. After a while of playing it becomes harder to navigate through weapons because I end up having quite a bunch of them.
My original intention was that the Heavy Missile Launcher would in fact replace the Rocket Launcher once taken, but I thought not everyone would want that so I scrapped that entire idea. (Same with Silver gun and so on)
Konda wrote: I am not sure if the soul render steals souls from monsters (I doubt it does) but I think that would be a pretty neat feature. Knowing that the soul weapons are pretty damn powerful and their ammo is rightfully rare, the sword shouldn't be able to collect a significant amount of souls during its entire durability (rather, it should be a small amount of souls). The soul stealing ability would be available only in green mode, just like life steal. I don't know, maybe soemthing like 1 soul ammo after 6 - 8 successful hits in green mode. I am not experienced enough with the sword to know its durability well.

And yeah I know there's a soul stealer upgrade but the probability of having both a soul weapon and the soul stealer upgrade is pretty low. The soul render would just be a means of collecting a small amount of soul ammo in case you can't find any for a while. The probability of getting the blade itself is not too high either so I doubt it would make a huge difference in the general availability of soul ammo.
Soul Render currently does not steal souls from monsters. However, I can make it steal the soul if you land the blow on the "sated" mode. If you reach 100% on it's hunger meter, it glows red and shoots a red ray of death, taking 15% durability after it's used. So you have 7 of these to shoot in it's lifetime in the best case scenario. (It can be dropped with some durability gone, as well)

The soul stealer upgrade I thought would be a good "later in the game" upgrade, but the chances of it popping up are the same as the others so it kinda nullifies it. I'll have something for this in the future though.
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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Ivan » Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:27 pm

Updated DnD to v1.5 and the only ammo wad to 1.9. Notable changes include:

- Removed Crackodemon, replaced with the Earth Lich.
- Soul Render problems fixed, also grants 2 soul ammo on the impact of the full charge strike.
- Sun Staff respawn problems fixed.
- Some other bug fixes, as usual.
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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Monkeybtm6 » Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:16 am

Should have searched these forums better cause this mod seems to do everything i set out to do in mine, only a lot better.

Only difference is the damage upgrades, but wow gonna have to check this out and maybe stop work on mine or do something different.

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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Armitage » Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:26 am

Death and Decay is fucking awesome! I've had a blast with this in SP recently, it's far more fun and more importantly balanced in contrast to Complex, only if the enemy really ambushes you will you take a severe beating unlike Complex wheir it's best not to get hit at all.

The Weapon tip boxes are sleek and awesomely designed, they seem similar to Stronghold in font and style, did you pinch their code? A feature request would be if the same could be done for the 'End of Level rewards' probably difficult to make some client side variable where it shows the unique pickup for each client, maybe just a toggle button which displays a tip for the currently selected inventory item? I saw instances in a previous SNS where some players didn't know what these rewards did at all except if they read this thread beforehand.

I'd also like if the Weapon Tip Box could be modified so it displays the tip for your currently selected weapon if you toggle it on and off, as you might miss it first time in the heat of combat.

I really like the Temporary Weapons as they are implemented, granted only carrying one at a time is a limitation based on coding which you haven't yet figured out but it gives you a greater incentive to use your current temp weapon on the map, fully utilizing it's capability instead of bagging it for later then accumulating tons of temporary weps which are powerful and may imbalance things.

In gameplay mods I am particularly impressed if the author has made the effort to upgrade your stock pistol to a more powerful and effective form, rather than leaving it as an obsolete weapon which is immediately discard as soon as you pickup your first shotgun. The best example of this is in 'Zero Tolerance' which features 'The Prophet' a high caliber pistol with a fast firing rate, however it's semi-automatic and requires you to tap faster, coupled with the fact it has a laser scope making it the most accurate long ranged weapon.

Then this is taken a step further by allowing a player to pick up a second for dual wielding, this makes it a powerful force in mowing down lighter foes in quick succession due to the enhanced firing rate and number of rounds depleted per second.

It'd be cool if a similar idea could be done for this mod, or indeed make a 2nd pistol altogether which is rare but powerful just like the 'Silver Explosive Shotgun'. I think it's a clear indication of innovative and smart game design if an FPS has a versatile arsenal where each weapon is just as effective and necessary for independent situations and non are rendered obsolete as a result of acquiring a more powerful one. The best example I can think of is Blood, very nice touch with the classic 'Western Sawed Off' by the way!

Lastly,I love the small inclusions of sound effects and tributes from other classic FPS such as a few Quake sounds, pickups, enemies, weapons, Hexen II, Blood etc. I really dig the Chaingun Zombies with the ROTT enemy sounds but I was always fond of the Triad Enforcer for being a real bad ass due to his endurance. It'd be sweet if the Zombie which replicates him here had more hit points to reflect this as currently most zombies go one in one shot so it'd be nice to have one genuine bad ass zombie.

Keep up the good work.
Last edited by Armitage on Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Ivan » Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:47 pm

Thanks for the feedback! Let me go through your post:

- Balance, although spent a lot of time on, still depends heavily on the RNG. If you get a rare monster early on in the map it's really hard to beat. However if you have enough equipment it's a cake walk most of the time. The stat bonuses and upgrades also help a lot on your way towards this where rare monsters will keep popping up even more often on later maps of properly advancing map sets. (In terms of difficulty)

- Weapon tip box code is written from scratch, but only the sound itself is from the new zdoom community project because it's a distinct and alerting sound that I very much like. The one for items I think is there in terms of a similar way to the weapon tip boxes, but yeah I can definitely make a new bind that displays your current weapons' tip box again. That's a good suggestion. I could make another bind that said what your currently gained reward also did too.

- Temporary weapons are made so by design, so you can only carry only one at a time. I couldn't figure out a good way of dropping them properly without glitching so you have to waste the ammo on it if you want to get rid of it. If anyone has a reliable method for this I'm all ears.

- The pistol is actually the most accurate weapon here and does a flat 15 damage per bullet, even more so than the machine gun. It is always useful IMO for long ranges unless you have the MG upgrade which effectively makes it a sniper weapon. However, what I can do is make a pistol upgrade that improves it altogether into a new pistol that looks cooler and does more for you.

- I'm glad you like the sound effects! I've as much appreciation as you do towards those and I think they add the enemies a unique touch. I also thought the same about the Triad Enforcer zombie, I think I can make it replace a stronger monster altogether and make it stronger overall to pay proper tribute.

Let me know more about your ideas!
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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Armitage » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:43 pm

Now I understand what's going on, I've spotted a bug with the 'Item Reward' tip box as it wasn't showing up for me at the start of the next map. It works fine until you've acquired a Chainsaw, then it constantly repeats the 'Chainsaw' tip box instead of the item reward when you enter the next map.

Definitely make the current weapon and item tip bind a reality.

I'm not sure if you misunderstood my Temporary weapons response, my statement was I like the system as it is currently with my argument in favor of keeping it. If you can collect all temporary weapons at once it could make you potentially overpowered at an early stage, and may result in a situation where you could use them instead of the ordinary arsenal due to excessive ammo.

I think the pistol upgrade is the most suitable idea similar to the Unmaker upgrades from Doom 64 and indeed the Blaster upgrades from Unreal, Zero Tolerance had the exact same upgrade feature/idea for the Flare Gun.
Last edited by Armitage on Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Ivan » Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:54 pm

I'm getting really close to a new release. Here are some of the features:

- You can actually drop temporary weapons now.
- Monster rebalancing.
- Tons of bug fixes.
- Weapon tweaks, 3 new weapons.
- Some new monsters to balance out stronger ones.

However, I have one big plan in mind. I was thinking on adding some sort of an actual RPG system and a shop / money system to actually buy the upgrades, special weapons and the items and so on. You'll level up and also be able to invest in stats. How many of you would be interested in this? Let me know if you would prefer to have the current DnD gameplay over this or vice versa. I plan to not include any kind of stat saving in this, as it would potentially break the mod (and the RPG system won't be that complex). So, what do you think?
Last edited by Ivan on Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Ænima » Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:36 pm

I say go for it. Besides, I need a good functional example of players using stat/item saving before I waste time implementing it in Mercenaries. :p

I'll even help if you want.
Last edited by Ænima on Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Ivan » Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:36 pm

I think I might use some graphics for the shop and stuff such as some monitors and such to draw the weapon images and information on, maybe even panels!
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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Armitage » Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:02 pm

I naively assume this shop system will work via a HUD menu similar to Wrath of Cronos's that you can get to on the fly? This would be the best method for simplicity and ease of use, this will likely greatly improve the chances of obtaining upgrade crates which I find are quite rare to come across otherwise, but do you intend for this system to entirely replace finding rare weapons/drops from powerful monsters or will both co-exist? The latter would be better in the event you have to pistol start a hard map with no previous credits/experience to prevent gameplay imbalances.

Sounds like another great original feature and gives you another incentive to play well, their was something similar although a different a concept with the old Hard-Doom Resurrection which had a basic rank/experience system, you would be rewarded with a weapon and sometimes powerup upgrade after a set number of kills.

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RE: Death and Decay


Post by Ivan » Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:24 pm

Here I plan it to have one general menu with the following options: Stats and Shop. Stats will display your experience, level, money, and various other information about you where as the Shop will branch to 3 different parts: Powerups, Upgrades and Weapons. From there on you'll be given a list of things and information about them etc. I intend this to be a bit like Wrath of Cronos, but different in a way.

Also, this RPG thing is to replace the entirety of the upgrade crate and rare drop thing. You'll get money for kills, finishing maps and stuff so you'll still be able to progress, in a much more stable way instead of relying totally on luck. Keep in mind you'll also level up by gaining experience points so that'll also come in handy.
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