Mod cvars:
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mop_pistolstart - sets pistol start mode: (default 0)
0 - carry weapons and ammo from the previous level
1 - take away all weapons and ammo and give pistol
2 - take away all weapons and ammo and give shotgun
mop_noautoconfig (default 0)
0 - autoconfigure some server cvars for best gameplay (no f12, no coop info, no suicide, etc...)
1 - don't change any server cvars unless absoultely needed, only use this when you know what you're doing
mop_showicons (clientside cvar, default 1)
0 - do not show icons on the screen
1 - show icons (they will appear on the next hud update)
mop_livescalingpercentage (default 100)
determines how many lives marines should have on the every map (in percents).
mop_extralivepoints (default 100, 0 to disable)
allows marines to get more lives for killing puppet masters. For example: 50 points is a 50 / 100 = 0.5 of real monster difficulty that marines need to reach. Killing five shotgun zombies (every has 0.1) with that value will give marines one more life.
mop_respawnprotection (default 5)
makes marines invincible for n seconds on every respawn
mop_possfrags_bosses (default 3, -1 to disable bosses, 0 to allow boss controlling anytime)
determines the amount of puppet master frags required for using bosses (cyberdemons, masterminds)

Normal edition (for Doom maps only):
http://www.[bad site]/download?file= ... 5d2-r1.pk3
http://static.[bad site]/wads/comple ... c2-r12.pk3
Boom edition (for all maps, fixes non-working switches on Boom maps but has worse exit scripts than normal edition):
http://www.[bad site]/download?file= ... upport.pk3
http://static.[bad site]/wads/comple ... upport.pk3
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