Major Best Ever moderation change

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by werewindle » Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:36 am

Zandronum administration is behaving like a bunch of utter incompetent idiots, actively harming its community.

Capo is obvious cancer. He's banned from everywhere, because he believes he will always be forgiven for acting like a poisonous moron. You guys are enabling him. Do yourself a favour and don't lawyer around his case, ban him for being a poisonous moron, end of story. Fuck AlexMax's wishy-washy crap, that guy's only afraid of the word "forever" because of his own Zdaemon ban. capo has been ruining Doom communities for 15 fucking years and he hasn't changed one tiny bit.

Now, Jenova's case. Nice A3 campaign. Rehashing some years-old shit from Metalhead era... well, maybe I could whip up some logs of whatever that despicable shit Mobius was saying back then and you could ban him for that as well? Or maybe let the sleeping dogs lie? Your administration back then was as much of a joke as it is now AND it enabled this sort of behaviour, so deal with it. Plus it was in the era of full IDL trolling, with Nostar banning people from official training servers and Polie revolutionizing the DDOSing scene. Let's put things into perspective, k? It's sad to see Rust forgetting he had a spine once.

I'm far from a Jenova fanboy, but you guys are hilariously shooting yourselves in the foot if you're alienating him from the community to mete out some weird justice that Mobius out of all people on this goddamn planet demands. But hey, keep not surprising me, peeps!

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:41 am

well, maybe I could whip up some logs of whatever that despicable shit Mobius was saying back then and you could ban him for that as well?
He was banned for it and banned for a long time. Your ignorance never surprises me.
It's sad to see Rust forgetting he had a spine once.
Hi dew, nice display of having a spine by not using your usual name.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Tux » Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:56 am

You can also stop trying to paint AVC like some poor helpless child. He's not a child, he's 18 and our actions against him are due to his similar attitude when he is around us. During scrims, priv, etc, he enjoys shitting on and insulting members of the clan. Apparently, he cannot handle things when they get thrown back into his face but that is his own problem. He should have just kept his mouth shut but didn't. The beef with AVC and A3 is not a 1-way street and he is far from innocent.
Seriously, did you think coming to #zandronum and harassing someone publicly is a good idea? Unless he did the same, I find it hard to imagine namecalling someone while everyone else's just watching is a great thing to do, especially if he did it in scrims/privs where it's a more closed community than #zandronum where it's a main (?) conversation channel for the entire (???) port.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Mobius » Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:58 am

Well this is exactly anticipated and promised on IRC in the #A3 channel from Jenova's self righteous spiel you can read right here so let's first wade through his post to determine or verify some of the claims he has made. Though admitting in his first paragraph to being nearly identical to myself in regards of being a center of controversy which I do not deny part taking in. I'll explain my side of the story without trying to bore the reader, but only after I address Jenova.
Jenova wrote: After I was banned for 2006-ish in cheating, I switched over to Skulltag. During this time, I found a few exploits that I reported to Carnevil to have them patched up and fixed (walk turbo204 sr50 if anyone remembers was a large one). I'd also just like to remind you that I was still a complete asshole at this point, having been banned from irc, forums, etc. I became friends with Spak members (Redshirt, Radnsmash, etc) who are basically what I think of as the "old school" A3. These players (including myself) caused a lot of shit and started a lot of drama in the community. We made stupid memes like Metalbread (which Ralphis used later I believe) to harass her constantly, and talked trash about her physique (you know what I'm talking about, no details for the unaware). We made fun of all of the admins and were banned many times from many servers. I was literally one of the most banned players in this port at one time.
Oh I can imagine where the rest of this post is going to go, but I want the readers to pay very astute attention to this bit here. This is a very crucial key component of Jenova's sense of reasoning and deduce that lobbying some sort of justice currently against someone like myself, who also has paid the prices for trouble, is a hilarious juxtaposition and platform to take. There's a word to describe what's coming You'll see why in a bit.

Jenova wrote:After this, I became friends with A3 players and hung around their teamspeak.
Correction: A3 was partly in Spak ts before the GG incident and shared ts with Jenova when he hosted Then we migrated over to Blue's (Catastrophe) ts just to not confuse the timeline of events.
Jenova wrote:I ddos'd Legion at one point in a Zdaemon private CTF game because he did something to piss me off (I don't remember exactly what but I wouldn't just randomly ddos him, it was unjustified 100% and I'm not trying to justify it but I believe context is important).
This was 2012. The following events also happened within the span of 2010 (his IDL exploits) to 2013 (the Privpriv incident which I'll discuss later: very important).
Jenova wrote:Important note: when I refer to A3, I generally refer to Mobius because he is essentially the root cause of the problem.
It's important to note that if he wanted to address the culprit of the problem then he should do so and not associate unrelated characters, but to the uninformed this is a classic 2012 tactic started by Konar6, Spak, and later adopted by Jenova during the height of our extreme activity. They will often affiliate the clan entirely with myself, even if no one else did anything, not to disparage the clan's reputation but to also discourage our own players from associating with the clan (this is a confirmed spak tactic done in the same year when they will ask players "What do you think about Mobius"). If there was an ounce of integrity then he should only address the parties involved and not peripheral targets. I do not address R as a problem when referring to Jenova or Caboose and will not do so in this thread unless for a specific reason (none can be given as they are usually not associated with the bullshit and same with most of my clan).

Jenova wrote:There are many great players in "A3" (the community, not necessarily the clan members) such as Bob, Kuchi, Dranzer, Goliath, etc (there are probably more -- the people who I dislike 100% know I dislike them) who I haven't seem cause problems and are open to thoughts and opinions from others.
Comebinebobnt is not in A3. He is not in the roster list nor in our clan database with a unique ID attached to him. This is another thing the uninformed should be weary of because other players who talk to us get lumped in eventually by mere association (Bluewizard aka Catastrophe for example). Jenova knows who is in our lineup and can read the clan thread but opts not to, nor has Bob ever been in a scrim. This is deliberate and as before this tactic has been done.
Jenova wrote:First, I'm going to give my honest opinion on what I think of the staff. I think there are many weak-minded staff members who are insecure about their authority and are actually actively frightened to ban A3 players because they are afraid of the public backlash they will receive.
Which administration are you referring to? Are you referring to Metal's administration that actively banned me or this administration which, for the most part, I have done nothing to warrant a full blown ban yet except for #Zandronum. I'll gladly exhume my post history since I have been unbanned to analyze my discrepancies if you wish, because you are making a very large accusation on behalf of the staff and my activity.
Jenova wrote:These players should NOT be a part of the staff. They should be moderators -- forum moderators, IRC moderators, etc. They should lock topics and kick people. For "sensitive" topics, such as permanently banning some A3 members from IRC and forums
Such as? Unless you mean Decay, in which case many of us have even said it will happen to him.
Jenova wrote:Infurnus was probably the best administrator we had, but he seems to have disappeared. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind if Infurnus read this he would at least partly agree with the points that I'm raising.
Infurnus was suspected of double dealing and handing out or delivery news of punishment that was not related to the actual crime in question. I was banned because of an FSR related incident according to him, but then a staff channel logged surfaced that was related to Metal being upset I posted her image in #Pro. At the time I had no idea she was upset about it because, as Jenova points out about Mifu, only banned me A day later and not when the incident occurred because I wouldn't have chewed infurnus out in #Altdeath about it had I known. I was banned for a year and a half. Justice served. Just like Infurnus banned Catastrophe for allegedly harassing Strikerman's forums which he didn't do then something about him being transphobic which eventually fizzled into Catastrophe having 27 warnings prior to his ban. The administrators of then not afraid of banning people who are trouble right Jenova? But Catstrophe accumulated 27 forum warnings and only got banned for a fraction of the time I did for a lot less (I barely have many forum warnings between bans). Get you facts straight. Infurnus stepping down, along with Metal, was one of the best things to have happened in this community of hypocrites and career con-men such as yourself.
Jenova wrote:Now, I'm going to provide you with what started all of this. Around two days ago, AVC started calling Strangle names inside #zandronum, presumably (someone please correct me) because Mobius and co. were harassing him about his IRL pictures.
Log can be found here.

Jenova wrote:I believe AVC called Strangle retarded or something, which should have warranted a kick or a ban assuming he wasn't just joking around, which from what I could tell he wasn't. Instead, Mobius randomly joins the channel (because somebody told him about this, I wonder who)
There are a lot of people in that channel that could have told me. Take your guess, but you won't cause your main objective is to disparage Razgriz but I'll just say it for you.
Jenova wrote:to come to defend his friends, because many A3 members (remember: I'm not generalizing the entire clan, I'm talking about a specific subset of players) are incapable of talking 1 on 1.
I do that just fine on my own why do you think I get in trouble a lot?
Jenova wrote:I believe Strangle told Mobius about this but I am not 100% confident, obviously this is speculation. Mobius come into the IRC channel #zandronum and starts giving AVC shit about being broke as fuck, black, fat, ugly, and being poor because he was taking pictures in some bathroom. I don't doubt that this type of vigilate justice is sometimes warranted to deter others from doing it, but I believe that they always take it extremely overboard, to the point where players have actually left this community because of harassment.
What is too far in this case? AVC is a complete asshole to everyone in my clan and I don't even remember when or how it started. That is NONE of your business, but because he was in R it is about Jenova. That's what this is about and you've done this before on Teeamspeak when I asked why you recruited AVC "well to be fair Mobius he's better than you," or "I see some potential in him" or some such stupid shit. Where were you when I took it too far with Moti? Where were you when Bojan pasted private confessions of Soulsucka (which spurned my thing with Moti to begin with). Where were you when Spak used my images or Johnzombie used almost everyone's images for his semi hilarious videos (spak had some good images too so I can't knock them completely). I didn't run to staff crying about it. I only reported my face as an avatar because Metal told me to stop with Moti so I figured it was a fair trade. Where is Jenova the justice warrior then cause you were very, very active in 2012 (perhaps your last year of activity too idk). Where were you when Catstrophe's father video came out on both Kirboy and Johnzombie's channel? I know where you weren't. You are picking your fight because you were kicked from staff's channel rightfully for backseat moderating. What? You pay 3000 dollars into your own port NO ONE asked you to run and believe you can just buy your influence that way, but then don't take the responsibility of being an administrator when asked? I guess it's just easier to lobby your agenda than to do something with it.
Jenova wrote:Now -- I suggested to the staff that they should have banned AVC and Mobius for doing this stupid shit, which they did -- they banned Mobius for 1 month from #zandronum. But note that nobody gave a shit until AFTER I reported it in the #staff channel. This is the weak minded attitude that I'm talking about. The type of ban in my opinion was also completely unwarranted. They will tell you "we usually wait to ban", "we need to discuss it", but these are poor excuses because nobody on the staff is man enough to ban people.
You are absolutely right. I believe the staff is weak minded and pathetic that people can easily sway their opinions with one simple stroke of a keyboard that I got banned unjustifiable. That's right. You're whole crusade about my reputation is no longer in question, because if the staff any backbone they wouldn't have listened to you to begin with. That is the WHOLE POINT you were removed to begin with. No doubt that I did deserve the ban and I make no protest to it because I don't regret what I did. Will I do it again? No cause I actually don't want to be irc banned for another 30 years, but let's start with a staff reform. For now on let's let them make decisions without third party influences NOT in staff and they can start with YOU, but of course it's only bandwagoning sheep mentality when it doesn't benefit you.
Jenova wrote:In fact, a specific staff member has literally told me they don't want to ban Mobius because they are frightened of the "community" backlash.
Produce logs and staff member in question. Let them speak on this themselves. You speaking for them only means that they are "too weak" to do it themselves.
Jenova wrote:Mobius has been banned how many times? I'm not talking about 4 or 5 years ago, I'm talking about from 4 or 5 years ago to the present date.
Contradiction: for us not to talk about 4 or 5 years ago means we cannot talk about it to present day. Let's count them and why for clarity:

Original ban from Forums/Irc over sharing a furry porn link in the main channel in #Zandronum. This was a first real offense of posting inappropriate material. I was banned from both network and forums for a total of 6 months before some of the staff wanted to repeal, but was rebanned again from the forums (only got purged then just banned) when Metal returned.

When I got amnesty from Zandronum's move I was put on moderator preview about 4 times and then banned on the final time, even though I was told it was a temporary suspension.

I was banned on irc for a few months of 2012. I don't recall the reason

I was banned again in 2013 or 2014 because of the Metal images (falsely related to FSR). I was not unbanned until later last year near my birthday in December. This was irc and forums
Jenova wrote:For instance, Moti was constantly harassed by these people over IRC for having a long neck, giraffe neck, etc.
Moti aliased as Nari and got some really, really pathetic logs from Zakken (love PMs and whatever) leaked by Bojan cause people in this community take things too far but when I do it I get in trouble. You know what? Rightfuly so. Metal warned me about moti and I stopped for a little while. The second time I probably got suspended from IRC for a bit. The meme still follows him but so does Soulsucka aka Zakken eating Anna's shit but you dogged him for that too.
Jenova wrote:Jwarrier literally left this community because his children, yes, his two young children, were being shit on by Decay over and over and nobody gave a shit (please read the thread if you think I'm joking). During my argument with A3 a few days ago, I've had numerous people private message me telling me that they agreed with me 100%, but they try to stay out of it because they didn't want to be targeted by them and harassed, etc.
Those people are irrelevant until they step forward and your recollection of the entire incident is actually false from even an objective standpoint. Jwarrier had beef with me since he was in Legion's clan C in 2011 because I was talking shit to Legion being a bad player and Jwarrier caught wind of that (I said shit about C too so he has the right to be mad for that). Jwarrier never let it go since. EG and A3 had a small time of communion when we had clan practices in 2014 or 2015 when Killstrike joined us. Killstrike left EG for whatever reason and, since he hung out with us during ragectf testing and dbab, I decided to offer him membership (not knowing what an animal he is). Jwarrier decided to shit talk Killstrike about our clan unprovoked in #EG which prompted me to join AFTS ts to declare a scrim to Jwarrier in the manner you have done and still do (bombard with harassment and shit talk). Eventually Jwarrier said ok and we all scrimmed on the same ts while Jwarrier got the ever living shit beat out of him (lost every game and only tied a few). Jwarrier voluntarily got his wife involved when I said he was being salty. That is what caused the escalation of personal attacks that night with myself and Jwarrier, Jwarrier on Avernus, and his wife. I do not take shit from anyone and using your family members as a shield to protect yourself from me only means you do not value their privacy or safety in this regard. It was fair game. I have never gotten my family involved to fight for or with me in this doom little shit. This is all Jwarrier's fault. I can't speak on behalf of Decay. Jwarrier left the community because he's toxic as fuck and good riddance for being a slim bag. Who gets their own family members in our shit?
Jenova wrote:Now on to the length and severity of the ban. Does anyone seriously think a one month ban from #zandronum even means anything? After he was banned, he joined #grandvoid with the sole intent of starting an argument and shitting on me.
THAT is factually incorrect. You were banned from #A3 because Razgriz got tired of you and I decided to have a discussion with you to be a mediator because I speak to you and Strangle. I learned my lesson the hard way with the most blatant hypocritical lines of text you've ever spewed forth. You wanna be toxic? You came to our #A3 channel to talk to Strangle, and I was only highlight in GV by Alien. This disingenuous bullshit is why I am glad you made this post. Let's hope you bring up privpriv, why A3 won't scrim R, and why I kicked your from Cata's ts in 2012 when you practically cried to me in PM wondering if we're still friends.

Jenova wrote:Then, about 4 other people joined in (all from A3, of course) to basically shit on me too.
Kukoriwtfever and Alien are not in A3. That's 3 to 4 and to be fair it was you and I first. You said shit about us so obviously we'll retaliate.. just like this thread.
Jenova wrote:Notice how when I trash on players I don't need a group of 5 to do it? This hivemind mentality is cancerous to this community and I'm surprised that they haven't been permanently banned.
There's a rule saying 5 people can't disagree with you at once? Color me stupid. Doesn't stop me from doing it alone as I have in the past. I don't need my clan to back me up, but I can't say I can stop my clan from doing what they do. I will agree that maybe sometimes they would let me handle my business and get in trouble alone. This contention I do agree with.
Jenova wrote:I understand that the staff want to be independent of policing on other "non-official" channels (what does this even mean? you own the fucking network) but I believe that problem offenders (he has been banned how many times from irc?) should be permanently g-lined. In case anyone wants to read the dramafest in #grandvoid 2 days ago, here is the log:[[
You mean the same shitfest you started in my channel not only the day you were kicked from staff, not the day of Grandvoid, but also the day after then this. It's fine we're use to this entrench warfare of garbage. We got all summer. Also why should I be banned again? What other offenses have I previously committed that warrants it? Answer this.
Jenova wrote:Now on to other aspects, I have tried to be a fair and just administrator (on BE and NJ), and in my honest opinion Strangle should NOT be a Zandronum administrator. Strangle, Rustking and Mobius all work together to cause shit and constantly back each other up.
I am the only person who digs up anything. That's a huge accusation and I demand proof.
Jenova wrote:They dig up old shit on other players and threaten them with it, in my case it was from ddosing Legion about 4 years ago.
Sounds like blackmail. Proof?

Also no one told you to commit a felony that any of us could have spited you to the RCMP. Moral high ground my ass.
Jenova wrote:Just read the posts and this becomes obvious. Strangle does not take criticism well, and in fact has even banned me from the #staff channel because I called him a shitty admin (sorry that you're a shitty admin, Strangle). Strangle absolutely knows this #zandronum ban has absolutely no impact on Mobius -- he's not stupid.
It doesn't impact me in the sense of losing my main channels of communication. It does hurt me when trying to reach the community at large if I continue getting banned. Since I am not as rambunctious as I use to be (I have no warnings) then what case do you have against me other than digging up dirt? Don't be a hypocrite.
Jenova wrote: It's pretty clear that he has shown extreme preferential treatment to certain players and is not a good fit for an admin position.
You and I were banned by the same guy lol
Jenova wrote:A3, R, and most other forum users are the vocal minority. We are like 5% of the playerbase. The rest are people playing mm8bdm, gvh, aow, and generally do not post here. Admins need to be assertive and ban instead of beating around the bush and being scared about complaints. Who has heard of an admin team that is scared to ban problem members of the community. This is absolutely pathetic.
Why didn't Metal ban you from Zandronum in 2012 for Ddosing myself, Strangle, and Legion? maybe we can talk about you ddosing idl players as well.
Jenova wrote:TLDR: I am a crybaby and complain about the Zandronum staff not being problem players even though they've been repeatedly banned 700 times in the past and still cause problems to this day, but are not banned. I think some of the Zandronum staff members should not be staff members, but instead delegated to forum/irc moderators who have very little input but still carry out tasks such as locking obvious shitposts. More sensitive issues should be dealt with by people who know what they're doing. I believe certain community members need to be permanently (or at least 1+ year) from irc, forums, or wherever they shit on.
Since none of this addresses any other recent event other than me harassing AVC, which I got banned for, then all you are doing is rallying a cause to get me banned using "popular" opinion that do not have an actual decision on who and who doesn't get banned. Since you cannot bring up more than this case, which i was punished for, then this entire thread is nothing more than
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Double Jeopardy I should not be held accountable for the same infraction twice since I have already been banned and paid my penance for violations I commited in this port. I am sure even Edd got his amnesty after "serving his time" aka ban evading to scrim A3 in Machine Shop. I have been banned a bit but since then I have not done many things to warrant another forum/irc ban. I was already punished for #Zandronum and AVC wasn't which, in my opinion, is actually what people would want. Was it incompetent to handle it late? This has happened before with Metal banning me a day later for every offense I committed but because you are trying to grasp on the vestages of power left by her administration you are troubled now that the staff, or at least strangle, stood up to you. You have this funny notion that you paid 3000 dollars to host servers no one asked you to host that you are entitled to some prefertianal treatment and can tell the staff what to do, but at the same time say they are mindlessly following people's orders. That is backseat moderating that got you removed honestly. I don't know what Mifu has stored for my fate or what will happen next, but unlike you I won't pretend to know what the ultimate outcome is. What I do know is that you are having a mental breakdown and decided to "hold the community hostage" by deliberating whether you would allow server host to give IPs to staff cause you feel they MIGHT NOT be cheating. You went even as far as to suggest VPNs making it much more difficult throwing your tantrum because you didn't get what you want and hopefully you don't get what you want.

You want to talk about toxic? Let's talk about toxic.

2013 I went to #Renegades on quakenet to ask for a scrim with R. This is the time A3 was just.. not in it anymore with the community having already been dealing with spak. R didn't have 3 at the time so we went to scrim two other clans (one being AV). I left for 30 minutes to talk to Mouse on the phone as I occassionally do, come back, and realize we're still scrimming AV; however, I get this massive highlight from Jenova on #A3 launching a salvo of bullshit about our clan being a coward, not wanting to fight R, we're pussy, and so on. This wasn't the typical playing games, because Jenova, as seen in his logs and mine, is a very irrate character when riled up. You don't think so? He went on a personal attack crusade on Heavenwraith's nationality unprovoked in the staff channel day I was unjustly masterbanned for 6 hours. What does his nationality have to do with me? The scrim incident was the day we decided enough was enough with Jenova and ever since he's held a personal vendetta cause we refuse to play him. It isn't even R at this point except maybe Caboose who occasionally jumps in.

Next year we decided to host priv priv for ourselves. It started with Decay and I in priv while on ts and I asked if he wanted to play 3s. I hate 4s and he complied. A lot of people weren't happy we did 3s even though captains can decide to play 3s. We did it again the same day and everyone got upset (what does it matter it's usually the same people anyway). So we told them if they don't like it then go to another priv server there's enough for like 2.. but instead we followed our own advice. In 2012 spak would deliberately not pick A3 at all in priv and 2013 was a little blurry cause tensions were just dying over it. We hosted priv priv on best ever and excluded a lot of people including Caboose (Rosking). Caboose cries to jenova and Jenova, uninvited, crashes our priv game but we let him play cause it's his server. Jenova comes on our ts not a couple of days later to argue on his clan member's behalf (cause you know, it's only bad when we do it). We deny Cab and whoever. Jenova throws a tantrum on ts saying we are only doing this cause we suck and are last picks so on.. like why does he care? So he closes our BE server down. Alexmax was interested in this stat thing Water was making for priv priv but we moved to Argentum's server. Jenova caught a fit too but could do NOTHING about it. Water and I aliased as Metal strangling cats and Metal's fart fetish, but only I was implicated because Arg did not want to give up the log and the server was meant to be unlisted anyway. The next day I was masterbanned for impesonating a staff member which Jenova adamantly went bonkers on because Metal and Jenova have this power cycle going. Everyone came to my defense (to my surprise actually) and he goes personal attack mode on Heavenwraith (a staff member, see the pattern here). This happened again when Heavenwraith and co log-dumped all of Metal's bullshit where Jenova went Jenova mode on Heavenwraith with nothing but a volley of personal attacks on an issue not related to him.

The heat turned up when Water hosted his private servers and did not want Edd or Caboose in, but he lied to Edd about a problem with the server. Water was suppose to talk to Jenova and Ros on our ts about the issue but bailed leaving us to handle a 8 hour debate on why we dislike Caboose.. which turned out, we really only dislike Jenova. Every fight my clan has with this guy has always stemmed from a falling out I have with this guy. He literally went to spak in 2012 saying all sorts of shit about me cause I kicked him from Cata's ts cause of the shit he did to me in #IDL. I don't take shit from anyone in this community and I won't take it from Jenova who doesn't take shit from anyone either. I don't know why he believes he's any different. The only reason we patched it up that year cause Konar made a stupid accusation about a UD and A3 conspiracy that is running Zandronum and he implicated Jenova in which I softly defended. Jenova PMed me literally "are we still friends?" and I just let it go. Too bad it didn't last long.

I know I am one of the biggest bullies in the community, but Jenova's retarded double jeopardy is literally unwarranted. I already got banned and at times banned extensively. My original ban wasn't even warranting a forum ban, but because PRO and A3 were feuding I suppose the staff took advantage and annihilated my forum/irc activity over something I believe is completely made up. The incident was that the Fraya porn I linked had a virus in it that only affected like one user. Now the porn I linked was from a booruesque website and I have adblocker stuff on so I didn't really know if malicious shit was running. I suppose this was grounds for banning me from 2/3rds of the community but I paid my price for this. So you're telling me I have to pay again? When does people like Jenova who literally run rampant on staff members stop? When does he get held accountable for anything he does? What?
do you think this is a coincidence? People in that thread want him to be pardon? I want him to at least get a warning. I get banned hard for shit I do and he gets to issue Denial of Service attacks only because Metal is the big dog in charge? Do you seriously want a guy like this running your game? He host best ever to literally buy immunity. I don't even care if he gets banned. He, like myself, has to answer to someone here. We don't go to the staff cause most of these issues are issues we believe should settle itself with the parties involved, but I suppose telling the staff what to do means they aren't weak so long as you ban the people you do not like. I don't care about my reputation here cause I am here for my own enjoyment. I am here to play. You know, the thing Jenova says I don't do yet you see me in IC, WoC, or Zdws at least once a day or at least more than 5 times a week. This type of blatantly lying is equally as toxic for this community and I know you want him to get a pass becuase he host Best Ever, but if I decided to host a server cluster and paid x amount of money does that mean I should be allowed to fragrantly flame the moderators?
Last edited by Mobius on Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
dewsome: i can do this all day
dewsome: do you think you're somehow special? i spent years arguing with nostar, jenova, mobius
<+Thomas13> Mobius u r inferior, go outside and get beaten up
Alfonzo ~ "I wonder who will hear him trash talk when the dirt closes over him?"

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Sentey » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:03 am

Jenova wrote:and cheating around 2006, which I was banned for.
Er little cheating bastard. Jk ( I also cheated around that time)

Well, Jenova I hope the decision you made is correct. We will see in the future how this goes. Also, I hope ppl won't abuse rcon.
Thats it for now
Good Luck!

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Jenova » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:24 am

I just wanted to thank the staff for deciding that the next time Mobius pulls this crap he will permanently banned. I'd also like to point out that none of this would have happened if I didn't make this topic -- the logs speak for themselves. I just want this topic to be an example of what needs to be done in this community if you want justice -- you need to post a wall of text that nobody wants to read just to get your point across. The main takeaway from this topic, I hope, was that nothing would have been done about the situation earlier in #zandronum until I brought it up here and made it public. I'm absolutely aware that most people agree with me but don't want to post because they don't want to get shit on by A3 -- I understand. I'm not going to mention any names but thank you for the private messages and support.

Personally, since I am pretty harsh with my bans, I would have preferred something a little bit more, but I can respect that this will basically deter them from ever engaging in this type of activity again unless they want to be permanently banned.
Last edited by Jenova on Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:29 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:31 am

Tux wrote:
You can also stop trying to paint AVC like some poor helpless child. He's not a child, he's 18 and our actions against him are due to his similar attitude when he is around us. During scrims, priv, etc, he enjoys shitting on and insulting members of the clan. Apparently, he cannot handle things when they get thrown back into his face but that is his own problem. He should have just kept his mouth shut but didn't. The beef with AVC and A3 is not a 1-way street and he is far from innocent.
Seriously, did you think coming to #zandronum and harassing someone publicly is a good idea? Unless he did the same, I find it hard to imagine namecalling someone while everyone else's just watching is a great thing to do, especially if he did it in scrims/privs where it's a more closed community than #zandronum where it's a main (?) conversation channel for the entire (???) port.
He did do the same in fact, he was the one who initiated the entire thing in the main channel. I wasn't there when it happened the first time but when I caught wind of what happened I decide to launch my own attack. Why? The answer is because I wanted to put an end to the entire act AVC tries to pull. He harasses and shit talks my clan and my clanmates without provocation at every opportunity and this has been a long term annoyance. Yes, someone will bring up the argument that using ignore or blocking will solve the situation. However, that is not an option for me. If you are not a person who is competitive or sees every situation as a win or lose, then you will not agree with the following.

A situation like this cannot be solved by going to server admins or staff or reaching out to people for help. This is a problem solved between individuals. I can block him from every means of communication but that is not winning, that is losing. If I ignore him, he has won because I am hiding from him, he has control over me, I have fear of him and I have lost. That is an option for weak individuals and people who cannot defend themselves. That is not an option for me.

When I heard what happened in the main channel, I decided to end it myself. Was doing it in the Zan channel the best way of solving the issue? No, but it was the most effective. After the whole fiasco happened, AVC banned all of my clan from his clan channel and probably has plans to block us. He is the one who is running, he is the one who can't handle his own medicine. He's the one who lost. I do not regret my actions towards AVC and the only thing I regret is that I wasn't there for the initial incident. If I wasn't banned from his clan channel I would do it again (in there of course not #zandronum).

Tux, as someone who stays out of competition and all of the drama that happens in that facet of the community, I hope I have answered your question and given you some insight and context of the situation. It is not a black and white fairy tale story that Jenova tries to paint.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Catastrophe » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:52 am

Since I was mentioned.............

Yes, I did have 27 warnings prior. How on earth was I not banned after 27 warnings? Well... It factors into two things. One, most of the warnings were from snide remarks (being a dick), I didn't really do anything so bad that could warrant my immediate ban. Two, the staff were more strict back then, they handed out warnings a lot more regularly than the current administration. I'm pretty sure if I posted the same way with this current administration, those 27 warnings would dwindle to about maybe five at most. Whether that is good or bad is not my problem.

Regarding Infurnus, he decided to ban me over drama I had off-site. He "claimed" that I went into Strikerman's TS/website and started shittalking trannies. Which is of course false, and when I asked for proofs he had none. When that couldn't be used as an excuse anymore, he brought up how I shittalked another transgendered individual over at Zdoom's IRC. Which was actually true; I did do that and it was a bit overkill on my part - I am sorry for that. The cause of that argument was this. Main point being, this all happened in Zdoom's IRC, something completely out of Zandronum's domain, which he himself clearly knew but refused to overturn my ban for personal reasons (I assume it's because he was transsexual himself and took it to heart). That's fine, but the real kicker was when he told me that he was going to go out of his way and "warn other communities" about me, some of which that are completely unrelated to doom.

Yeah one IRC convo outside of Zandro landed me the ban. Fuck Infurnus.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:53 am

Jenova wrote:I just wanted to thank the staff for deciding that the next time Mobius pulls this crap he will permanently banned.
Isn't this the same staff you just got through shitting on and calling weak? Didn't you just say they are swayed by single individuals? So I assume everything is fine with you now that you threw a tantrum and held BE hostage. Well played.
I'd also like to point out that none of this would have happened if I didn't make this topic -- the logs speak for themselves. I just want this topic to be an example of what needs to be done in this community if you want justice -- you need to post a wall of text that nobody wants to read just to get your point across.
I agree. So I'm waiting for your warning for DDOS'ing multiple people. If Mobius gets threatened with a permaban for his personal attacks, then you should be held to a similar pillar for your illegal actions. I don't want a perma ban, year ban, month ban even a week for your actions. Being warned and put on a the same leash is good enough, no?
The main takeaway from this topic, I hope, was that nothing would have been done about the situation earlier in #zandronum until I brought it up here and made it public.
A lot of things have happened after being made public. This isn't anything groundbreaking.
I'm absolutely aware that most people agree with me but don't want to post because they don't want to get shit on by A3 -- I understand. I'm not going to mention any names but thank you for the private messages and support.
It's funny you say that because the individuals we have disagreed with in the other topic didn't get shit on, they were debated. Had there been a shitfest going on, that topic would have been in hell and locked long ago. That isn't the case as you can see. The correct statement is people won't come out because they don't want to get debated. It's not a fear of getting shit on, it's a fear of defending one's viewpoints.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Jenova » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:05 am


Swayed by one person who has made excellent points is the way I would have worded it, honestly. I can thank the staff, that doesn't mean I think they are good members. I literally told Mifu an hour ago that if I were him that I'd step down an as admin, but hey, apparently I love them now!

My ddos happened four years ago and haven't done it since. Mobius has been banned before, warned countless times, and then banned again very recently (two days ago). I mean yeah, sure they can warn me. Do you seriously think I'm going to ddos somebody? Lmao.

It is a fear of getting shit on, and if those people who PM'd me want me to release their names then I will gladly do so, but I'm not about to break the trust of people who confided in me. If you seriously think A3 (once again, subset) isn't cancerous to this community then I don't know what to tell you. I could also get everyone who has been negatively affected to come post but I'm also not going to do that because I believe that would devolve this topic into a shitfest.

To anyone reading this post, I pose a question:

1. In this community (forums/irc), who are the players who have been warned countless times? Banned countless times? Why are they still around? What clan are they a part of?

Answer those questions and yeah, there you go.

Also, it's common knowledge that I dislike Avc because he acts like a child very occasionally (I can't speak to what he has done lately -- haven't really been around). You saying I give preferential treatment to my clan members is laughable. When Jake/Caboose/Edd callvote kick abuse in NJ I ban them for 2 weeks. Same thing when they throw games. When Ral (A3 member) votekicks Caboose (who was AFK in a server), you ban him for 15 minutes. I actually had to go and change the ban to two weeks because it's obvious that you are biased. Alex either doesn't give a shit about this, or he is a spineless coward (good phrase Dew). I stepped down from NJ staff, and I only hope that Alex has the foresight to remove you from the NJ admin team as well.

It is late and I am going to go to sleep, but feel free to continue this conversation as I am very curious what community contributors think. Notice how not a single admin has really posted in this thread giving their opinion? I'm not sure if they are just refraining from posting overall, or waiting until they can all collectively agree on something (lol) before they share their thoughts.

I'd also like to point out that Mobius' entire argument literally revolves around the notion that he has already been punished, and therefore should not be punished again. I have said countless times, punishment should be partly for the reformation of the offender. He should seriously consider "I should not do this anymore". He doesn't. He has shown this 2 days ago.
Last edited by Jenova on Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Razgriz » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:09 am

I'm gonna post because you're a dipshit that hasn't changed since 2012
Jenova wrote:Now -- I suggested to the staff that they should have banned AVC and Mobius for doing this stupid shit, which they did -- they banned Mobius for 1 month from #zandronum. But note that nobody gave a shit until AFTER I reported it in the #staff channel.
Jenova wrote: 2016-06-19 17:49:06 <Jenova> also strangle is a bad admin
Jenova wrote: 2016-06-19 17:54:20 <Jenova> you know why had to tell strangle to ban mobius?
Nice way to lie to the community, you should stop pretending to be in staff and acting like you know the internal workings of our discussions. You never PM'd me under any circumstances or highlighted me to ban him. You just rose awareness of the event like a good Samaritan. I was out for a few hours and came back to the main staff channel buzzing with activity, scrolled up #zandronum to verify what was said by Mobius, then banned Mobius without telling anyone in staff I was going to do it. But you are Jenova you know everything, you are a changed person who would never spite anyone or do anything malicious like take over clan channels or anything.

You also proposed to ban AVC for shit talking me in the main channel. Like what? That's for me to decide because he came at me hyper aggressively, if I let him continue that would be my call unless another admin felt that it he needs to be removed. I wasn't offended at all by his attempts to insult me. In the #A3 channel I said he probably felt like a victim because of my joke or whatever, but you seem to believe that you are AVC and know if/when he is/feels victimized which is completely hilarious.

It's hard to take you seriously especially when I argued with you about rcon abuse on NJ and how normal people recall randcaps instead of rcon kicking people who are afk for a very short duration of time (restroom, get water, etc). You justified booting people out of the server using rcon because you do it to many people, it speeds up priv and it's insinuated that Alex supports you. Though this comes from the same guy that somehow in his brain believes Ral represents the entire clan and we callvote kick people maliciously in CTF though don't mind the fact that Ral is his own person and probably is the only one who does this whenever he feels like it.
Jenova wrote:Now on to the length and severity of the ban. Does anyone seriously think a one month ban from #zandronum even means anything?
Nice remember you passed up your chance to be on staff, you should probably keep that in mind, no back seat modding :)
Jenova wrote:I don't know why Strangle was chosen or what Infurnus was thinking but I genuinely believe that this was an extremely poor choice. It's pretty clear that he has shown extreme preferential treatment to certain players and is not a good fit for an admin position.
So you the amazing Jenova take one instance and want everyone to believe I am a really awful 'Admin'. I think everyone who actually read your post is laughing really hard at you right now, since we all are aware the admin around is Mifu, and I am just a Forum Mod...But you know. Jenova knows everything right?? Whoops I guess he doesn't, but again he can't even keep his stories straight to begin with. It's the same guy who claims my clan doesn't even play Zandronum, like really are you that desperate to win over supporters?
Jenova wrote:I believe certain community members need to be permanently (or at least 1+ year) from irc, forums, or wherever they shit on.
Jenova wrote:Personally, since I am pretty harsh with my bans, I would have preferred something a little bit more, but I can respect that this will basically deter them from ever engaging in this type of activity again unless they want to be permanently banned.
This is coming from the guy that has openly stated on irc that they think bans are too long and should be shorter, way to go. Now you want longer bans because it conveniences you, how funny. Does anyone else see that? Enjoy your stay at the joke tier, anyone who actually reads anything that's posted would see this is all a farce, a drama fest you wanted to create to spite most people named.

Jenova is the best joke around, too bad he isn't funny.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Mobius » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:13 am

Jenova wrote: My ddos happened four years ago and haven't done it since. Mobius has been banned before, warned countless times, and then banned again very recently (two days ago). I mean yeah, sure they can warn me. Do you seriously think I'm going to ddos somebody? Lmao.
We didn't know Capo can do it again until recently.
Jenova wrote:It is a fear of getting shit on, and if those people who PM'd me want me to release their names then I will gladly do so, but I'm not about to break the trust of people who confided in me. If you seriously think A3 (once again, subset) isn't cancerous to this community then I don't know what to tell you. I could also get everyone who has been negatively affected to come post but I'm also not going to do that because I believe that would devolve this topic into a shitfest.
At what point do people speak for themselves? Isn't that what you want the staff to do, but here you are referencing discussions with the staff and speaking for them. You do know you are not immune to the same near zero tolerance I am getting.

Jenova wrote:1. In this community (forums/irc), who are the players who have been warned countless times? Banned countless times? Why are they still around? What clan are they a part of?

Answer those questions and yeah, there you go.
Cata has more warnings than me actually. I have gotten banned on the forums for posting in my own clan topic (minecraft images, saying sarcastic remarks at my own thread). I one time said the clan is going downhill casuse mudkipper joined and got my post split and then in trouble in staff for venting my frustrations. But R can do that when Shakal joined without a problem ok.
Jenova wrote:Also, it's common knowledge that I dislike Avc because he acts like a child very occasionally (I can't speak to what he has done lately -- haven't really been around). You saying I give preferential treatment to my clan members is laughable. When Jake/Caboose/Edd callvote kick abuse in NJ I ban them for 2 weeks. Same thing when they throw games. When Ral (A3 member) votekicks Caboose (who was AFK in a server), you ban him for 15 minutes. I actually had to go and change the ban to two weeks because it's obvious that you are biased. Alex either doesn't give a shit about this, or he is a spineless coward (good phrase Dew). I stepped down from NJ staff, and I only hope that Alex has the foresight to remove you from the NJ admin team as well.
Too bad this is about you defending AVC and us not defending Ral where I even said he deserved it rofl double think.
dewsome: i can do this all day
dewsome: do you think you're somehow special? i spent years arguing with nostar, jenova, mobius
<+Thomas13> Mobius u r inferior, go outside and get beaten up
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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Jenova » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:16 am

Of course Ral deserved it, he deserved the two week ban I gave him, not the 15 minute ban Rustking gave him :)

Ask yourself: which player in this community is always the source of this drama? If it always smells like shit where you go Mobius, check your shoes.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Jenova » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:32 am

I'm not talking about 5 years ago, Decay. Redshirt? Lmao.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:40 am

Jenova wrote:@Rust
Swayed by one person who has made excellent point is the way I would have worded it, honestly. I can thank the staff, that doesn't mean I think they are good members. I literally told Mifu an hour ago that if I were him that I'd step down an as admin, but hey, apparently I love them now!
I believe you missed my point. My point is one of your criticism of the staff is that they are spineless, weak, and are swayed by people to remain unbanned. You only have a problem with it when it doesn't benefit you and you just confirmed that. Thank you.
My ddos happened four years ago and haven't done it since. Mobius has been banned before, warned countless times, and then banned again very recently (two days ago). I mean yeah, sure they can warn me. Do you seriously think I'm going to ddos somebody? Lmao.
Being put on the same platter doesn't mean you only go if you DDOS, don't misunderstand. It means if you do anything worthy of banning, you get perma banned. It's only fair, right? I agree, multiple bannings and warnings is reason to be put on that type of watch. Your more severe actions should be treated the same.
It is a fear of getting shit on, and if those people who PM'd me want me to release their names then I will gladly do so, but I'm not about to break the trust of people who confided in me.
That's a good course of action and I'd do the same as you. Good thing I never told you to drop names.

If you seriously think A3 (once again, subset) isn't cancerous to this community then I don't know what to tell you.
Actually that could be said to nearly all competitive clans. Throughout the course of Zandronum's history, competitive clans have been a cause of a lot of problems and drama. From cheating, impersonation, gender manipulation, flat out mis-conduct and generally making the place toxic, yep a lot of clans are involved. As much as an ego boost it would be for A3 to take the credit, it is shared with our peers.

Additionally, we cannot be cancer because that implies we are trying to kill the community. A lot of our members contribute in different ways to promote activity in the community. From running, tournaments, hosting events, creating content, being testers for others' content, testing Zandronum (yours truly), foolishly being active competitively and simply playing the game. If we had intent to kill Zan, we would not be spending our free time doing all of those things.
I could also get everyone who has been negatively affected to come post but I'm also not going to do that because I believe that would devolve this topic into a shitfest.
Admirable but no one suggested to list names. Nice appeal to morality.

To anyone reading this post, I pose a question:

1. In this community (forums/irc), who are the players who have been warned countless times? Banned countless times? Why are they still around? What clan are they a part of?

Answer those questions and yeah, there you go.
Yes we get it, you want Decay and Mobius gone. You've repeated this several times, give me something new to work with.
Also, it's common knowledge that I dislike Avc because he acts like a child very occasionally (I can't speak to what he has done lately -- haven't really been around).
Really, because I recall you hyping him up when he joined your clan. He's a dumb kid sometimes but he has potential. He's not that bad etc.
You saying I give preferential treatment to my clan members is laughable. When Jake/Caboose/Edd callvote kick abuse in NJ I ban them for 2 weeks. Same thing when they throw games.
It only took you years to finally do it because you personally got tired of it. It definitely wasn't frequent. In fact, Alex did a majority of those actions before you suddenly started doing it recently when you came back. If anything, the credit goes to AlexMax, not you.
When Ral (A3 member) votekicks Caboose (who was AFK in a server), you ban him for 15 minutes. I actually had to go and change the ban to two weeks because it's obvious that you are biased.
Implying you aren't biased for your buddy? I didn't ban for a longer time because Cab wasn't playing. People who get banned for vote abuse usually unfairly ban people while they are playing so they can take their spot and even then they get a week ban at most. I don't recall you coming to put your boy in check when he was causing shit in the past. I won't lie. Had it been someone who wasn't cab, ral would have been banned for a week. For this incident, I am biased against Cab just as you are against Ral. We have something common. After all, there have been times in the past where I have punished R members for their actions in priv only for them to complain to Alex which in turn gets them unbanned. There was even a point where people wondered why edd was still allowed to throw games or cab to fist run on maps he hated. Of course I didn't care too much to pursue it because they would complain about it and it would become a moot point. As stated before, you only recently started to ban them don't try to play that card like you've been removing them for years.
Alex either doesn't give a shit about this, or he is a spineless coward (good phrase Dew). I stepped down from NJ staff, and I only hope that Alex has the foresight to remove you from the NJ admin team as well.
Good thing that foresight is blindness. Wise to remove someone who has taken care of their admin duties for quite some time now? When you weren't around in the past and the other admins weren't around either, I handled the bulk of the NJ request as expected of me. People ban evading, cheating, impersonating, ruining priv, ruining scrims. I've done all that was required of me and maybe more. Had there ever been any issue with my adminship, it would have been brought up long ago, not suddenly now in the wake of drama fueled by you.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by infurnus » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:43 am

Catastrophe wrote:Regarding Infurnus, he decided to ban me over drama I had off-site. He "claimed" that I went into Strikerman's TS/website and started shittalking trannies. Which is of course false, and when I asked for proofs he had none. When that couldn't be used as an excuse anymore, he brought up how I shittalked another transgendered individual over at Zdoom's IRC.
Yeah one IRC convo outside of Zandro landed me the ban. Fuck Infurnus.
I never claimed that first part. You were banned over arguments that took place within Zandronum. We already discussed this, don't even try to spin this around on me. As for the second part, I hope this isn't too off topic, but other individuals were involved and capo was allegedly involved as well, and they were worse offenders than yourself. EDIT: I'll refrain from derailing, but if needed, I can present any needed info outside of this thread.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by RoSKing » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:44 am

is anyone going to bring up the fact that the MXCube group used a server exploit to try to ban me from a duel server then banned cennou? Funny how things like this just go under the radar.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Catastrophe » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:45 am

infurnus wrote:
Catastrophe wrote:Regarding Infurnus, he decided to ban me over drama I had off-site. He "claimed" that I went into Strikerman's TS/website and started shittalking trannies. Which is of course false, and when I asked for proofs he had none. When that couldn't be used as an excuse anymore, he brought up how I shittalked another transgendered individual over at Zdoom's IRC.
Yeah one IRC convo outside of Zandro landed me the ban. Fuck Infurnus.
I never claimed that first part. You were banned over arguments that took place within Zandronum. We already discussed this, don't even try to spin this around on me.
Your reasoning was influenced by what occurred in the events I stated, don't pretend thanks.

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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by Mobius » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:48 am

Jenova wrote:Of course Ral deserved it, he deserved the two week ban I gave him, not the 15 minute ban Rustking gave him :)

Ask yourself: which player in this community is always the source of this drama? If it always smells like shit where you go Mobius, check your shoes.
Shitposting doesn't mean you are right. You asked about the most warnings and bans and I said Blue cause 27 is a lot.. a lot compared to me. Now I am the source of all the drama, but here is this giant thread and 3 irc logs with you having a mental breakdown because people disagree with you on the internet. 3000 dollars going to waste yet?
dewsome: i can do this all day
dewsome: do you think you're somehow special? i spent years arguing with nostar, jenova, mobius
<+Thomas13> Mobius u r inferior, go outside and get beaten up
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Re: Major Best Ever moderation change


Post by infurnus » Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:00 am

Jenova wrote: Now, on to the reason Strangle was actually picked to be an admin. A few years ago I believe during the formation of Zandronum (my timeframe may be off but the events are correct), Infurnus and the "renegade" group of Skulltag admins split off from the Skulltag community and moved to Zandronum.
You're giving me far too much credit. I was not involved with this. My job was (and probably still is) what amounts to damage control. Sorting through logs and trying to reach an objective opinion on matters. Various individuals, ST staff and non-staff, contacted me when I had (at the time) quit entirely from the Doom community, asking me to come back and offer feedback and advice. I myself never chose anyone, everything I tried to do was done entirely in a "roundtable" fashion. This can still be seen in the staff to an extent, despite my recent hiatus. The only person I ever personally sought out was you. To be an admin, or to work with the anti-cheat group that is now known as punkbusters. I was actually asked to return from hiatus once again to address what ended up turning into that capo DDOS thread. When I returned, I thought to myself, "...capo is unbanned?" I must admit I am a bit out of touch, but I am trying my best to address what I can.
Jenova wrote:I don't know why Strangle was chosen or what Infurnus was thinking but I genuinely believe that this was an extremely poor choice. It's pretty clear that he has shown extreme preferential treatment to certain players and is not a good fit for an admin position.
This was not my decision. If I may speak freely, I believe you are BSing. I actually have made multiple attempts to critique him and even threatened to kick him out after being informed of the log leaks. Of course, I don't just act alone, so he wasn't given the boot just because of my objections alone.
Jenova wrote:Admins need to be assertive and ban instead of beating around the bush and being scared about complaints. Who has heard of an admin team that is scared to ban problem members of the community. This is absolutely pathetic.
I had tried to make people less afraid but apparently this doesn't seem to have worked. Bans that I had done were undone, so even when I was assertive things would not stay. Do I think Catastrophe should have stayed banned? No. I am ok with others overturning my bans, but I would like it if people would have better conversations about it and not just undo things, it gives people a bad impression and leaves troublemakers with more ways to exploit the system.
Jenova wrote: TLDR: I am a crybaby and complain about the Zandronum staff not banning problem players even though they've been repeatedly banned 700 times in the past and still cause problems to this day, but are not banned. I think some of the Zandronum staff members should not be staff members, but instead delegated to forum/irc moderators who have very little input but still carry out tasks such as locking obvious shitposts. More sensitive issues should be dealt with by people who know what they're doing. I believe certain community members need to be permanently (or at least 1+ year) from irc, forums, or wherever they shit on.

This is the longest post I have written anywhere and I could probably finish my university essays if I put in half the amount of effort or passion as I did writing this post.

In case it isn't aware, I am upset with the administrators in this community and I have decided to be a petty fucking dipshit and remove moderation from BE. I believe if the admins don't want to remove problem players from their community, then neither will I.

EDIT: vvv regarding jen's post: I wasn't in charge of that. They did stuff and changed the name and everything without even asking me for an opinion, which kinda sucks since that was the whole point they asked me to be around. TBH it was very loosely organized and even got a little chaotic (just too many different ideas and nobody could choose) whenever things were being decided on. EDIT2: I double posted, whoops
