Eon Weapons

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Combinebobnt » Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:29 am

i think changing the damage from 14 to 12 would make them stop complaining. would be like the quake3 lightning nerf then

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:42 am

Hello, it's been awhile but I have finally settled on releasing RC5. This release addresses a few issues and adds in a couple of features. I plan on finalizing this mod once 3.0 comes out in which I can verify it works without any issues. Then probably again down the road when ZScript becomes a thing.... Anyway, here is the changelog and the download link is in the first post.

[spoiler]+Project is now a space saving pk3
+New armor system detailed at the end
+New CVAR eon_teamprojectilecolor gives teams colored projectiles (red and blue only currently)
+New CVAR eon_bluearmorlms gives vanilla blue armor in LMS mode
+New CVAR eon_rotatingweapons shows rotations for vanilla pickup sprites
-Buffed Fist's normal damage vs players
-Reworked Pistol
-Smaller spread for CG
-Nerfed rocket speed and while increasing splash damage
-Nerfed grenade damage range while increasing explode damage
-Reworked firing states for GL, LG and RG
-Dehacked lump removed
-Vanilla max ammo amounts restored; ammo taken in LMS
-Custom ammo amounts reworked
-Deathmatch versions of some weapons:
+Chaingun does 7/14/21 with vanilla firing rate in DM; vanilla DMG in 3 tics in LMS/Duel
+Lightning Gun does 15 damage in DM, 13 in LMS/Duel
+Railgun does 100 damage in DM, 80 in LMS/Duel

===Stackable Armor System===
Custom armors are tiered by save percent and stack upon each other.
Green (33%) -> Blue (50%) -> Yellow (66%) -> Red (83%)
Each custom pickup gives 100 armor initially for their respective color.
Grabbing your current armor again stacks +100.
Picking up a lower tiered armor only gives +50 points to your current armor.
Upgrading to a higher tiered armor stacks a max of 50 points of your current amount onto the new armor.
72 Green + Yellow Pickup = 150 Yellow
25 Blue + Red Pickup = 125 Red
30 Red + Yellow Pickup = 80 Red
88 Blue + Blue Pickup = 188 Blue

Non-stack vanilla armors do not have a custom pick up sound.[/spoiler]

Questions/comments always welcomed.

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Sun Sep 24, 2017 3:10 am

Now that 3.0 has been released for some time, I think it's also time for a new bug fix update. I foresee the end of this project after this version if no more bugs/issues popup. Links updated on first page.
Spoiler: Changelog: RC6 (Open)
+Improved rocket jumping
+Improved grenade hop
+New Railgun Visuals
*Fixed Silent Chaingun bug
*Fixed team colored plasma bug
*Fixed missing armor gldef
*Fixed LGun 3.0 sound issue
*Fixed Chainsaw sound issue
*Fixed custom sphere armor behavior
*Fixed armor bonus issue with armor tracking
*Armor pickup sound is not overridden
-Changed LGun lightning trail
-Remove Order Def lump; uses native Zan pwo
-PNG'd a lot of sprites
-Weapons now use vanilla switch speed after spawning for 2 seconds
Spoiler: Railgun on red team (Open)

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by ARGENTVM » Sun Sep 24, 2017 1:19 pm

Where is the AOW chainsaw? ???

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:33 am

Haven't really touched this in such a long while so there's only a few quality of life changes. Link updated in first post.

Code: Select all

+Added support for green and gold team projectile colors
+New Chaingun visual
+New CVAR Eon_AllowLightningGun toggles the weapon in LMS modes
+New CVAR Eon_AllowGrenadeLauncher toggles the weapon in LMS modes
*Changed railgun lms ammo amount; now 15

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Doomenator » Fri Feb 01, 2019 2:14 am

The chainsaw and BFG decals are missing.

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Razordoom » Wed Mar 23, 2022 3:19 pm

Hey Rust, I'm a big fan of this mod

I actually started DMing for the first time through QCDE around QCDE2.5's release, but found this mod through NeonDM's skill descriptions later on, and came to enjoy it's tight weapon balance and comparative vanilla-esque sleekness quite a bit more to QCDE's more loaded and bombastic presentation and play, it's been my goto for DMing for the last year, and I had a few questions about it going forward. The questions are thus:

1 - Is the 8.3 version I see in TSPG a beta for a later release? I've been sticking with the recommended 8.2 but I was curious if it was something I should try. Perhaps elements of this query have already been addressed in that release (provided it is official)?

2 - Is the Railgun's 5012 item tag meant to maintain compatibility with skulltag medals, and if so should I be loading skulltag content for medals? Or is it more or less just a leftover? What would you say is the best means of having medals play out using this mod--me and my buddies miss the "YOU FAIL IT" going out when we suck at life (I think maybe I had the content loaded when playing QCDE or something)

3 - Will it ever be possible to split up the Railgun/Lightning gun and Grenade/rocket bindings? It's certainly livable as is, but that's probably my only main caveat with the mod. It's not bad by any means, and generally most people are dead before they have both a lightning gun and a rail gun, but the option would still be very cool.

4 - Semi-related, are QCDE placements actually planned for The Eon Collection, or is that also more or less something of a leftover from NeonDM itself (since the placements were feature complete to begin with). I just remember there is "AeonQCDE", a modified version of the Aeon mapset that has added areas/verticality and QCDE appropriate placements done by their team. I just imagine that playing Dont Be a Bitch maps with tailored QCDE placements would both be pretty rad as an option, and have a high novelty factor, but I know that's not the focus of the project.

Also sorry if this is technically a necropost, just wasn't sure if there was a better place to ask about EonWeps specifically.
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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by The Toxic Avenger » Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:35 pm

Necro, yes, but I'll allow it. I know Rust is still active and this is a fairly filled out post.

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:41 am

Razordoom wrote:
Wed Mar 23, 2022 3:19 pm
Hey Rust, I'm a big fan of this mod

I actually started DMing for the first time through QCDE around QCDE2.5's release, but found this mod through NeonDM's skill descriptions later on, and came to enjoy it's tight weapon balance and comparative vanilla-esque sleekness quite a bit more to QCDE's more loaded and bombastic presentation and play, it's been my goto for DMing for the last year, and I had a few questions about it going forward. The questions are thus:

1 - Is the 8.3 version I see in TSPG a beta for a later release? I've been sticking with the recommended 8.2 but I was curious if it was something I should try. Perhaps elements of this query have already been addressed in that release (provided it is official)?

2 - Is the Railgun's 5012 item tag meant to maintain compatibility with skulltag medals, and if so should I be loading skulltag content for medals? Or is it more or less just a leftover? What would you say is the best means of having medals play out using this mod--me and my buddies miss the "YOU FAIL IT" going out when we suck at life (I think maybe I had the content loaded when playing QCDE or something)

3 - Will it ever be possible to split up the Railgun/Lightning gun and Grenade/rocket bindings? It's certainly livable as is, but that's probably my only main caveat with the mod. It's not bad by any means, and generally most people are dead before they have both a lightning gun and a rail gun, but the option would still be very cool.

4 - Semi-related, are QCDE placements actually planned for The Eon Collection, or is that also more or less something of a leftover from NeonDM itself (since the placements were feature complete to begin with). I just remember there is "AeonQCDE", a modified version of the Aeon mapset that has added areas/verticality and QCDE appropriate placements done by their team. I just imagine that playing Dont Be a Bitch maps with tailored QCDE placements would both be pretty rad as an option, and have a high novelty factor, but I know that's not the focus of the project.

Also sorry if this is technically a necropost, just wasn't sure if there was a better place to ask about EonWeps specifically.
Hello there. I'm glad to hear that you enjoy using the weapons in single player. I never attempted to balance the weapons at all for SP, but maybe it might come about in the future. Now, to address you questions:

1. When I started the project, I was quite bad at keeping record in the form of a changelog. The latest version, 8.3, finally adds in a changelog and contains the following changes:
Spoiler: 8.3 (Open)
*Fixed missing decals
*Fixed freeze rifle sprite alignment
*Fixed lightning gun team color override
-Adjusted flamethrower floor fire radius damage
From this point on, the updates are just going to primarily be focused on balance changes to the new weapons added for the upcoming FreonDm project.

2. I stuck with id 5012 in order to override ST's railgun in custom maps made with Skulltag resources because I think the ST railgun is pretty bad. I didn't really do it for any other compatibility reasons such as medals. As far as I know, you don't need any additional content for the medals given for accuracy, sprees, etc. These medals are built into Zandro and should work fine as long as sv_nomedals and cl_medals are properly set.

3. I tried doing this for an older version a few years ago. There were several people who didn't like having so many slots added past the BFG. Surprisingly, a number of players use keybinds to switch weapons rather than strictly the mouse. The amount of usable keys for binding is limited and apparently a lot of players said they didn't have any room for extra weapon bindings. I wouldn't be opposed to splitting slots because I'm not a big fan of shared slots, but I'll have to come up with a solution that makes everyone happy.

4. That was a question that we (Razgriz, Decay, myself) had discussed prior to releasing the Eon Collection. While DBAB having QCDE support would be a nice touch, the problem is with the AEON portion of the pack. It was too much of a hassle to determine what changes from aeonqcde were going to go into the collection because it caused conflict with the changes we did to some of the aeon maps. The decision we are currently favoring is yanking out QCDE support from the collection and basically giving our approval for DBThanatos & Michaelis to make a DBABQCDE if they want to. Though it's worth noting that nothing really stopped anyone before from making dbabqcde in the past; all anyone needed was to ask us.

Hopefully I cleared up all your questions. Thanks for dropping by.

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Razordoom » Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:41 am

Oh by “dming” I meant “deathmatching”, not singleplayer “dooming”. I am aware its balanced for PVP and I use it for PVP servers

but I do see what you mean about binds. Perhaps something like a “join/unjoin” toggle, where by default its like it is now, but unjoined it fills out the rest of the number line.

Alternatively, could just add additional bindings for the lower priority weapons, similar to how theres a “melee” bind and a “chainsaw” bind.

But great to hear that there is still active development in Eon, or at least a true successor/alternative version coming. In that case, will the current thing-tags be in use by the upcoming project for compatibility with existing eon projects? or will it change due to being too different or something similar? In any case I’ll be utilizing 8.3 from now on.

And yes, the skulltag rail is quite horriific i agree lol, ugly sprite and 4 unrestricted shots is rough
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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:52 pm

Razordoom wrote:
Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:41 am
But great to hear that there is still active development in Eon, or at least a true successor/alternative version coming. In that case, will the current thing-tags be in use by the upcoming project for compatibility with existing eon projects? or will it change due to being too different or something similar? In any case I’ll be utilizing 8.3 from now on.
All thing numbers will be untouched in the Collection maps and any new things added to the weapons will not override previously used tags. There won't be any instances of maps using the thing id for armor suddenly having a weapon spawn in that spot instead.

As for the weapon binds, I dug around a bit and it should be fairly simple to add extra slots with keyconf+SetWeapon. Problem is, there might be too many weapons to comfortably bind everything should someone want to go that route. But I'll test it out and add it to a future version if everything works out well.

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:38 am

Version 8.4 has been released with the link updated in the first post. Most of the changes affect the new Freon weapons along with the addition of borders for weapon sprites as seen below:
Spoiler: Border (Open)
Spoiler: Changelog (Open)
== RC8.3 -> RC8.4 ==
-Changed flamethrower mainfire damage from 10 -> 15
-Changed flamethrower mainfire radius from 4 -> 5
-Reduced flamethrower floor fire damage to 1 per 2 tics
-Buffed freeze rifle damage from 50 -> 150
-Freeze rifle floor spikes changed from 16 -> 12
-Changed freeze rifle firing sequence
+Laser Chaingun sound change
+Added colored border to weapon pickup sprites
+Added the ability to bind extra weapons in weapons menu

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Razordoom » Sun Aug 14, 2022 4:51 pm

Congrats on the update! So far the changes have been great, I was actually worried about the borders but overall they end up being a really good change! They really do clear up some of the maps with higher pickup concentrations. My only caveat is that the new binding feature seems to break even with a fresh Zandronum install on both 3.1 and also tested on QZandro 1.2.2 and the current beta. Going with only a basic Eon server with just Eon collection maps and/or Freon it still seems to display this behavior—I can set the binding but the change isn’t reflected in gameplay. I got it working exactly once and haven’t been able to fix it since. I did find that the borders would break when the mod was loaded first in the order on TSPG (so I load it last now). Seems to be the only things that could be considered "bugs".

The only other thing I can think of is a suggestion from my DM buddies, the rocket launcher. So damage, splash, and speed-wise its great, but the windup animation on trigger pull seems to have left it outpaced by the rest of the arsenal. I see my friends pick it up and immediately switch back to the grenade launcher pretty much universally, and seeing how nimble players are in zandro its easy to see why. The delay calculation for the rocket wind-up animation to a rocket leaving the barrel compared to almost any other arena/movement shooter is very long, the only thing longer being the BFG (naturally) not counting cooldowns on the PR and SSG. Is this more or less intentional? Like to use grenades mostly for DPS but rockets for jump utility? I think if it took about 1/2 to 2/3rds as many tics to fire it would be much more in line with the rest of the weapons as they currently sit. Perhaps if that makes it too powerful, maybe making the time it takes to fire another rocket a smidge longer?

Regardless, its been a pretty great update thus far and as always a lot of fun.

[UPDATE: so when I run it locally, i.e. not off of a server, with the exact same sourceport configurations, the binding options work perfectly. When I run a completely new server with just the maps and eonweps and the absolute default configuration on TSPG, the bindings don't function at all. Is it possibly a compatibility flag issue of some kind? I'm not sure what could be causing this. Adding a picture of my compat flags below if that's helpful at all]
Screenshot 2022-08-14 150249.png
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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Razordoom » Sat Aug 20, 2022 1:22 am

So I made the following changes to the code for the Eon Rocket Launcher in a locally saved version of the mod:

Code: Select all

	  TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("RedTeamRing", 1, "FireRed")
	  TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("BlueTeamRing", 1, "WaterBlue")
	  TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GreenTeamRing", 1, "LeafGreen")
	  TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GoldTeamRing", 1, "SunGold")
	  MISG B 1 A_GunFlash
	  MISG B 28 A_FireMissile
	  MISG B 0 A_ReFire
	  Goto Ready
	  MISG B 1 A_GunFlash
	  MISG B 28 A_FireCustomMissile("RedRocket", 0, 1)
	  MISG B 0 A_ReFire
	  Goto Ready
	  MISG B 1 A_GunFlash
	  MISG B 28 A_FireCustomMissile("BlueRocket", 0, 1)
	  MISG B 0 A_ReFire
	  Goto Ready
	  MISG B 1 A_GunFlash
	  MISG B 28 A_FireCustomMissile("GreenRocket", 0, 1)
	  MISG B 0 A_ReFire
	  Goto Ready
	  MISG B 1 A_GunFlash
	  MISG B 28 A_FireCustomMissile("GoldRocket", 0, 1)
	  MISG B 0 A_ReFire
	  Goto Ready
	  ACTOR RocketE : Rocket Replaces Rocket
    Decal Scorch
    Speed 40				  //Original 20
    Damage (random(2,6) * 5) //Reduced damage range

As you can see, I did not modify the damage values at all, but I reduced the firing frame tics from 6 to 1, and buffed the rocket speed to 40. Additionally, to balance this, I increased the following state tics to 28 for a longer time between rocket firing. I based the timings off of the Quake III/Live rocket launcher and I think I got pretty darn close. Since the mobility and weapon balance is similar, I think it is an apt thing to emulate somewhat, and makes it far more competitive with the grenade launcher for utility, and much easier to rocket jump with.
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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Sat Nov 25, 2023 6:57 am

Razordoom wrote:
Sun Aug 14, 2022 4:51 pm
Congrats on the update! So far the changes have been great, I was actually worried about the borders but overall they end up being a really good change! They really do clear up some of the maps with higher pickup concentrations. My only caveat is that the new binding feature seems to break even with a fresh Zandronum install on both 3.1 and also tested on QZandro 1.2.2 and the current beta. Going with only a basic Eon server with just Eon collection maps and/or Freon it still seems to display this behavior—I can set the binding but the change isn’t reflected in gameplay. I got it working exactly once and haven’t been able to fix it since.
Sorry, I never saw your post don't take it as me ignoring you. Turns out it was a small error with the script I used for using the custom bindings. Unfortunately I just pushed out version 8.5 today before seeing this issue. I might just fix the issue and release 8.5b or something.
The only other thing I can think of is a suggestion from my DM buddies, the rocket launcher. So damage, splash, and speed-wise its great, but the windup animation on trigger pull seems to have left it outpaced by the rest of the arsenal. I see my friends pick it up and immediately switch back to the grenade launcher pretty much universally, and seeing how nimble players are in zandro its easy to see why. The delay calculation for the rocket wind-up animation to a rocket leaving the barrel compared to almost any other arena/movement shooter is very long, the only thing longer being the BFG (naturally) not counting cooldowns on the PR and SSG. Is this more or less intentional? Like to use grenades mostly for DPS but rockets for jump utility? I think if it took about 1/2 to 2/3rds as many tics to fire it would be much more in line with the rest of the weapons as they currently sit. Perhaps if that makes it too powerful, maybe making the time it takes to fire another rocket a smidge longer?
Most of the design decisions are based around keeping the feel of Doom while enhancing certain aspects of the weapons. I'm a big fan of Quake rockets but I also didn't want to just copy the idea. Looking back, I do notice a tendency for people to want to speed up the rockets more than they already are. You do bring up a good point that the new weapons are more responsive because of a shorter firing delay. However, I'll only shave off 2 tics and move them to the end of the firing sequence because making the delay 1-3 tics changes the dynamic of the weapon too much. I don't want it to become an all range offensive weapon and I still prefer to keep the characteristic of 'leading rockets' intact. Rocket jumping is already easy, far more compared to vanilla, and the issue is possibly the longer firing delay in conjunction with the faster rocket speed.
I did find that the borders would break when the mod was loaded first in the order on TSPG (so I load it last now). Seems to be the only things that could be considered "bugs".
Generally it's a rule of thumb to load maps first then mods. But I will fix this since the weapons are supposed to work flawlessly with the Eon Collection anyway.

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:35 am

New version is out. Link has been updated in the 1st post.
Spoiler: Latest Changes (Open)
==RC8.5 -> RC8.5b==
*Fixed issue of additional keybindings not working
-Changed firing delay of RL from 6 -> 4 and kept firing rate the same
-Adjusted sprite name for weapon pickups to avoid override

== RC8.4 -> RC8.5 ==
*Fixed Laser CG desync when running out of ammo
*Fixed GLDef error
*Fixed skins going invisible when frozen
-Reduced frozen state from 50 -> 45 tics

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by Combinebobnt » Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:30 am

got a server up rust 31/32 one slot left

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Re: Eon Weapons


Post by ARGENTVM » Fri Mar 08, 2024 4:44 am

Combinebobnt wrote:
Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:30 am
got a server up rust 31/32 one slot left
ah yes and mspd is just drawing the crowds isn't it

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