All Out War 2.2 - r050518 Released

Maps, modifications, add-ons, projects, and other releases for Zandronum. Also includes announcers.
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All Out War 2.2 - r050518 Released


Post by jdagenet » Fri May 12, 2017 9:30 pm

All Out War 2.2 All Out War 2.2 is the continuation of AOW Zeta, first created by Swordgrunt and Catastrophe. I took up the project and since have shifted it into the direction of a more fitting addition to 2.1 with tons of additional bug fixes on top of the ones fixed in Zeta. Along with the bug fixes, I've also started introducing some balance changes to the existing gameplay elements such as weapon/class buffs, crate reworks, and just general things that should've been done from the start but never were.

For the past few months since I've taken up the project, I and a few of the guys from A3 have been bug testing this thing like crazy, trying to find every bug possible in the game so I can safely fix what's wrong before pushing this out on a public server. It has been a roller coaster, just finding new bugs I never even knew existed and working around the engine bugs of Zandronum 3.0.

Now, I feel that the mod is capable of running safely on a server and any bugs that may linger are extremely minor and should not be expected to crash the server and/or clients.
- So what's changed so far? - There's been lots of changes done since 2.1, both bug fixes as well as balance related.

Here's just a few changes I've implemented that differ from 2.1:
  • A couple of the not-so-popular infantry maps (Floating City, Canyon) now have their own War Factories, but players are only allowed to purchase Light Mechs on these maps.
  • Class-specific damage debuffs are no longer a thing anymore. Why this was ever a thing I have no idea, but every class now does the same damage.
  • Stealths can no longer be identified when looked at (this is currently broken in the latest Zan 3.0 build, but Torr has recently fixed the issue and will actually work when the next version of Zandronum 3.0 is released).
  • Several needed buffs were applied to weapons such as the Chrono Bow, Combustion Rifle, and the Tiberium Autorifle.
  • Mech prices have been increased to cut down on early-match mech rushes.
  • Some important bugs such as the infinite hyperspeed, teleporter nodes out-of-bounds, and the infinite mech menu have been fixed.

Here is a more detailed changelog of just everything that has been done so far (hopefully I didn't forget anything):
Spoiler: (Open)

Code: Select all

----- LEGEND
++ Major Change
+ New Content
- Balance / Tweak
~ Bugfix
* Note

Note:	AOW 2.2 is a fork of Zeta made to be in line with AOW 2.1 with added enhancements, bug fixes, and new content.

- 	Armor resistance now increases 1% per grade instead of 2% (grade 1 has 8% protection, grade 2 has 9%, etc).
- 	Enhanced Refining extra income reduced to $125, from $150.
- 	Extra Frag Grenades and Flashbangs now cost $150 each, from $200.
- 	All maps now have research centre panels in the spawn room as well as in the building itself.
-	Anti-troll mechanics are in-place now. Any Orcas, C4's, Nukes/Ions thrown near friendly terminals will disappear.
-	New rank, General, added to round the max HP off at 150 instead of 140.
-	Target identification is now toggled for cloaked Stealth Troopers.
-	Repair Pads are now easier to repair.

----- CRATE CHANGES ------
+ 	Added Grenade Pack crate, which gives you 4 Frag Grenades and 4 Flashbangs.
+	Added Soulsphere crate: Adds 100 HP to your existing health when degenerates 1 HP every second.
- 	Base Crasher and Base Miracle can no longer occur during Sudden Death, nor 5 minutes before it.
- 	Base Crasher can no longer occur if any of the team's buildings are below 50% health (OBE/RES/BAR) or 40% health (REF/WF).
- 	Base Miracle can no longer occur if all of the team's buildings are already at or above 99% health.
- 	Random Weapon can no longer give you Plasma Cannon.
- 	C4 crate now properly sets your maximum C4 amount to 4, so you can safely refill that amount, and can no longer occur if you already have 4.

++	Classes no longer have armor "weaknesses" (Do note that this was the behavior in 2.1 as well).
	* They do still have resistance to certain weapon types. For example, flamer is no longer weak against chem
	but is still resistant against fire-based weapons.
+ 	Karasawa Soldier imported.
+	Nail-Machine Gunner imported
+	Chem sprayer has his own skin now.
+	The class purchase sounds are back! OH YEEAAH HEADSHOT TIIIIIME!!!
- 	Chrono Archer: speed reduced to 85%, from 90%;
- 	Shotgunner: speed increased to 90%, from 80%, and grade 1 armor removed;
- 	Technician: price increased to $300, from $200;
-	Stealth Trooper speed increased to 100%.
~	Suicide Bombers can no longer enter terminals once they've pressed "fire".
~	Utility Teleport Nodes can now be built on of 3D Floors and can no longer be used to teleport out of bounds.
-	Some classes no longer do less damage.
+ 	All weapon skins now have crouch sprites (except for medic, Nail-MachineGunner, and Quad-Shotgunner).
+ 	Chainsaw rework. 
	*	It is back to its Doom self, and no longer insta-kills everything. 
	*	Still shreds people down VERY quickly (firing rate reduced).
	*	Altfire no longer rips through players.
+	Flashbangs imported.
~	Flame Thrower, Chemical Sprayer, and Plasma Cannon's decay effects should not hurt teammates anymore.
-	Flashbang stun decay shortened.
- 	SMG: main and altfire have been swapped.
- 	Gatling Gun: shoots twice as many bullets (but damage per bullet is halved), vertical spread lowered: it is slightly less effective beyond close range.
- 	Chrono Bow: charges nearly twice as fast. Can actually kill things now.
- 	Grenade Launcher: Grenades have slightly less gravity, thus increased range.
- 	Plasma Gun: Cools down slightly faster.
- 	Bomb-Squad Gun: Disarms explosives about 30% faster.
- 	Tiberium and Combustion autorifles: Have more devastating altfires on their strong version.
-	Players no longer spawn with the Pistol
-	Remover Gun: Deconstruction speed greatly increased. Can no longer disarm mines.
-	Flamethrower and Chemical Sprayer altfire's are now instant.
-	Shotgunner and SSG have slightly longer range.
-	Player's can now switch weapons if the PlasmaRifle overheats.
-	Increased the Flame Thrower's rate of fire to compete with the Chemical Sprayer.
~ 	Suicide Bomb Pack should consistently play sound now instead of randomly stopping.
~ 	Missile Launcher's homing no longer stops working randomly. Blast away!
~	Hand Grenades have kill messages now.

----- MECHS
+ 	Wolverine is now fully team-colored;
+ 	Titan and Wolverine now have firing sprites for their explosive attacks.
+	Fail-safes are in place in case of the outcome that a player might not be able to eject from their mech.
	*	Not much of an issue, but sometimes players can get their mechs stuck inside level geometry and they're unable to eject.
-	Madcat now has much more Shock ammo and doesn't run through it nearly as fast.
- 	Orca: price is now $1500.
-	Raven: price is now $1500.
-	Tortoise: price is now $2500
- 	Wolverine: price is now $3000.
-	Madcat:	price is now $3000.
-	Titan:	price is now $3500.
-	Rhino: price is now $3000.
-	Juggernaut: price is now $5000.
~	Mechs can no longer switch teams, get out of them first.
~	Mechs can no longer be cloned (Not to many people knew about this thankfully).
~	Instant Juggernaut performs a collision detection check to prevent players from getting stuck inside walls/ceilings.

----- MAPS
++	Updated various maps to the last change Dusk's team did.
+	Floating City and Canyon now allow light mechs only.
+	Space Camp and Shattered Remains were edited to be smaller (credit to Riclo).
+	Retextured maps.
~	All ladders now function properly.
~	Repair Pad on AOW07 was moved outside.
~	HP and Ammo Regens on AOW03 now spawn in the correct position.
~	Refinery death on AOW03 now properly "shuts down" the building.
-	Infinite weapon pickups are gone.
-	Mines in Glacier were removed.
-	Purchase Terminals replaced in the War Factories.

*** All ACS has its source available in the file. Anyone can recompile the scripts themselves to verify the lack of "hidden" code, which was plentiful in AOW 2.1. ***
++	All CVars had the aow_ prefix changed to zeta_ to prevent conflict with the existing CVars.
++	Imported Sprees from Cata-WepZ.
+	Intel messages revamped, multiple intel messages can now be displayed at once.
+	Visual enhancements added to classes.
+	Teleporter Nodes can now be repaired.
+	Dying will now return the killer's armor type.
-	Preference menu is now easier to read.
-	Shortcut binds for the Grenade and Flashbang throw the item further now.
~	Sandbags should no longer be glitchy when placed near ledges.
~	All Mechs look big and imposing again, instead of being shrunk down.
~	Ravens no longer spawn when you eject out of a mech.
~	Mech explosions can no longer damage your own buildings.
~	You can no longer use C4s while piloting a mech.
~	You can no longer equip armor just before picking a class or entering a mech - if you do so, it will be lost.
~	Instant Juggernaut no longer keeps your armor.
~	All startup warnings fixed.
~	Players now correctly respawn with their ranking health instead of 100
~	This no longer changes your hud_scale settings anymore.
~	Many, many more hidden ACS fixes.
~	Fixed the infinite Berserk bug with OpenDeck
~	The Team Autobalance system will no longer try and switch 1. players in mechs and 2. dead players.
~	Timed C4 can no longer disarm Nukes/Ions.
~	The preference menu can no longer crash clients.
~	Repair Turrets work now and no longer flood the console.

===== Changelog: May 17th, 2017
+	Dying will now return the killer's armor type.
+	Two new Utility turrets: Flame and Chemical.
~	Fixed a bug with OpenDeck not giving desired selections.
~	Fixed a bug with Tiberium bot marines playing sounds for no reason.
~	Fixed node errors in AOW01.
~	Fixed not being able to shoot your weapons on AOW12 and AOW15.
~	Team Switcher is no longer broken.
~	Flame Thrower, Chemical Sprayer, and Plasma Cannon's decay effects should not hurt teammates anymore.
~	Fixed an issue that would reset the ammo of a mech when you would eject and re-enter it.
-	The Minigunner class no longer spawns with Bullet Resistance.
-	Increased the Flame Thrower's rate of fire to compete with the Chemical Sprayer.
-	Madcat has increased movement speed. Health increased from 4000 to 5000.
-	Tortoise now only has the Blaster and Impact Grenades, no more machine gun. Health increased from 2500 to 3000.
-	Rhino has increased movement speed and is now a medium mech designed for killing mechs and infantry.
	*	Comes with Rockets, a Plasma Cannon, and a Chemical Sprayer.

===== Changelog: May 31st, 2017
+	Reworked Karasawa.
-	Tiberium Autorifle projectiles buffed.
-	Bouncing grenades from the Grenade Launcher use DOOMBOUNCE now.
-	Jetpack Troopers can now pick up items when their jetpacks are enabled.
-	Armor increase from Team boosts will now carry over to your class if you didn't have a class at the time of the boost.
-	Players will no longer get disarm crate if they have the TimeGun or Karasawa.
~	Sniper Rifle can no longer be bugged on Research Terminals.
~	Turrets can now be placed on stairs and platforms.
~	Chemical Turrets on the Blue team were displaying their wrong sprites.
~	Instant Juggernaut could be aquired from Powerup Crates on light mech maps.
~	Timed C4 and Remote C4 explosion flames no longer hurt other players on your team.
~	Proximity Mines were disarming in a near instant.
~	Proximity Mines could be disarmed with Flashbangs.
~	One of the Purchase Terminals on AOW03 would not let its desired team go back to the spawn room.
~	The Blue Barracks on AOW03 was not being colored to red when it was detroyed.
~	MCT's on AOW03 and AOW12 now display a blue screen when the appropiate terminal is destroyed.
~	Fixed node and ladder issues on AOW10.
~	Players can no longer obtain "infinite" jetpack fuel.
~	Chronobow is now refilled upon entering the spawn room.
~	Fixed an issue where ejecting from a mech on the repair pad would result in the player going over their max health.
~	Repair Gun would not be given to you if you went over rank Major.
~	Capacity increase for frags/flashbangs would be forgotten if you went over rank Colonel.
~	If one team had their Refinery destroyed, the opposing team could not refine even if they still had their Refinery.
~	Some of the more detailed buildings would make it difficult to place geometry near the doors.

===== Changelog: July 26th, 2017
-	Optimized Karasawa's targetting code.
-	Karasawa will no longer jump to nearby targets if you didn't initially hit someone.
~	Upon entering the purchase terminal, players would also be given credits.
~	Resigning your class while you had the jetpack on would result in an infinite sound to play.
~	Fixed a bug where random weapon crates wouldn't give you anything.
~	Upon entering the purchase terminal, players would also be given credits.
~	Resigning your class while you had the jetpack on would result in an infinite sound.

===== Changelog: September 10th, 2017
-	Karasawa will no longer target players that are initially hit by the weapon's projectile.
-	Karasawa projectile does more damage than chained hits.
	*	100 for direct hits and 75 for chained.
-	Chronobow projectile is now faster and stronger.
-	The ChronoArcher and Karasawa classes now spawn with the Machine Gun.
-	The Engineer now spawns with the Submachine Gun
~	Fixed an issue where building hit boxes (and maybe other things...) would activate the Karasawa's radial scan for targets.
~	Random screen flashes during Karasawa chaining should be nearly gone now.
~	Chemical and Flame grenades would not be replenished when returning to the spawn room.
~	Fixed an issue with killing sprees not getting reset upon suiciding.

===== Changelog: October 12th, 2017
+	New map: Tenements (By: Riclo500).
+	Players are awarded Enhanced Timed C4 when they're Officer rank or higher (Imported from 2.1).
	*	Enhanced Timed C4's behave the same way as 2.1's, in that they take a bit longer to disarm and they do more damage.
-	Grenade/Flashbang/Selfheal/Remote C4 shortcuts will always return back to the weapon you had out.
-	Empty Grenades/Flashbangs wont clutter your inventory.
-	Nail Machinegunner's altfire is now instant.
-	The Flamethrower isn't so devastating.
-	The Chemical Sprayer has been buffed to be on par with the Flamer.
-	Chemical Warrior price reduced to match the Flamer's.
-	The Chemical Sprayer's maximum ammo has been increased to 400 (Same as Flamer's).
-	Players can no longer abuse the donation system by spectating and rejoining.
-	Minigunner is 14% faster.
-	Shotgunner was given a buff in damage to kill more easily up close.
-	SMG's Altfire has now replaced the primary fire. No more altfire.
-	Chronobow damage adjusted.
-	Tiberium/Combustion Autorifle damage adjusted.
-	Missile Launcher's Rockets are now a lot more reliable when homing in on targets.
	*	Speed of the homing rocket adjusted just slightly because of this.
-	XP bonus on the Field Medic reduced greatly.
	*	50 XP was way to high, now it's the same as Engineer/Technician.
~	Nail Bombs are now replenished upon entering the spawn room.
~	Sniper Rifle no longer has a range limit when scoped.
~	Fixed an issue with the Grenade/Flashbang/Self Heal shortcuts.
	*	Unusable Self Heals were also branching from this so that is gone as well.
~	Fixed an issue with "Killing Spree" being printed globally.
~	Stealth Laser Rifle couldn't be used when picked up from the ground.
~	Full Refill packs weren't giving Mechs ammo.
~	Mini-Refinery death wouldn't reset credit flow.
~	Mechs would appear as 'A's on the radar.
~	Fixed an issue with the Stealth Trooper cloak not returning after taking damage.
~	Ammo Cache drops weren't giving ammo for the Chronobow (and probably other classes).
~	Fixed an issue with Self Heal not going over 100 HP.
~	Team balancer should finally be fixed.
	*	I realized I made a mistake when I revised it several versions ago. Should be fine now.
~	Nail Machinegun and QuadShotgun now have obituaries (overlooked for some time).
~	Going to the spawnroom would refill Timecop ammo.
Do note that this changelog has been merged with Zeta's to cut down on confusion as to what exactly has been changed between Zeta and this version.
- Want to help out? - My main priority at the moment is balancing what's already in the mod before I start adding new content, and that is why I have a public server up over on TSPG so people can test out what's changed currently in the mod and give me their feedback (it's also a good way of finding any remaining bugs and fixing them).

If you'd like to contribute any ideas, content, maps, or general assistance, go right ahead! You can either post here in the thread or you can shoot me a PM here on the forums or on IRC, makes no difference to me.

If you're thinking of making a map, by all means go for it! The majority of the maps in All Out War have been there since the start, so I'd definitely say there's nothing wrong with some new maps! If you have any questions or concerns about it just shoot me a PM. All I ask is to not make it a gigantic football field because typical those maps are never played.
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Code: ... 050518.pk3
Maps: ... 050518.pk3
Music: ... 101217.pk3
Patch: ... 050518.pk3
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Last edited by jdagenet on Sun May 06, 2018 5:51 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by Razgriz » Fri May 12, 2017 10:18 pm

Great job Jason, you finally did it, should be good now with new balance and no meme classes.

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Fri May 12, 2017 11:34 pm

Did you fix the chemsprayer selling design flaw? It'd be nice so people stop crying about it even though it's been there for YEARS and MANY people have used it. Is there a way to patch the player base too? Fix the shitty players who call hax whenever they lose because they are simply bad a something they've been playing for months/years.

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by ARGENTVM » Sat May 13, 2017 12:22 am

Ru5tK1ng wrote:Fix the shitty players who call hax whenever they lose because they are simply bad a something they've been playing for months/years.
Good luck on that one; you can't fix stupid. :cry:

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by jdagenet » Sat May 13, 2017 12:33 am

Ru5tK1ng wrote:Did you fix the chemsprayer selling design flaw?
When I tested on a local server it did not happen, though it's worth looking into on a public server just to make sure there's no 3.0 shenanigans at work.
Ru5tK1ng wrote:Is there a way to patch the player base too? Fix the shitty players who call hax whenever they lose because they are simply bad a something they've been playing for months/years.
Of course, good thing Console Command is still available in ACS...
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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by Combinebobnt » Sat May 13, 2017 2:10 am

good luck jason hope u make the all out wad worth playing

fix shitty players with <1 minute mech rush

oh yea this is probably the only version of aow that runs in 3.0 without problems (maybe). jason is now your new master all out slaves... his dad pays for the servers too

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by r4z0r » Sat May 13, 2017 3:23 am

wheres private all out war servers I dont wanna play with typical a3 scum trolls on my team every game

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by jdagenet » Sat May 13, 2017 4:05 am

r4z0r wrote:wheres private all out war servers I dont wanna play with typical a3 scum trolls on my team every game
Oh so you don't like winning? Damn that sucks. Uh let me get tula and prison numbers back in the game and you can lose all you want.
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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by Riclo » Sat May 13, 2017 10:36 am

Man I can't wait to play this. I'm really surprised at how thorough all the bug fixes are.

I hope you guys like my shitty re-editions of space camp and shattered remains, the two worst AOW maps (not including Lava Giant)

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by jdagenet » Sat May 13, 2017 11:40 am

Riclo wrote:I hope you guys like my shitty re-editions of space camp and shattered remains, the two worst AOW maps (not including Lava Giant)
Just realized your name isn't in the changelog -- I'll go ahead and do that now.

The map edits are definitely a step in the right direction. I think eventually the mids on both of the maps will have to be touched though considering they're still pretty big.
Nonetheless, the long ass hallways on Space Camp and the big open bases on Shattered Remains are a huge improvement from the original and the edits make the maps that more playable for the time being.
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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by r4z0r » Sat May 13, 2017 8:51 pm

jdagenet wrote:
Riclo wrote:I hope you guys like my shitty re-editions of space camp and shattered remains, the two worst AOW maps (not including Lava Giant)
Just realized your name isn't in the changelog -- I'll go ahead and do that now.

The map edits are definitely a step in the right direction. I think eventually the mids on both of the maps will have to be touched though considering they're still pretty big.
Nonetheless, the long ass hallways on Space Camp and the big open bases on Shattered Remains are a huge improvement from the original and the edits make the maps that more playable for the time being.
Oh by the way did you fix that retarded meme gap where you can fall in and melt to death in space camp?

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by jdagenet » Sat May 13, 2017 9:39 pm

r4z0r wrote:
jdagenet wrote:
Riclo wrote:I hope you guys like my shitty re-editions of space camp and shattered remains, the two worst AOW maps (not including Lava Giant)
Just realized your name isn't in the changelog -- I'll go ahead and do that now.

The map edits are definitely a step in the right direction. I think eventually the mids on both of the maps will have to be touched though considering they're still pretty big.
Nonetheless, the long ass hallways on Space Camp and the big open bases on Shattered Remains are a huge improvement from the original and the edits make the maps that more playable for the time being.
Oh by the way did you fix that retarded meme gap where you can fall in and melt to death in space camp?
Yep, already taken care of.

There was also a crucial bug discovered by Riclo involving selling weapons while you died to fire-based damage that I believe is derived from this:
The issue was addressed and the server is back up again.
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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by ibm5155 » Sat May 13, 2017 11:05 pm

Combinebobnt wrote:good luck jason hope u make the all out wad worth playing

fix shitty players with <1 minute mech rush

oh yea this is probably the only version of aow that runs in 3.0 without problems (maybe). jason is now your new master all out slaves... his dad pays for the servers too
INDEED, I saw today a game where my enemy got a tortoise in less than a minute of gameplay!!!
what about only letting people with 250xp to get light mechs and 500xp or higher to be abble to buy the more powerfull ones
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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by Konda » Sun May 14, 2017 1:31 am

ibm5155 wrote:
Combinebobnt wrote:good luck jason hope u make the all out wad worth playing

fix shitty players with <1 minute mech rush

oh yea this is probably the only version of aow that runs in 3.0 without problems (maybe). jason is now your new master all out slaves... his dad pays for the servers too
INDEED, I saw today a game where my enemy got a tortoise in less than a minute of gameplay!!!
what about only letting people with 250xp to get light mechs and 500xp or higher to be abble to buy the more powerfull ones
The problem with any system that relies on XP is that the players who come late when having access to powerful stuff is important, are nerfed in comparison to everyone else who has stacked up on experience by the time they joined. And newcomers during the game are already at a disadvantage with the way things are currently working in aow due to players' starting health already depending on experience. It's not a huge disadvantage but makes a difference in a 1v1 with two players who are otherwise equally matched.

Considering how some things in aow2 work right now, a more fitting method of preventing a very early mech rush would be to add a time limit before you can purchase mechs just like with c4s and nukes but personally I'd say just don't rely on the system to protect your noob team if they can't spot and work to stop a tortoise that takes 2 minutes to reach your base.

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by Combinebobnt » Sun May 14, 2017 2:00 am

oh yea the c4 timer is the most cuck thing ive ever seen im so glad jason removed it

rushing viable rts strategy if u dont like rushing then shoot back (or play turn based aow rofl (c&c board game?))... to kill mechs use mechs

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by jdagenet » Sun May 14, 2017 2:42 am

Konda wrote:
ibm5155 wrote:
Combinebobnt wrote:good luck jason hope u make the all out wad worth playing

fix shitty players with <1 minute mech rush

oh yea this is probably the only version of aow that runs in 3.0 without problems (maybe). jason is now your new master all out slaves... his dad pays for the servers too
INDEED, I saw today a game where my enemy got a tortoise in less than a minute of gameplay!!!
what about only letting people with 250xp to get light mechs and 500xp or higher to be abble to buy the more powerfull ones
The problem with any system that relies on XP is that the players who come late when having access to powerful stuff is important, are nerfed in comparison to everyone else who has stacked up on experience by the time they joined. And newcomers during the game are already at a disadvantage with the way things are currently working in aow due to players' starting health already depending on experience. It's not a huge disadvantage but makes a difference in a 1v1 with two players who are otherwise equally matched.

Considering how some things in aow2 work right now, a more fitting method of preventing a very early mech rush would be to add a time limit before you can purchase mechs just like with c4s and nukes but personally I'd say just don't rely on the system to protect your noob team if they can't spot and work to stop a tortoise that takes 2 minutes to reach your base.
Which is how it should be. Player's that have started the match from the beginning should have more experience and have higher leverage than those who joined, say, 30 minutes after. What's the point in starting the match from the beginning or half way through if all players are going to be equally the same in stats? New players should be cautious when joining late matches.

It sounds like you're primarily talking about the offensive side of AOW, but there are many different things that late-match joiners can do to help out in the game. They can repair, build defenses, provide support for their mechs, heal infantry, etc.
<Dynamo_>did you just take the thread away
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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by Ru5tK1ng » Sun May 14, 2017 3:39 pm

jdagenet wrote:
Konda wrote:
ibm5155 wrote:
Combinebobnt wrote:good luck jason hope u make the all out wad worth playing

fix shitty players with <1 minute mech rush

oh yea this is probably the only version of aow that runs in 3.0 without problems (maybe). jason is now your new master all out slaves... his dad pays for the servers too
INDEED, I saw today a game where my enemy got a tortoise in less than a minute of gameplay!!!
what about only letting people with 250xp to get light mechs and 500xp or higher to be abble to buy the more powerfull ones
The problem with any system that relies on XP is that the players who come late when having access to powerful stuff is important, are nerfed in comparison to everyone else who has stacked up on experience by the time they joined. And newcomers during the game are already at a disadvantage with the way things are currently working in aow due to players' starting health already depending on experience. It's not a huge disadvantage but makes a difference in a 1v1 with two players who are otherwise equally matched.

Considering how some things in aow2 work right now, a more fitting method of preventing a very early mech rush would be to add a time limit before you can purchase mechs just like with c4s and nukes but personally I'd say just don't rely on the system to protect your noob team if they can't spot and work to stop a tortoise that takes 2 minutes to reach your base.
Which is how it should be. Player's that have started the match from the beginning should have more experience and have higher leverage than those who joined, say, 30 minutes after. What's the point in starting the match from the beginning or half way through if all players are going to be equally the same in stats? New players should be cautious when joining late matches.

It sounds like you're primarily talking about the offensive side of AOW, but there are many different things that late-match joiners can do to help out in the game. They can repair, build defenses, provide support for their mechs, heal infantry, etc.
Exactly, it makes more sense to be a healer or base defender in mid to late game. By that time everyone has above 130 hp, lots of money and there are lots of mechs anyway. That's the part where people slip up and forget to repair or restore defenses and next thing you know some building goes boom 2 minutes before sudden death. If everyone has some sort of equal ground then what's the point if you can just join after everyone has done the hard work and soak up the easy win?

oh yea the c4 timer is the most cuck thing ive ever seen im so glad jason removed it

rushing viable rts strategy if u dont like rushing then shoot back (or play turn based aow rofl (c&c board game?))... to kill mechs use mechs
It's literally one of the stupidest things I saw when playing the mod. A bad team is gonna get c4'd hard and having a delay is just delaying the inevitable. Rushing is actual meta in some of the older RTS. People realized instead of throwing stones and arrows at each other, they could win faster be getting to the iron age.

Seems to me someone got shit on long ago and decided to add it to the mod because mad cuz bad.

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by Konda » Sun May 14, 2017 4:11 pm

Ru5tK1ng wrote:
jdagenet wrote:
Konda wrote:
ibm5155 wrote: INDEED, I saw today a game where my enemy got a tortoise in less than a minute of gameplay!!!
what about only letting people with 250xp to get light mechs and 500xp or higher to be abble to buy the more powerfull ones
The problem with any system that relies on XP is that the players who come late when having access to powerful stuff is important, are nerfed in comparison to everyone else who has stacked up on experience by the time they joined. And newcomers during the game are already at a disadvantage with the way things are currently working in aow due to players' starting health already depending on experience. It's not a huge disadvantage but makes a difference in a 1v1 with two players who are otherwise equally matched.

Considering how some things in aow2 work right now, a more fitting method of preventing a very early mech rush would be to add a time limit before you can purchase mechs just like with c4s and nukes but personally I'd say just don't rely on the system to protect your noob team if they can't spot and work to stop a tortoise that takes 2 minutes to reach your base.
Which is how it should be. Player's that have started the match from the beginning should have more experience and have higher leverage than those who joined, say, 30 minutes after. What's the point in starting the match from the beginning or half way through if all players are going to be equally the same in stats? New players should be cautious when joining late matches.

It sounds like you're primarily talking about the offensive side of AOW, but there are many different things that late-match joiners can do to help out in the game. They can repair, build defenses, provide support for their mechs, heal infantry, etc.
Exactly, it makes more sense to be a healer or base defender in mid to late game. By that time everyone has above 130 hp, lots of money and there are lots of mechs anyway. That's the part where people slip up and forget to repair or restore defenses and next thing you know some building goes boom 2 minutes before sudden death. If everyone has some sort of equal ground then what's the point if you can just join after everyone has done the hard work and soak up the easy win?
I see, that's an interesting perspective. I still don't completely get it though. It shouldn't matter if you soak up the easy win since you know you're not the one who made that possible but the team that's been there for 30 minutes before you joined. If people were just looking to join later in the game, there wouldn't be anyone to make joining late possible in the first place by joining early.

Actually, now that I think about it, the way things currently are gives everyone an incentive to join as early as possible as that's the only chance they get to have an advantage over others later in the game. If everyone has equal opportunity regardless of when they join, it's not hard to imagine a horde of spectators just waiting for the few plebs in the game to refine, research everything, and build all the defenses and then just hop into the better team and reap all the benefits. Lel, and imagine people first ragequitting after losing an obelisk just to return 10 minutes later to see if their team is doing well and then return to the game without consequences like nothing ever happened. Or even join the enemy team as soon as they're losing and still have as many options the rest of the winning team... I forgot people are assholes.

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by Catastrophe » Sun May 14, 2017 6:59 pm

Glad to see you finally got it to a much more playable state. Good luck with this!

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Re: All Out War 2.2 - Beta


Post by jdagenet » Sun May 14, 2017 10:01 pm

Pushed out Beta 11, fixed the console flooding when using repair turrets and repair turrets actually work now. Fixed a few issues with some maps as well.
As far as bugs go, there's none that really lurk. I've played a few games so far and I haven't seen any major ones come about so I think this is almost ready for it's first stable release.

I think the main area of concern at the moment is mechs (specifically the Rhino) and the new Minigunner class.
I've gotten a few ideas on what to with the Rhino like making it a cheap anti-mech and giving it some chemical sprayers (I actually really like that idea), but of course it's still up for discussion.

The main culprit for the Minigunner I believe is that Bullet Resistance. I've seen a few people just buy the class only to sell the Gatling Gun and use some other weapon because the majority of the weapons people use are bullet-based. I think removing the resistance armor and testing out the actual Gatling Gun is the ultimate test to decide whether it's OP or not.
<Dynamo_>did you just take the thread away
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