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Doomseeker Mercurial repository has moved

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:01 am
by Blzut3
Just a quick announcement to let everyone know that the Doomseeker Mercurial repository has been moved from my Bitbucket account to a team account. Most people won't notice any difference due to this change, but if you compile Doomseeker from source or have a clone for other reasons, please be sure to update your clone to point to the new location. To do this edit your .hg/.hgrc file in your clone and change the default path.

The repository can now be found at:

If you have a fork on Bitbucket the upstream URL has automatically been changed for you.

The team feature appeared on Bitbucket roughly a year after we switched over to Mercurial, but until now we didn't really have a motivating reason to migrate the repository. The move was done in order to allow us to have multiple related repositories in an easily discoverable location, but also so the project looks more inclusive not being owned by a single person (especially since Zalewa has honestly been doing most of the heavy lifting as of late). It seemed this migration was going to happen sooner or later, so we decided now was a good time.

RE: Doomseeker Mercurial repository has moved

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 10:23 am
by Sean
Finally, a potentially breaking change that gives a reason to update my out-of-date AUR packages!

RE: Doomseeker Mercurial repository has moved

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:25 pm
by Zalewa
Thanks for maintaining the packages, Sean.