Doomseeker 1.5.0
Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 6:47 pm

Also, a bug with demo recording has been fixed where the single-player demos were recorded with a wrong file extension, making them unplayable.
The server details pages have been redesigned:

So was the player table:

An address filter has been added to server filters:

Bug fixes highlights:
- Save the single-player demo files with the proper file extension.
- Specifically for Zandronum: Doomseeker will now use the segmented query protocol for the servers that support it. This should fix problems with refreshing servers that host many mods and a lot of players.
- This release also fixes a long-standing problem with Wadseeker, where under certain conditions Wadseeker would download the same file twice. This problem wasn't noticeably affecting the users, but was affecting the file hostings, particularly The problem was stemming from Wadseeker's unfortunate architecture and fixing it required a nearly full rewrite of this entire module.
- Another bug was causing LAN servers to appear with IPv6 addresses, even though IPv4 was actually used. The game would then be instructed to connect to this IPv6 address, which it couldn't do. Doomseeker will now properly enforce IPv4 addresses here and pass them to the game in this form, fixing the problem.
The full list of changes, additions and fixes is here:
Code: Select all
## [1.5.0]
### Added
- Demo playback and recording features (#4110):
- Demo playback can now be setup in the usual "Create Game" dialog box.
- Demos can be exported with Doomseeker's metadata.
- Import external demos to Doomseeker's demo manager. The import/export
features facilitate demo sharing.
- Save the demo's created time in the metadata file with timezone info.
- Also save the demo's game as plugin's canonical name in the metadata file.
- The recorded demos will now have their author's name saved in their
metadata. Your name can be configured in Doomseeker's config box in the
new "Games" page (the tree section for "Games" was there since forever
already, but now it finally has an actual page).
- Server filtering by the IP address. (#4117)
- A compilation option to make the IP2C auto-updates disabled by default:
- El Salvador and Macao country flags.
- Plugin API: `TooltipRenderHint` and `TooltipGenerator::renderHint()`.
- Wadseeker: `Navigation` message type, to inform about visited URLs.
- Zandronum: query the game servers with a segmented challenge, where
the servers can reply with more than one packet. This should help with
servers that need to send a lot of data in their replies and this data
would get lost on the network due to oversized packets. This feature is
enabled by default, but can be disabled from the Zandronum config box. (#4142)
### Changed
- Doomseeker won't request from the game servers the checksums of loaded
files if the file integrity validation is turned off. This relieves some
network traffic when refreshing the servers. (#4130)
- Create game: allow paths to missing files in the files/WADs box; show
which files are missing, allow to store them in the saved game setup and
bring them back when this setup is loaded. (#4127)
- Allow paths to directories in the WADs/files box, just in case some
game decides that it can handle that.
- Players table appearance changed:
- The header row is now stylized with a bold font.
- Also, there is a dashed border between the columns (needs Qt >=5.14).
- As previously, the table is divided into sections: players, bots,
spectators, but the title of each section is now displayed.
- For team games, each team has its own section now and the name of the team
appears as the respective section's title. Players don't have the name of
the team repeated in each row anymore.
- Redesign server details. Use a tabbed view, present a lot more info which was
previously only available through the tooltips, and say it explicitly when said
info is missing.
- The server tooltips restyled to separate the labels (in bold) from values.
- Present demos in a table instead of a date-time list. There's more metadata
stored for the demos now, and the table displays it all. (#4110)
- Demo manager's Play, Remove and Export buttons will now be disabled when
no demo is selected.
- Remember the previous export dir in demo manager.
- Demo metadata format altered. Doomseeker calls this metadata format V2, but
it will continue to read the previous format. (#4110)
- Managed demos storage format altered. Demos are now also organized by
author and by recording year in subdirectories, avoiding demos from
multiple authors colliding with each other. (#4110)
- Updated the internal zlib library to 1.2.13.
- Updated the internal bzip2 library to version 1.0.8.
- Wadseeker GUI: show Wadseeker logs more like actual logs: use a fixed-width
font, present the logging level and who wrote a given log line (Doomseeker or
- Wadseeker: revise the doxygen documentation, correcting the outdated
information and rephrasing the text for better clarity. Populate the doc's
main page with info on how Wadseeker works.
- Wadseeker: rewrite the internals of the lib so that it becomes
a better netizen.
- Wadseeker: upgrade the LZMA SDK to version 23.01.
- Wadseeker: website changed to (#4131)
- Q-Zandronum, Zandronum: the command line for launching a demo
playback will now be bereft of arguments that wouldn't affect the
playback anyway.
- Zandronum: clarify the popup message when a testing binary ovewrite
is about to occur; the first sentence says now that the program wants
to install the binaries.
### Deprecated
- Wadseeker: `WADSEEKER_API` unused in Doomseeker:
- `NetworkReplyTimeouter`
- `WadDownloadInfo`
### Fixed
- Players table getting squished horizontally in the server details dock.
- Limit the height of players tooltip for very populated servers. Doomseeker
will attempt to calculate the height needed by the players table and if it
exceeds a certain percentage of the available screen space, it will trim the
player list displaying only that there are `<N>` more players on the server.
This should prevent the tooltip from stretching beyond the screen. (#4149)
- Demo metadata: remember the order in which the required and optional WADs
were loaded if they were interleaved during demo recording. (#4110)
- Paths to the managed demos store should not be template-resolved, because
it's not user-configurable (#3262).
- Application icon was missing under Wayland.
- Parsing of IP2C now works correctly under Qt6.
- Wadseeker GUI: in a hypothetical situation where the lib would inform about
a progress on an empty filename, the program would crash. Protect against that.
- Wadseeker: spell "the /idgames Archive" correctly, like the Archive itself
- Wadseeker: it would sometimes get the same URL twice if it at first thought
it would be a HTML website, but it turned out to be a WAD, PK3, or an archive
instead. This was causing unnecessary downloads, unnecessary traffic, and
complaints from server owners that Wadseeker strains their servers. This was
fixed by completely rewriting the Wadseeker's internals.
- Q-Zandronum, Zandronum: single-player demos will now be recorded with
the correct `.lmp` extension.
- Q-Zandronum, Zandronum: LAN broadcast servers were having their addresses
stored as IPv4-mapped IPv6, causing an IPv6 address being passed to the game's
command line when trying to connect to those servers, and the game failing to
handle this properly. This was happening in environments where IPv4 connectivity
was used otherwise. These IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses shall be converted to
explicit IPv4 addresses now. (#4191)
Doomseeker 1.5.0 can be downloaded from the official website, and, on Windows, also from the auto-updater's stable channel.