try to find the INSANITY!
Insanity Deathmatch version 1.21 AVAILABLE NOW!
Insanity Deathmatch is a multiplayer PK3 mod for Zandronum 3.1 or above, featuring:
- 53 new and improved weapons of frantic and insanely explosive deathmatch massacre!
- 12 different choices for starting weapons!
- 8 new special armor types!
- 17 game changing powerups!
- Random spawns for each thing mentioned above, making each game of deathmatch unique even if a single map is played!
- Tons of memes in the form of over 1100 random gibbing sounds and 35 different player death explosions!
- Compatible on any Doom II multiplayer map on Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Duel, Last Man Standing, Team Last Man Standing, and even Capture the Flag!
- Compatible for designing individual maps for the mod!
- Also compatible with the Instagib and Buckshot modifiers!
- Additionally comes with 12 new game modifiers!
for competitive play!), but more of a deathmatch carnage type mod meant for an Insanetm amount of fun!
Insanity Deathmatch doesn't feature any new maps on its own (yet...) but it can be played on any deathmatch map pack that uses Doom II actors, and custom maps can be made for the mod using Ultimate Doom Builder!
Insanity Deathmatch received a 2021 Multiplayer Cacoward!
The whole zip package ( contains:
- Insanity Deathmatch (IDM_v#.##.pk3)
Additional sounds and death animations for the Doom marine!
- Insanity Deathmatch: Skinnable Edition (IDM_SkEdit_v#.##.pk3)
Classic Doom player behavior, compatible with custom player skins!
- Skin Packs (IDM_Skinpack_v#.##.pk3 & IDM_SkinpackExtra_v#.##.pk3) for Insanity Deathmatch: Skinnable Edition, also used by the Zandronum bots.
Recommended Deathmatch & LMS flags:
DMFlags: 4216196
DMFlags2: 1792
ZADMFlags: 2048
CompatFlags: 0
ZACompatFlags: 0
sv_forcerespawntime 5
sv_respawndelaytime 1
Recommended Duel Flags:
DMFlags: 5329924
DMFlags2: 1088
ZADMFlags: 32768
CompatFlags: 2013346783
CompatFlags2: 0
ZACompatflags: 25035336
Recommended Team gamemode Flags:
DMFlags: 4216196
DMFlags2: 1860
ZADMFlags: 13125632
CompatFlags: 0
ZACompatFlags: 0
Before running this mod with any custom maps, make sure Insanity Deathmatch is loaded AFTER the maps to ensure full compatibility!
For hosting a Zandronum server with Insanity Deathmatch, read SERVER_ADMIN_README.txt in the zip file!
Before using Insanity Deathmatch as a resource for mapping with Ultimate Doom Builder, read MAPPER_README.txt in the zip file!
I hope you enjoy the fragging, and remember to always have fun!
Otherwise, if you take things too seriously, soon you wont be sane enough to escape the Insanity!
Dual trailer for version 1.21 and Insanity Survival v0.90:
phpBB [media]
Official trailer for version 1.0:
phpBB [media]
Teaser trailer for version 1.0:
phpBB [media]
Trailer for version 0.99:
phpBB [media]
Trailer for version 0.95 - A compilation of matches in the Execution Deathmatches map pack:
phpBB [media]
Download and play the Insanity!
For a full list of credits, see IDMCredits.txt in the full zip package!
For a detailed "instruction manual", see WADINFO.txt in the zip package or inside each edition of Insanity Deathmatch.
Each weapon have their upgraded versions when used with the Strength powerup. For more information about those, see each weapon's "Strength powerup effect" in the WEAPONS section in WADINFO.txt.
Slot 1 - Melee weapons:
[list]Fist: Everyone starts with the Fist, and it's now much more powerful - so much so that you can gib a marine, even if you're not berserked with the Strength powerup![/list]
[list]Chainsaw: Twice as fast and deals roughly twice as much damage per hit! Can be used as a starting weapon![/list]
[list]Knife: A faster hitting melee than the Fist, which also increases your movement speed when wielded in your hands! Can be used as a starting weapon![/list]
[list]Vorpal Blade: The strongest but slowest of the melee weapons. Has an energy meter which increases over time or through successful hits, increasing the blade's damage, and firing a piercing projectile when fully charged! Can be used as a starting weapon![/list]
Slot 2 - Small arms:
[list]Pistol: It has an average rate of fire, is moderately accurate and consumes a Bullet per shot - So it's a Pistol alright! Can be used as a starting weapon![/list]
[list]Machinegun: A 3-round burst firearm that is also fairly accurate. It can output a decent amount of damage on longer ranges! Can be used as a starting weapon![/list]
[list]Yellowboy: A fully accurate lever action rifle that also deals a great amount of damage. Can be used as a starting weapon![/list]
[list]Blaster: A futuristic plasma pistol that shoots deadly plasma projectiles! Can be used as a starting weapon! [/list]
Slot 3 - Shotguns:
[list]Boomstick: The Quake Shotgun. Twice as fast as the Doom Shotgun in the mod, but shoots only 7 pellets. Can be used as a starting weapon![/list]
[list]Buckshot: The Quake Double Barreled Shotgun. A bit slower than the Boomstick, but shoots 14 pellets and consumes 2 Shell ammo per shot. Can be used as a starting weapon![/list]
[list]Combat Shotgun: Compared to the Vanilla Doom Shotgun, it now shoots 24 pellets instead of 7![/list]
[list]Super Shotgun: Now shoots 50 pellets instead of 20![/list]
[list]Riot Shotgun: A rapid 4-round burst shotgun that is also very accurate but takes a time to reload all 4 barrels again.[/list]
[list]Screwgun: A wide spread projectile based shotgun that is faster than the Combat Shotgun but way less accurate on longer ranges.[/list]
[list]Big weapon - Quad Shotgun: What? The Super Shotgun isn't enough for you? Here you are! Its four barrels should fire enough pellets that the enemies will be splattered to the other side of the arena![/list]
[list]Big weapon - Hand Cannon: This double barreled Shotgun shoots radioactive shells, which have a slow chemical reaction when the trigger is pressed and the hammer hits the shells, but when it fires, it covers the entire view with explosions![/list]
Slot 4 - Heavy Bullet Weapons:
[list]Chaingun: Otherwise the same, except it deals twice the vanilla damage, and can randomly shoot an extra bullet per shot! Can be used as a starting weapon![/list]
[list]Super Chaingun: Much like the Chaingun, but this one has an electric motor spooling up the barrels to max revs after 10 shots, doubling its rate of fire![/list]
[list]Nailgun: The Quake Nailgun. Turns bullets into nails that move at the speed of sound and deal great damage overall! Can be used as a starting weapon![/list]
[list]Super Nailgun: A faster and deadlier version of the Nailgun! Shoots larger nails but also consumes 2 Bullet ammo per shot.[/list]
[list]Heavy Machinegun: A 5-round burst Super variant of the Machinegun that shoots heavy caliber rounds at a fast rate of fire![/list]
[list]Assault Rifle: A slower but deadlier and more accurate version of the Chaingun, but consumes 3 bullets per shot, and only spawns on the Bullet weapon spawns.[/list]
[list]Big weapon - Minigun: It chews on bullets like no time, making the best looking Swiss cheese out of your opponents! Old painless is waiting![/list]
[list]Big weapon - Stinger: This spiky and oddly medieval nail gatling will drill right through any player quicker than you can say "Sting!"[/list]
Slot 5 - Explosive weapons:
[list]Rocket Launcher: Shoots slightly faster and severely deadlier rockets![/list]
[list]Barrage Launcher: A triple barreled variant of the Rocket Launcher that shoots a slow burst of 3 rockets at a time![/list]
[list]Grenade Launcher: Lobs grenades at a slow rate of fire that explode on collision course with a running marine, or after a 3-second timer.[/list]
[list]Heat Seeker: Shoots heat seeking missiles at roughly half the rate of fire of the Rocket Launcher, and consumes 2 Rocket ammo per shot. (HINT: If the missiles cause you too much trouble, they can be shot mid-air!)[/list]
[list]Mini-Bomber: A rapid fire missile launcher that does less damage per missile than a single rocket, but can two-shot enemies and only consumes 1 rocket ammo per 2 missiles![/list]
[list]Big weapon - Hellstorm Cannon: It's a cannon that fires... a literal Hell-storm. Enough said.[/list]
[list]Big weapon - Devastators: Duke Nukem's ultimate rapid-fire explosive weapon! Come get some!
[list]Big weapon - Barrel Gun: OK, what the f*ck is this gun?![/list]
Slot 6 - Plasma weapons:
[list]Plasma Gun: Otherwise the same, except a single plasma ball can deal from 1 to 100 damage! And if it doesn't hit its target directly, it deals from 1 to 5 splash damage![/list]
[list]Plasmachine Gun: The Super variant of the Plasma Gun! It's double barreled, and can spray a whole roomful with plasma![/list]
[list]Pulse Rifle: A radioactive plasma weapon that shoots pulse projectiles which travel in a fast and wide horizontal wave when shot! It fires at half the rate of fire of the Plasma Gun, consumes 3 Cell ammo per shot, but deals a greater amount of damage![/list]
[list]Plasma Beam: A particle beam weapon that can quickly zap your enemies into a pile of ionized ash![/list]
[list]Railgun: The ultimate sniper weapon you can find in the arena, usually killing your enemies in just one or two shots! Consumes 10 Cell ammo per shot.[/list]
[list]Ion Blaster: A slow plasma weapon that shoots ion projectiles, which bounce on walls and can frag and gib enemies in just one or two shots. It deals heavy explosive damage, though, so beware![/list]
[list]Big weapon - Freeze Cannon: Fires a very fast spray of snowballs, turning your enemies into shiny blocks of ice![/list]
[list]Big weapon - WIDE Plasma Gun: Just a wide version of the plasma gun! Its projectiles have a much WIDER influence in combat - enough to create a big wall with them![/list]
[list]BFG Prototype: It's unstable! So much that the weapon needs to cool down a bit after each shot! However, it's also so unstable that the tracers now completely decimate your enemies![/list]
[list]BFG10000: The powerhouse of green plasma returns from Skulltag, and packs slightly more power than in Skulltag! Just try it with the Strength powerup...[/list]
[list]Devastator 1000: The BFG of Demon Eclipse, this time it shoots the biggest flock of red plasma you've ever seen... It takes a long while to charge up, though, before you can fire it![/list]
[list]Fire Mace: The ultimate weapon of Heretic shoots twice as many steel balls that are 10 times deadlier than in Heretic![/list]
[list]Wraithverge & Bloodscourge: The two most devastating weapons of Hexen have somehow found their way in the deathmatch arenas...[/list]
[list]Unmaker: A hellish laser weapons of ultimate devastation! Fires a lot of vaporizing lasers in a horizontal spread from its skull in the front![/list]
[list]Meowitzer: It's a bigass cannon that shoots cat heads! Enough said.[/list]
[list]Flamethrower & Pyro Cannon: The UTNT Fire weapons return in a more incinerating form! In the regular edition they burn your enemies into black smokey crisps! In the Skinnable Edition, however, they just gib![/list]
[list]The SIGIL: The ultimate weapon from Strife makes a cameo appearance in Insanity Deathmatch! It's fully upgraded, but uses even more of the wielder's health as its ammunition, so don't spam it too long![/list]
[list]The Redeemer: The tactical nuclear missile weapon from Unreal Tournament is also the most devastating Big Weapon in Insanity Deathmatch![/list]
The Ammo pack (Backpack) now gives full ammo in addition to increasing the player's ammo capacity.
[list]Max capacity: 150[/list]
[list]Max capacity with Backpack: 300[/list]
[list]A Clip of Bullets gives 20 Bullets.[/list]
[list]A Small Box of Bullets gives 50 Bullets.[/list]
[list]A Big Box of Bullets gives 100 Bullets.[/list]
[list]Max capacity: 20[/list]
[list]Max capacity with Backpack: 30[/list]
[list]A Bundle of Shells gives 4 Shells.[/list]
[list]A Carton of Shells gives 6 Shells.[/list]
[list]A Box of Shells gives 10 Shells.[/list]
[list]Max capacity: 15[/list]
[list]Max capacity with Backpack: 30[/list]
[list]A Rocket gives... a rocket. Duh.[/list]
[list]A Bundle of Rockets gives 3 Rockets.[/list]
[list]A Box of Rockets gives 6 Rockets.[/list]
[list]Max capacity: 100[/list]
[list]Max capacity with Backpack: 200[/list]
[list]An Energy Cell gives 20 Cells.[/list]
[list]A Cell Kit gives 40 Cells.[/list]
[list]A Cell Pack gives 100 Cells.[/list]
General Information:
The Players start with 100 Armor with 67% base protection.
For Light and Heavy Armors, the Added Health Protection value against specific damage sources is not affected on the total damage which the Base Protection reduces.
It affects the remaining damage after the Base Protection has affected the total damage.
For example, a 100 damage Bullet Attack still depletes only 67 Armor, and the Added Health Protection against Bullets will reduce the remaining 33 damage by a certain
percentage if the Armor worn is one that protects better against Bullets.
Amount: 200
One of these armors will spawn on the green armor spots in the map.
[list]Yellow Armor: Has a 50% protection value and offers 50% resistance against all sources of damage.[/list]
[list]Belt Armor: Has a 67% protection value and offers 70% resistance against Bullet, Nail and Melee attacks, and gives 200 Bullet ammo and 20 Shell ammo.[/list]
[list]Frag Armor: Has a 75% protection value and offers 70% resistance against Rockets, Grenades and Hellstorms, and gives 15 Rocket ammo.[/list]
[list]Tech Armor: Has a 83% protection value and offers 70% resistance against Plasma, Pulse and BFG projectiles as well as Railgun and BFG Tracer attacks, and gives 100 Cell ammo.[/list]
Amount: 300
One of these armors will spawn on the mega armor spots in the map.
[list]Blue Armor: Has a 67% protection value and gives 80% resistance against Bullet, Nail and Melee attacks.[/list]
[list]Red Armor: Has a 75% protection value and gives 87.5% resistance against Rockets, Grenades and Hellstorms.[/list]
[list]Energy Armor: Has a 83% protection value and gives 80% resistance against Plasma, Pulse and BFG projectiles as well as Railgun and BFG Tracer Attacks.[/list]
[list]Super Armor: has a 50% protection value and gives the player 75% resistance against ALL damage! You are practically a walking tank with it![/list]
[list]Soulsphere: Immediately gives you 200 Health and an extra life that instantly puts you to 200 Health when it first reaches 0.[/list]
[list]Megasphere: Gives 300 Health and a random Heavy Armor worth of 300 Armor points![/list]
[list]Strength: Heals you to 100 Health if below it, and upgrades all of your weapons for 30 seconds![/list]
[list]Doomsphere: When picked up, the player deals four times more damage for 20 seconds![/list]
[list]Guardsphere: Gives the player 75% direct damage protection, immunity to splash damage and the ability to stop ripper projectiles![/list]
[list]Resistance: Gives immunity to damaging surfaces, and comes in two forms: Hitscan and Projectile Resistance.
Hitscan Resistance protects for 90% against all Hitscan attacks, and 25% against Projectile attacks.
The Projectile Resistance, then, is the exact opposite. Both powerups last for 20 seconds.[/list]
[list]Regeneration: Upon pickup, regenerates 50 Health per second up to the player's base maximum health (200+possible bonus health if picked up) for 20 seconds.[/list]
[list]Haste: Doubles the player's firing speed, and they move 50% faster and jump higher for 20 seconds.[/list]
[list]Prosperity: Gives unlimited ammo for 10 seconds, along with full ammo, 200 Health and 200 random Light Armor.[/list]
[list]Reflection: Upon pickup, any damage you take from enemies will be reflected back at them for 20 seconds! The reflected damage goes through the attackers' armor![/list]
[list]Spread: Triples the player's shots from any weapon for 20 seconds![/list]
[list]Drain: Gives the player the ability to drain enemy health when dealing damage, as well as 33% damage resistance for 30 seconds![/list]
[list]Rage: For 10 seconds, the player turns invulnerable and reflective and gets one or more random powerup![/list]
[list]Time Freeze: Freezes time for 10 seconds. (HINT: Can only spawn on the Invulnerability spot randomly with the Rage powerup.)[/list]
This shows the items of each random spawner.
Shotgun & Super Shotgun spot:
[list]Super Shotgun[/list]
[list]Riot Shotgun[/list]
[list]Super Chaingun[/list]
[list]Super Nailgun[/list]
[list]Heavy Machinegun[/list]
[list]Rocket Launcher[/list]
[list]Grenade Launcher[/list]
[list]Plasma Gun[/list]
Chaingun spot - Heavy Bullet Weapon spawner:
[list]Super Chaingun[/list]
[list]Super Nailgun[/list]
[list]Heavy Machinegun[/list]
[list]Assault Rifle[/list]
Rocket Launcher spot - Explosive Weapon spawner:
[list]Rocket Launcher[/list]
[list]Barrage Launcher[/list]
[list]Grenade Launcher[/list]
[list]Heat Seeker[/list]
Plasma Gun spot - Plasma Weapon spawner:
[list]Plasmachine Gun[/list]
[list]Pulse Rifle[/list]
[list]Plasma Beam[/list]
[list]Ion Blaster[/list]
BFG spot - Big Weapon spawner:
[list]BFG Prototype[/list]
[list]Quad Shotgun[/list]
[list]Hellstorm Cannon[/list]
[list]Barrel Gun[/list]
[list]Freeze Cannon[/list]
[list]Devastator 1000[/list]
[list]Fire Mace[/list]
[list]Barrel Gun[/list]
[list]Pyro Cannon[/list]
Green Armor spot - Light Armor spawner:
[list]Yellow Armor[/list]
[list]Belt Armor[/list]
[list]Frag Armor[/list]
[list]Tech Armor[/list]
Mega-Armor spot - Heavy Armor spawner:
[list]Blue Armor[/list]
[list]Red Armor[/list]
[list]Energy Armor[/list]
[list]Super Armor[/list]
Chainsaw, Partial Invisibility, Soulsphere, Megasphere, Berserk, Light-Amp and Automap spots:
[list]Time Freeze (extremely rare)[/list]
Invulnerability spot:
[list]Time Freeze[/list]