- gl_texture is now enforced when sv_forcevideodefaults is enabled.
- cl_identifytarget now prints "ally" if the target is a teammate of the player being spied on, instead of the local player.
- The new CVar "cl_identifymonsters", allowing monsters to be identifiable via name, drop item list, and the +GHOST flag using cl_identifytarget.
- The new CCMD "rcon_logout", so clients with RCON access may logout anytime they want to.
- Rail attacks now always account for sv_shootthroughallies.
- Players now receive keys that were already found if respawning with a different class while sv_sharekeys was enabled.
- Added a "WelcomeSound" property to the GAMEMODE lump, which determines what announcer sound to play at the start of a level.
- A wider range of gameplay-related CVars can now be configured using the GAMEMODE lump, along with "offlineonly" and "onlineonly" options so that CVars are only configured for offline or online games, or both.
- New ACS function: SetGameplaySetting so that the aforementioned CVars can be changed on the fly by a mod. This should supersede the use of ConsoleCommand to change these CVars.
- The "maplist" CCMD now also prints "current" or "used" alongside green or red text for map entries that are currently being played or used.
Code: Select all
changeset: 10895:82c883d82cce
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Updated the version history.
changeset: 10896:ed8af7652754
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed: cl_telespy still teleported a spectator when they were already looking through their own eyes.
changeset: 10897:556024eb3b0f
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed: the 64-bit Windows build still didn't produce a crash report as a server host.
changeset: 10898:a74742871598
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed: V_RemoveTrailingCrap didn't always remove trailing incomplete color code of type "\c[X" properly.
changeset: 10899:b133d4de6fcf
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Unwanted ASCII characters are now also removed from chat strings in offline games.
changeset: 10900:bc8f20550199
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
gl_texture is now forced to be true when sv_forcevideodefaults is true.
changeset: 10901:f024747a7705
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Added a check to prevent clients from executing the "clearmaplist" CCMD in online games.
changeset: 10902:9804b2bc957a
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
cl_identifytarget now prints "ally" if the target is a teammate of the player being spied on, instead of the local player.
changeset: 10903:e957fcea64f3
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Refactored unformatted color strings that were used in the target identification.
changeset: 10904:055e308e6015
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
cl_identifytarget now always prints a player's skin with their current class, if unmorphed. If cl_skins is 0, then the skin is always printed as "base" instead.
changeset: 10905:dffe252079ca
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Slightly refactored DBaseStatusBar::DrawTargetName and P_PlayerScan, for cosmetic reasons.
changeset: 10906:43b28dbabd0d
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Moved DBaseStatusBar::DrawTargetName and P_PlayerScan to st_hud.cpp and renamed them to HUD_DrawTargetName and HUD_ScanForTarget respectively.
changeset: 10907:1892b63c7310
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Added the CVar "cl_identifymonsters" which allows monsters to be identified with cl_identifytarget.
changeset: 10908:f69316e9f35c
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Refactored unformatted color strings that were used in HUD_DrawCoopInfo.
changeset: 10909:c73c3e63f676
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed: rail attacks didn't always account for sv_shootthroughallies.
changeset: 10910:144001a99a3b
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Added the CCMD "rcon_logout" so that clients with RCON access may logout if they want to. This also changes the old behaviour where a client who already had RCON access could lose it if they resent the wrong password to the server.
changeset: 10911:96168ff0d53f
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Players with no lives left are now forced to respawn and enter spectator mode after one second, instead of waiting until the forced respawn time expires for them.
changeset: 10912:7604d56ff5d8
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed: players didn't receive keys that were already found if respawning with a different class while sv_sharekeys was enabled.
changeset: 10913:f95780860a9f
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
When a player becomes a dead spectator, they will continue spying on the actor they were originally looking from instead of reverting their view back to themselves.
changeset: 10914:36def6dbea37
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Removed C-style char arrays in GAMEMODE_s.
changeset: 10915:3d2e9c004bfb
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Added a "WelcomeSound" property to the GAMEMODE lump, which determines what announcer sound to play at the start of a level.
changeset: 10916:d3710ffbf1d0
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
The GAMEMODE lump now accepts a wider range of gameplay-related CVars that aren't limited to flags. Strictly speaking, any CVars with the CVAR_GAMEPLAYSETTING bit, or any flags whose flagset has the CVAR_GAMEPLAYFLAGSET (previously named CVAR_GAMEMODELOCK) bit.
changeset: 10917:691792bd9295
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Added ACS function: "SetGameplaySetting", allowing modders to change gameplay-related CVars on the fly.
changeset: 10918:457591ba7b0e
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed a GCC compile error.
changeset: 10919:bbfcb1b52fd6
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
The "maplist" CCMD now also prints "current" or "used" alongside green or red text for map entries that are currently being played or used. This change is particularly useful for consoles or logfiles that strip color codes and couldn't show the colored text.
changeset: 10920:7050397ab1ea
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed: cl_medals also affected the server and could prevent players from earning any medals if disabled.
changeset: 10921:84b6c58c6f4d
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Moved the definition of the spectate CCMD from deathmatch.cpp to p_interaction.cpp.
changeset: 10922:17192f5db27c
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
- Cleaned up duplicate code for printing large frag messages. This should also fix Logitech G15 keyboards not printing large frag messages in online games.
- Moved the definition of the cl_showlargefragmessages CVar from deathmatch.cpp to st_hud.cpp.
changeset: 10923:b881e0c2f899
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Added a small optimization to ServerCommands::KillPlayer::Execute.
changeset: 10924:53553da2ffea
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed: the server didn't always update the correct flagset (e.g. dmflags, compatflags, lmsspectatorsettings) to the clients.
changeset: 10925:8e83c7303d95
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed: the server would still print which flags have changed for lmsallowedweapons when the current game mode wasn't (T)LMS.
changeset: 10926:4a2c7d737cb9
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
If a flagset changes on the server's end, check to make sure that at least one flag has actually changed before including it in the broadcast message.
changeset: 10927:3d017bd6119a
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Added the helper function SERVER_SettingChanged to centralize the "x has changed to" message calls used for many CVars and reduce duplicate code.
changeset: 10928:8498d95c7352
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
alwaysapplydmflags, teamdamage, and sv_fastweapons can now be configured in the GAMEMODE lump.
changeset: 10929:30c76eb5a12e
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Removed two unused declarations.
changeset: 10930:e3bfcd538406
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Moved the instagib and buckshot externs to gamemode.h.
changeset: 10931:d672e974c935
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Removed an extern to a CVar that doesn't exist.
changeset: 10932:80a38f946ad1
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Moved rail color enumerations from deathmatch.h to d_player.h.
changeset: 10933:fa8ac1e427b8
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Did some cleanup in settings_GameplayTab_ShowOrHideItems.
changeset: 10934:7b881b0e3831
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Renamed GAMEMODE_ParsemodeInfoLump to GAMEMODE_ParseGameModeBlock. The latter is more clear on what this function actually does.
changeset: 10935:3595708f1b65
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Did some cosmetic cleanup of functions that parse the GAMEMODE lump.
changeset: 10936:1237a32e2fb3
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Prevent clients from resetting a game mode's gameplay settings by themselves. The server will update them accordingly.
changeset: 10937:00eff1aee1b6
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Allow clients that are gaining RCON access to change CVars that are supposed to be locked in the current game mode.
changeset: 10938:0a9e697adf83
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed compile errors when CREATE_PACKET_LOG is defined.
changeset: 10939:420ac83eb02f
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
sv_hostname is now limited to a maximum length of 160 characters to avoid incredibly long server names.
changeset: 10940:f885ca50ff29
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Moved the sv_maxlives definition from survival.cpp into gamemode.cpp, survival isn't the only game mode that uses this CVar.
changeset: 10941:a9ffaa9d8e53
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Made a minor cosmetic change with the lobby CVar definition.
changeset: 10942:ef07e2140416
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Moved the lobby CVar definition from deathmatch.cpp into gamemode.cpp, deathmatch-based game modes aren't the only ones that use this CVar.
changeset: 10943:bb1317a6f4ac
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Made a minor change in how the value of sv_maxlives gets clamped.
changeset: 10944:9396eb2fe15d
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Game limit CVars (e.g. fraglimit or timelimit) can now be configured in the GAMEMODE lump.
changeset: 10945:6cbfdc124b05
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Added "offlineonly" and "onlineonly" options to the game settings feature of the GAMEMODE lump. This allows some CVars to only be configured for offline or online games, or both.
changeset: 10946:be78ea845879
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed: Every client's ping would be stuck at zero on a Linux server that was running for more than 24 consecutive days.
changeset: 10947:54a0756c4292
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Removed two unused variables.
changeset: 10948:83b6cd3bc9e6
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Cleaned up minor code duplication.
changeset: 10949:32f2394fc70d
user: Torr Samaho
fixed inconsistent line endings
changeset: 10950:4e2b0310c6f3
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Added two bit mask constants of GAMEMODE flags: one for all game types (i.e. cooperative, deathmatch, teamgame), and another for all earn types (i.e. kills, frags, points, wins).
changeset: 10951:8eb5114f1b85
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed two erroneous lines in V_CleanPlayerName.
changeset: 10952:2c280cd262f3
user: Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
Fixed: a string containing "\c[X]]" at the end would still treat it as a trailing color code and remove it.
Happy testing everyone!