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Where's The DM Servers?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:33 am
Where are the Deathmatch servers? The absence of them is getting idiotic.
Doom was the game that began and coined the term "Deathmatch." So why I am I seeing nothing but Megaman DM (That doesn't count for me. I'm talking about Doom deathmatch, not this total conversion stuff.) or survival servers?

The Ironic Facts
[/size]Now, I have to ask, why is it where ZDaemon - a source port which happens to be over 15 years old - has a more evenly spread amount of players? The density of certain servers is Nuts. Notice the capital. Then other servers are ghost towns! On ZDaemon, sure you may have 20 players as a whole. But still, you see a good 8 players on a survival server, 5 to 10 players on a FFA server, and maybe if there's a CTF server up you'll see a dense packing of all players for some good 'ol Capture the Flag. You'll never see such even spreading on Zandronum.

We can fix this!
I'm unsure if I'm alone here; we can organize a deathmatch server on Zandronum together! Just reply if you want to play some deathmatch. We can organize a game and play.

Re: Where's The DM Servers?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:04 am
by Afrit

Re: Where's The DM Servers?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 5:37 pm
by Matiu
Well it's probably due of the new update factors that people specially me are complaining about the shots registering not well, lag, problems and such.

Re: Where's The DM Servers?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 10:48 pm
Clearly you were not around for Friday Night Fragfest, where around 32 players showed up for a Deathmatch.

Also, DBAB/Aeon/Neon DM.

Re: Where's The DM Servers?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 2:05 am
by Marcaek
There are DM servers online. If you want people to play them: take the first step and join so people will come.

Re: Where's The DM Servers?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:41 am
by Catastrophe
Yup, no one wants to take the initiative to start up a DM server. Same goes for public CTF.

Re: Where's The DM Servers?

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 5:17 pm
by guydudeperson
If you try to take the initiative to start up a deathmatch you're gonna sit in the server with you're thumb up your ass waiting for no one to join. I try it all the time. I get so salty about it cuz coop survival and invasion are not fun to me. I'd rather play solo if I'm doing a playthrough.

Re: Where's The DM Servers?

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:26 pm
by Tiger

By chance did you check this out? This event starts today, so try to attend it if you can!