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All Out War 2.1 server settings

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:22 pm
by ☕
a new AOW server was launched on Grandvoid UK a few days ago :

However the server seemed to be not set properly, a lot of money related "bugs" appeared at first but were resolved on IRC by %OJAfterLife and Doomer9000.
There are still some problems that I know of after the intervention, let me list them first :
  • You can't heal teammates infantry (medigun, repairgun) and mech (repairgun), I don't have any solution for this, and this is still bugged.
  • You can't target teammates with repairgun's alt fire (maybe linked to the above), I don't have any solution for this, and this is still bugged.
  • There's an incorrect Plasma cannon limit on field (it seems to be 0), applying the fix below should work
  • Same for Juggernauts limit on field (it seems to be 0), applying the fix below should work
Here are the variables as they are set on Grandvoid TX, with their respective values, their type, and what they do :
(I will annotate each of them as best as I can in a moment)

Code: Select all

aow_disablemechs	0	boolean	
aow_nodisconnectdonate	0	boolean	
aow_nomechs	0	boolean	
aow_noradar	0	boolean	
aow_nospawninvul	0	boolean	
aow_noteamswitcher	0	boolean	
aow_surrendermode	0	boolean	
aow_tournamentmode	0	boolean	
aow_bonusamount	300	credits	Bonus amount everyone will get every “aow_bonustime” minutes
aow_credflow	4	credits	The constant credit flow you get with an active refinery
aow_creditcap	30000	credits	The maximum amount of credits one can get
aow_creditfrag	50	credits	The amount of credits you get from fragging an enemy unit
aow_startcredits	300	credits	The amount of credits you start the game with
aow_tiberium_advperc	300	credits	
aow_tiberium_enhanced	375	credits	The amount of credits you get from ADVANCED REFINING, for yourself
aow_tiberium_other	75	credits	
aow_tiberium_self	225	credits	The amount of credits you get from STANDARD REFINING, for yourself
aow_juggernautlimit	2	purchase	Max jugs you can have on field
aow_maxcannonsperteam	4	purchase	Max plasma cannon you can have on field
aow_maxtimecopsperteam	1	purchase	Max timecop you can have on field
aow_bonustime	5	Time : minutes	
aow_c4delay	5	Time : minutes	
aow_nukepurchasedelay	5	Time : minutes	
aow_suddendeathtime	45	Time : minutes	
aow_nukecountdown	60	Time : seconds	
aow_degeneration	0		
aow_degenerationinterval	10		
aow_donatewait	0		
aow_medicbonusneed	175		
aow_nukesurpreme	0		
aow_plasmacooldown	3		
aow_plasmapurchasedelay	5		
aow_repairbonus	1		
aow_teamstaytime	2		
aow_ticketpool	0		
Here is the fix to set em up on IRC for port 17030 :

Code: Select all

.17030 aow_disablemechs 0
.17030 aow_nodisconnectdonate 0
.17030 aow_nomechs 0
.17030 aow_noradar 0
.17030 aow_nospawninvul 0
.17030 aow_noteamswitcher 0
.17030 aow_surrendermode 0
.17030 aow_tournamentmode 0
.17030 aow_bonusamount 300
.17030 aow_credflow 4
.17030 aow_creditcap 30000
.17030 aow_creditfrag 50
.17030 aow_startcredits 300
.17030 aow_tiberium_advperc 300
.17030 aow_tiberium_enhanced 375
.17030 aow_tiberium_other 75
.17030 aow_tiberium_self 225
.17030 aow_juggernautlimit 2
.17030 aow_maxcannonsperteam 4
.17030 aow_maxtimecopsperteam 1
.17030 aow_bonustime 5
.17030 aow_c4delay 5
.17030 aow_nukepurchasedelay 5
.17030 aow_suddendeathtime 45
.17030 aow_nukecountdown 60
.17030 aow_degeneration 0
.17030 aow_degenerationinterval 10
.17030 aow_donatewait 0
.17030 aow_medicbonusneed 175
.17030 aow_nukesurpreme 0
.17030 aow_plasmacooldown 3
.17030 aow_plasmapurchasedelay 5
.17030 aow_repairbonus 1
.17030 aow_teamstaytime 2
.17030 aow_ticketpool 0
Edit : On another note, the following AOW v2.1 settings from TGMiner on TSPG seems to work fine there :
(Kokiri used for GV UK however, and it still didn't seem to solve the RepairGun/HealGun issue)

Code: Select all

// all out war 2.1 config by TGminer.
// v1d. -- fixed some typos in the motd

timelimit 0
pointlimit 0
sv_maxlives 0 
alwaysapplydmflags 1 
skill 1 
teamgame 1 

// mapping
map AOW01 
addmap AOW01 
addmap AOW02 
addmap AOW03 
addmap AOW04 
addmap AOW05 
addmap AOW06 
addmap AOW07 
addmap AOW08 
addmap AOW10 
addmap AOW11 
addmap AOW12 
addmap AOW13 
addmap AOW14 
addmap AOW15 
addmap AOW16 
addmap AOW17 
addmap AOW18 
addmap AOW19 
addmap AOW20 
addmap AOW21 
addmap AOW22 
addmap AOW23 
addmap AOW24 
addmap AOW25 
addmap AOW26 
addmap AOW27 
addmap AOW28 
addmap AOW29 
addmap AOW30 
addmap AOW31 
addmap AOW32 
addmap AOW33 
addmap AOW34 
addmap AOW35 
addmap AOW36 
addmap AOW37 
sv_maprotation 1 
sv_randommaprotation 1

// other important stuff
sv_maxclients 64 
sv_maxplayers 64
dmflags 1611416580
dmflags2 10486594
zadmflags 16386
compatflags 0 
zacompatflags 2
lmsallowedweapons 0 
lmsspectatorsettings 3 
sv_afk2spec 0 
sv_coop_damagefactor 1 
sv_defaultdmflags 0

// voting
sv_limitnumvotes 0 
sv_minvoters 1 
sv_nocallvote 0 
sv_nochangemapvote 0 
sv_noduellimitvote 1 
sv_nofraglimitvote 1 
sv_nokickvote 0 
sv_nomapvote 0 
sv_nopointlimitvote 1
sv_notimelimitvote 1 
sv_nowinlimitvote 1 
sv_noforcespecvote 0

databasefile x930629555.db 
sv_maxpacketsize 4096
sv_motd "\cjWelcome to TG's \ciAll out War 2.1\cj server hosted on \ckPainkiller,\nlocated in \cnMontreal, Canada\n\n\cjCurrent admins:\n\cnDefault TSPG Admins\n\cnTGminer\n\n\n\ciPlease refrain from abusing game-breaking glitches/bugs.\n\n\cdMusic from \ckidl201x_b.pk3\cd has been added for your fragging pleasure.\n\cdPlease visit \\cd to view the list of songs."

Thank you :smile:

Re: All Out War 2.1 server settings

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:20 pm
by jdagenet
There seems to be a bigger issue here than just incorrectly-set CVAR's. There is absolutely no reason as to why the Repair Guns are not working and it makes me think that it starts at the initial command line. Maybe whoever setup the server passed their own settings thinking it would "fix" things? Not sure, but it almost seems as if certain parts of the DECORATE code are being ignored and/or otherwise changed because it was soon found out that rockets aren't homing like they should in the NJ2 server either.

Re: All Out War 2.1 server settings

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:52 pm
by ☕

Re: All Out War 2.1 server settings

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:47 pm
by Razgriz
It's ok we got TX and NJ/2 servers no need for a UK server where you have to paypal the admins to get them to come around.

Re: All Out War 2.1 server settings

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:24 am
by AlexMax
I'm not really sure how those sorts of things get messed up. I just set up NJ2 a few days ago, and all I did was copy the visible settings from TX (dmflags, etc.) and use my usual reset/global cfg that i use on every server, along with a self-compiled 2.1.2 + some exploit patch + joinvote cooldown patch that I also use on every server.

Grandvoid runs (ran?) a heavily modified Zandronum called kpatch, but I can't imagine that Konar would add anything to it that would actually screw with gameplay - I think they're all just quality of life fixes.

Re: All Out War 2.1 server settings

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:18 am
by Slyfox
And even though both servers have the same exact settings, UK acts up the worse, TX grandvoid acts the least broken, and NJ has very few noticeable bugs [rocket launcher not homing on anything at all]. Thats kind of weird unless theres something in the aow_ settings I'm missing

Re: All Out War 2.1 server settings

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:16 am
by ☕
Are we even sure all the variables have been applied ?
Because when I saw the problem adressed on IRC, it sure didn't like it was. Only some of them were.

Re: All Out War 2.1 server settings

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:34 am
by Fused
Razgriz wrote:It's ok we got TX and NJ/2 servers no need for a UK server where you have to paypal the admins to get them to come around.
What? Not sure where this weird idea comes from considering there's always someone active. You simply need to highlight someone in order to receive help.

I dunno, all I can think of is Kpatch messing it up still. I never took a good look at it but I know it contains a lot of QOL fixes, from which one might actually cause this. I'll see if I can ask Konar6 sometime.

Re: All Out War 2.1 server settings

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:30 pm
by ☕
Added a configuration file that TGMiner provided on TSPG.