MantisBT - Zandronum
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0002852Zandronum[All Projects] Bugpublic2016-10-03 15:142024-03-01 20:38
0002852: The experimental A_Jump(256, ...) handling causes problem in weapon
The problem happens in the special build from ticket' [^]' -- The weapon seems to work fine at first but as far as I can tell, after a countdown (like in Survival) the weapon messes up. This is quite possibly due to the random jumps in the weapon's ready state, which freezes it I think.
- Create a local Survival server.
- Give "Excalibat".
- Play around with it until it gets stuck. Don't fire for a while and it should stop bobbing, that's your signal that it messed up.
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child of 0002840assigned Torr Samaho A_Jump(256, ...) misprediction 
? ajumptest2.pk3 (662,876) 2016-10-03 15:14
Issue History
2016-10-03 15:14IvanNew Issue
2016-10-03 15:14IvanFile Added: ajumptest2.pk3
2016-12-24 22:42DuskTarget Version => 3.0
2017-01-01 21:29DuskProduct Version3.0-beta =>
2017-01-01 21:29DuskTarget Version3.0 =>
2017-01-01 21:31DuskNote Added: 0016590
2017-01-01 21:31DuskAssigned To => Edward-san
2017-01-01 21:31DuskStatusnew => assigned
2017-01-04 21:21DuskAssigned ToEdward-san =>
2017-01-04 21:21DuskStatusassigned => new
2024-03-01 20:38Ru5tK1ngRelationship addedchild of 0002840
2024-03-01 20:38Ru5tK1ngNote Added: 0023198

2017-01-01 21:31   
Product version dropped since this is not a bug report of an official 3.0 build.
2024-03-01 20:38   
Just for the record, the A_Jump changes were never merged into the main branch.